Lefty Site Pushes Bizarre Claim Didn’t Die From Concentration Camp

Liberal viral outlet pushed the bizarre claim that Holocaust victim did not “die [from] a concentration camp.”

In a Tuesday tweet, NowThis posted video of members of the far-left criticizing President Donald ‘s executive order combating anti-Semitism and comparing Trump’s handling of the border crisis to . “We’re seeing people die at the border from lack of medical care,” said Becca Lewis, a senior at George Washington University. “That’s how Anne Frank died. She didn’t die in a concentration camp, she died of .”

Lefty News Site Pushes Bizarre Claim Anne Frank Didn't Die From Concentration Camp


As phrased, Lewis’s claim that Frank didn’t die “in” a concentration camp is simply false; witnesses say the famous diarist and her sister Margot died of typhus in the Bergen-Belsen death camp. The subtitles provided by NowThis changed Lewis’s claim to say that Frank did not die “[from] a concentration camp.”


But the altered claim is also rejected by Holocaust historians, who draw no distinction between the victims actively murdered by gas chambers or firing squad and those who died from disease. The Holocaust Memorial Museum notes that typhus victims died of “deliberate neglect” as part of “the German policy to cause the deaths of large numbers of through over-crowded, squalid living conditions and a lack of reasonable medical care.”


Click here to view original web page at freebeacon.com

‘You suck at journalism’: rushes to defend , says brought it up

Liberal site NowThis , which just a day ago posted a video of Omar opining on the definition of true patriotism, blasted the president for bringing it up.

If NowThis would read their own captions, they’d see saying, “You’re asking me a question about it,” and “I know nothing about it.”



is literally propaganda.


Technically, the is just now getting around to reporting on this after all but ignoring it for 3 years. They also aren’t giving any credit to journalists who’ve been covering it this whole time.

Click here to view original web page at twitchy.com


The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters