Mark Levin: Senate Should Launch ‘‘ And Dismiss Impeachment Charges

Appearing on Thursday night’s edition of “” on Fox , Levin broke down Rep. ‘s prior knowledge about the complaint, contending that he likely revealed it only to House Speaker .

“How do I know that?” he asked rhetorically. “Because she goes to the podium like Eva Perrone and she declares — now we’re gonna have an official impeachment inquiry without the transcript. How did she know? Because Schiff tipped her off about what what was in this complaint.”

After continuing to criticize the complaint, Levin turned his attention to the Senate, which he contended was not Constitutionally bound to take up an impeachment trial. (RELATED: CNN’s Cuomo Eats Crow After Slamming Analyst Who Suggested Schiff Had Whistleblower Complaint In Advance)

Citing a “ the Constitution and protect this country and protect the office of the presidency,” Levin said Senate Majority Leader should “launch a .”

What am I talking about? Mitch McConnell was on TV saying, ’67 votes to change the rules.’ They changed the rules when it came to the courts and they can change the rules here. Simple majority with a nuclear option allows the Senate to dismiss those charges … as soon as they come to the Senate.

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Thursday, April 6 – Hour 2 Podcast

Reports: Pence Working Overtime to Revive GOP Healthcare Bill – Guy Benson

Vice President has been spearheading an intensive behind-the-scenes effort to woo recalcitrant House members and bring them into the fray with policy compromises:

House Freedom Caucus Shows Support For New Obamacare Repeal | The Daily Caller

HFC Chairman, Congressman Mark Meadows, proved to be a formidable roadblock for President Donald Trump and Republican leadership during the first effort. The North Carolina congressman was able to whip conservatives into standing against the AHCA, which, in addition to unanimous Democratic opposition, proved enough to kill it.

Club for Growth: We’re Ready to Support Pence’s Health Care Revisions – Cortney O’Brien

lub for Growth President David McIntosh said his conservative group is ready to support Vice President Mike Pence’s proposed revisions to the American Health Care Act. Pence met with the House Freedom Caucus Monday night, offering the skeptical conservatives a compromise in which states can one-by-one ask for waivers from the law’s costly regulations.

Taser Is Giving Body Cameras to Any Cops Who Want Them – Bloomberg

International Inc. has become by far the leading U.S. supplier of police body cameras, which departments have rushed to adopt in the years since the shootings in Ferguson, Mo., and elsewhere led to public demands for greater accountability. Interest in the cameras, and the management of their footage, has pushed the world’s best-known maker of stun guns toward cloud computing and digital devices, sold under the Axon brand. Now that business is becoming the face of the $1.2 billion company.

PolitiFact: ‘Mostly True’ All Chemical Weapons Out Of Syria | The Daily Caller

In 2014, Pulitzer Prize-winning PolitiFact ruled John Kerry’s claim to have gotten “100 percent” of out of , “Mostly true.”

Critical Mass: Gorsuch Nom. Forces Historic Change to Senate Rules

Senate Republicans used the “constitutional option” to change longstanding cloture rules around 12:30pm Thursday, clearing the way for Judge to receive a vote of the full Senate on his confirmation to the Supreme Court.

Former Officials: Actually, Susan Rice’s Alleged Unmasking Requests Were Not Business As Usual – Guy Benson

“It is hard to fathom how the demasking of multiple Trump campaign and transition officials was not politically motivated.”

Wednesday, April 5 – Hour 1 Podcast

Senate OKs gas tax hike for roads | Indiana | The Journal Gazette

The Senate chose not to shift all revenue collected from the state sales tax on gasoline to roads – a major plank of the House plan.

Koscisuko County Sheriff Aaron Rovenstine pleads guilty to intimidation charge – 95.3 MNC

Kosicusko County Sheriff Aaron Rovenstine pleaded guilty to an intimidation charge as his trial on bribery and other counts was about to begin.

Fake News: Judge Neil Gorsuch Didn’t Plagiarize Anything – The Burning Truth

As all of my listeners and reader should know by now … if Democrats oppose you, expect the old playbook to come out. You will be accused of being a racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist, tax cheat, and/or be accused of cheating on your spouse or plagiarism. Literally, every election statewide or national.

Experts: No, Neil Gorsuch Didn’t Commit Plagiarism | The Daily Caller

A college professor who accused of committing plagiarism admitted in her previous work that what he did isn’t plagiarism.

Harry Reid in 2013 on Republicans nuking the SCOTUS filibuster: “Let ’em do it” « Hot Air

They knew the consequences when they went nuclear. Now they’re headed down into the bomb shelter.

FLASHBACK: Media Loved Dems’ Nuclear Option in ‘13

In 2013, when then-Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid did basically the same thing, he was cheered on in the studios of MSNBC and .

Montage: Democrats And Media LOVED In 2013 – Podcast

Harry Reid in 2013 on Republicans nuking the SCOTUS filibuster: “Let ’em do it” « Hot Air

They knew the consequences when they went nuclear. Now they’re headed down into the bomb shelter.

FLASHBACK: Media Loved Dems’ Nuclear Option in ‘13

In 2013, when then-Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid did basically the same thing, he was cheered on in the studios of MSNBC and .