Daily Show Prep: Wed, Dec. 14

Daily : Wed, Dec. 14


Where was her Squad? AOC climate change documentary FLOPS – and brings in just $80 per theater during its opening weekend

People who skipped their COVID vaccine are at higher risk of traffic accidents, according to a new study

Hippo swallows 2-year-old whole, then spits him out alive

School Board President Resigns After Inviting Teens to an ‘Adult Party’ That Featured a ‘Dirty Santa’

Disgraced ex-Superintendent Scott Ziegler Indicted by Grand Jury for Loudoun County Trans Rape Cover-Up

Trump sues Pulitzer board for defamation in defending winning Russia collusion stories

Hour 2

WordPress discussed deplatforming Hunter

WaPo criticized Argentina’s soccer team for not obsessing over skin color and got absolutely blasted for it

Hour 3

Scientists ran an experiment to show how many invisible water droplets fly out of the toilet when you flush. I am so sorry to have to show you this.

Hey, Democrats: Give All the FTX-Scandal Money Back

Matt Palumbo’s ‘Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers’: How We Know Politifact Is Biased

Daily : Thursday, Oct. 15



Twitter Locks Trump Campaign Account Over Hunter Biden Post

Ted Cruz: Twitter Censorship of Damaging Hunter Biden New York Post Story ‘Obvious’ Attempt to Influence Election

Hawley Calls for FEC Investigation into Twitter, Facebook Censorship


Twitter locks press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s account

‘Unacceptable,’ Twitter CEO Says of Platform’s Handling of Blocked Hunter Biden Article



C-SPAN Suspends Political Editor Steve Scully After He Lied About Twitter Hack

Facebook exec, and huge liberal, admits Facebook is not showing people Hunter Biden news

Hour 2


JUST IN: Crew Member Who Traveled with Joe Biden on His Campaign Charter Plane This Week Tests Positive For Covid-19

Casey Proven Right Again – Exclusive: China Had COVID-Like Patients Months Before Official Timeline

Hour 3

Hunter Biden demanded Chinese billionaire pay $10 million for ‘introductions alone,’ emails show

Senators To Subpoena Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey For ‘Actively Interfering’ In Election



New York Times Reporter Reveals That Had Spy ‘s Office, and Knew That She Had Declared She Would Not Permit Clinton Email to Go Very Far

Quoting from the .

Lynch had made major career advances the 1990s under President Bill Clinton — and her boss, President , plainly supported Hillary’s candidacy. Plus, Obama was also implicated in the scandal, since he’d exchanged multiple emails with Clinton at her non-government address — a fact they were all keeping from the public.

Stewart reports that Comey’s “highly placed ” indicated that Lynch wouldn’t let the FBI investigation add to Clinton’s woes. An email reportedly from the of the Democratic National Committee assured a civilian that “Lynch wouldn’t let the Clinton investigation get very far, suggesting that Lynch would protect Clinton,” Stewart writes.

Can we load every single person vouched for the incorruptibility of and the senior FBI into a trebuchet and catapult them into the sea? Why are these people still permitted to comment? To even exist in public life?

And let’s not dwell too long on the fact that the person overseeing this sham investigation — and that was, in fact, ; she never actually recused herself — dictated from the outset that the investigation would not be allowed to find any incriminating evidence Hillary.

Source: New York Times Reporter Reveals That James Comey Had a Spy In Loretta Lynch’s Office, and Knew That She Had Declared She Would Not Permit the Clinton Email Scandal to Go Very Far


Tuesday, August 22 – 3 Podcast


Clarke Office Okayed $120k Linked To Awan | The Daily Caller

A chief of staff for Democratic Rep. Yvette Clarke quietly agreed early 2016 to sign away a $120,000 missing electronics problem on behalf of two former aides now suspected of stealing equipment from Congress, Caller Foundation has learned.

2 Former Wasserman Schultz IT Aides Indicted for Conspiracy Against US

A federal grand Thursday two former information technology aides of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla.—Pakistani-born and his wife Hina Alv—on four counts of conspiracy in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

IT staffers may have compromised sensitive data to foreign intelligence | New York Post

Federal authorities are investigating whether sensitive data was stolen from congressional offices by several Pakistani-American tech staffers and sold to Pakistani or Russian intelligence, knowledgeable sources say.

FINALLY! The Post is saying what I’ve been saying since February.

American Bar Association Asks States to Adopt Firearm Confiscation Laws – Breitbart

The NRA-ILA writes: Over the years, the American Bar Association has defended the rights of some very unpopular groups, including, enemy combatants, terror suspects, and convicts on death row. The organization also advocates that stringent due process standards be applied to the disposition of positive rights, such as “universal access to healthcare,” and welfare benefits. Such advocacy might give some the false impression that the ABA holds a principled position on due process rights in general. When it comes to the due process rights of gun owners, however, the ABA has abandoned any pretense of principle and adopted the prevailing left-wing orthodoxy.

Netflix Co-Founder’s Crazy Plan: Pay $10 a Month, Go to the Movies All You Want

As movie theaters struggle with tepid sales, Mitch Lowe has an extreme proposal for how to get more into seats: Let them come to all the showings they want for about the price of a single ticket each month.