Common Veterans Podcast Episode 9: Valhalla

Common Episode : Valhalla

Common Podcast

Episode 9: Valhalla

The belief that dying battle brings soldiers to the table of Odin. The Common Veterans take on the sensitive topic of suicide and PTSD.

** WARNING ** This episode discusses a very sensitive subject with Common Veterans. This episode discusses suicide, religion, the different beliefs of certain religions, and triggers that could be hard to handle.

I. Introductions

a. Which of us has experienced someone that has suicided or attempted suicide

i. Fred

ii. Jeff

iii. Tony

iv. Kenny

II. Let's talk life.

a. Being a Veteran means that one has signed a blank check to the government for them to cash, up to life itself

i. Being killed in combat is not suicide

ii. Suicide is illegal in the military

1. Suicide is illegal in most of the United States and goes against the of the United States – “Pursuit of happiness…”

b. Cannot separate body and soul

i. Separating the soul from the body is death

1. Souls go where the body has been commended to

a. Heaven

b. Hell

c. Purgatory (?)

c. Religions do not condone suicide

i. Christianity

1. Martyrism – certain death, but saving lives

ii. Muslim

1. Suicide to certain sects gets them Virgins

iii. Judaism

1. Assisted suicide from a to maintain

iv. Shinto

1. Only as an act of selflessness

III. Valhalla

a. Valhalla, Old Norse Valhöll, in Norse mythology, is the hall of slain warriors who live there blissfully under the leadership of the god Odin (Encyclopedia Brittanica)

i. Modern Interpretations are that this is the “Warrior’s Heaven”

1. Dying in combat sends you to Valhalla

a. This was the old Norse thought

b. Valhalla today is not always “combat related”

IV. Modern Day Valhalla

a. The interpretation often for modern-day Valhalla is that Valhalla is for anyone who sees combat and dies regardless of their death.

i. This often includes suicide with the response of “Til Valhalla!”

1. This frequently glorifies suicide and states that you’ll be in a Heaven type environment once your soul is separated from your body

2. As we discussed earlier there is no religion that condones suicide

b. Many people discuss that for it to be suicide you have to be in the right headspace and timing

i. Anyone that creates suicide are not in the right headspace

1. Mental health illness is very real and usually puts people in the wrong frame of

2. Being depressed does not make you suicidal

V. Suicide is Selfish

a. Suicide is a selfish act and it doesn’t only take away from the suicided, but the family and love ones of the suicided

i. Makes things difficult for people who loved the suicided

1. Trauma for whomever finds and/or cleans up the mess made

2. Loved ones wonder why

a. Even with a suicide note on why there is often something left and the reason is never really ever uncovered

b. No suicide note = never having closure

i. Speculation only

ii. Renders any act of selflessness useless

1. Committing suicide is selfish and any aid that was given to others makes it useless

VI. Closing up

a. Review what has been discussed

i. Life

ii. Separation of Body and Soul

iii. Religions


v. Selfishness

b. Where to get help

i. National Suicide Hotline

1. 988

2. 1-800-273-TALK(8255)

ii. Veteran Suicide Hotline

1. 988 Option 1

iii. VetCenter


v. 22 Until None

vi. Other Veteran Organizations

VII. Next Episode: Episode 10 Friends in Low Places

a. VFW, DAV, American Legion, Corps League, and other fraternal organizations are out there for Veterans. This breakdown of the organizations talks to members and the benefit of the camaraderie that these programs provide. The Common Veterans represent’s martial arts and mountain bike association.

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Podcast – The Media Is Pretending Child Trafficking Is A Myth – Monday, July 10

Podcast – Is Pretending Trafficking Is , July 10

Hour 1

Indigenous tribe requests Ben & Jerry’s return ‘stolen land’ that company’s headquarters is built on

Bud Light no longer ranks among America’s top 10 beers

Biden deems idea of Ukraine NATO membership as ‘premature’

NBC’s Todd: GOP Ugly for Pointing Biden Ignores 7th Grandkid


Hour 2

CNN: Movie On Is ‘Moral Panic’ Meant To Appease

Increased Reports of Human Trafficking from Child Welfare Systems Indicate Progress and Point to Prevention

Child Trafficking Statistics

Child trafficking in the U.S.

Why Did It Take 5 Years To Release Sound Of Freedom?

inspired ‘Sound of Freedom’ hits back at CNN , reporters over ‘grotesque’ criticism

Largest Teachers’ Union in U.S. Blasted for Promoting ‘Pornographic’ Kids’ : ‘Dissolve the Unions’


Hour 3

Convicted Child Molester Larry Nassar Stabbed In Prison: Report

Unfortunately, Nassar is in stable condition.

Can you tell which of these two has XY chromosomes? Guess who was just crowned Miss Universe Netherlands?

See for privacy information.

Redefining Heroes & Villains

Redefining Heroes & Villains

Originally Published On November 17, 2009

On 9/11 this year I was filling in for Alan Stock on KXNT’s Morning Source. I usually tell the story of someone was victim of the terrorist attacks, but the morning drive format doesn’t permit me such a segment. This year I would have to come up with something new to convey the importance of those events on our society. As always, I was hoping for a teachable moment. But what to say?

I did the first couple of hours of the program with normal morning drive and waited for most of my audience to be awake before I addressed the day’s anniversary. I had several ideas about what I was going to say in my head, but none of them seemed to satisfy me. Sometimes in radio, you do your best work when you haven’t prepared at all, and your worst when you have.

For most of my relevant life, I’ve lived by a few different credos. The most important of which is …

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good do nothing.

Edmund Burke

‘s served me well over the years, and I knew it wouldn’t fail me now.

As I discussed the events of that day, and how evil succeeded, I had an epiphany. Evil did succeed that day … because good men did nothing. Not because bad men allowed it to happen, or because we were caught off guard. It happened because good men did nothing.

Society teaches us that there is good and bad people, that’s it. A zealous few try to preach that a grey middle ground exists. It doesn’t. Society has been too narrow in its teachings of and wrong, good and bad. Furthermore, they’ve been too generous with bestowing the title of hero. So what is a hero? What is a villain for that matter?

Time to open my trusty dictionary. I know my president says I shouldn’t, but I just can’t help myself. Before I found the definitions I was looking for I pondered, how could the dictionary possibly define such abstract concepts as hero and villain? You see, heroes and villains are not the same as good and bad. They are their entities. Good people are rarely heroes, and bad people don’t always rise to the level of villain. I just can’t bring myself to call a petty thief a villain, I’m sorry. Heel maybe, but not villain. When I was in the Army I was called both, frequently. I was no villain, and could easily dismiss such nonsense. When I was called a hero I became very uncomfortable. I believed I was a good person doing an important job, but I’d done nothing that warranted my being called a hero. I didn’t deserve such praise.

Society says I’m a hero for just that reason, that I don’t see myself as such or seek praise. In fact, society has many definitions of what a hero is. It’s not that society has perverted yet another word’s definition as it so frequently does. It’s that hero really is too abstract to properly define for all circumstances. So is its counterpart.

So what is a hero, and what is a villain? Some say a hero is someone who does a dangerous job to help others. Most hero-heaping is bestowed upon the military, police, and firefighters. Can you really be called a hero on your in a dangerous field, and accepting risk? Can it really be that easy? I suppose this could be one of those ‘I’ll know it when I see it’ moments, but doesn’t the word hero deserve more than that?

All arbitrary definitions society may have don’t mean a thing. Only the wisdom contained in my dictionary matters.


1 a : a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability b : an illustrious warrior c : a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities d : one that shows great courage

2 a : the principal male character in a literary or dramatic work b : the central figure in an , period, or movement

3 plural usually heros : submarine 2

4 : an object of extreme admiration and devotion

Wow … how very vague of you Webster’s.

Really, the two definitions that apply are “one that shows great courage” and “an object of extreme admiration and devotion.”

Do they seem a bit watered down to you too? Great courage is no doubt a trait of the hero, but a person can show courage without it rising to the level of heroism. I do that when I do any electrical work in the house, and I’m afraid I didn’t cut the right breaker. Extreme admiration and devotion seem to fit society’s behavior towards a hero perfectly. Can that mean anyone they admire, or are devoted to is now a hero? Seems weak to me.

The dictionary is just as vague for villain.


1 : an uncouth person : boor

2 : a deliberate scoundrel or criminal

3 : a character in a story or play who opposes the hero

4 : one blamed for a particular evil or difficulty

Come on! Work with me here!

Common criminals are not worthy of the title villain, uncouth means strange and clumsy, and what is a “particular evil?” The only thing that fits is that they are the ones who oppose the hero. So to be able to properly define villain, I must properly define hero. A task so tough Webster’s Dictionary can’t do it with any conviction.

Therefore, I submit to you that a hero is defined as a good person who acts. A good person who does something. Most often to prevent the success of evil. That is a hero! A good person who acts, most often to prevent the success of evil.

As I discussed 9/11 that morning this concept of what a hero is was so clear. Only people who spring into action on behalf of good with little regard for themselves are called heroes. That became my message that morning. I asked my audience if they were merely ‘good’ or if they were ‘heroes.’ Were they going to be good people who did something, or were they going to allow evil to succeed?

Speaking of evil. What about defining a villain? That’s the beauty of defining a hero. We now have the definition of the villain as well. A villain is someone who acts, in opposition to the hero, in order to ensure the success of evil.

With that, I leave you with some parting questions. Are you good or bad? Are you a hero or villain? Will you allow evil to succeed, or will you be that good person who does something?

Trump And Facts On Deaths

Hour 3
This Chinese propaganda starts at the university level.
Cincinnati professor on leave after calling COVID-19 the ‘Chinese virus’
Guess what school has direct ties to the Chinese government?
UC plans to open campus in China
It’s all over social media.
China used internet troll ‘army’ to shape coronavirus narrative: report
Trump Says US COVID-19 Deaths ‘Far Exaggerated,’ Blames CDC for Bad Statistics
Fauci on Trump Claim Coronavirus Casualty Count Is Exaggerated: ‘Deaths Are Real Deaths,’ ‘That’s Not Fake’
Friendly reminder, Fauci just admitted to lying to all of you in order to manipulate you into doing what he wanted you to do.
Can you ever trust a health official who, not only has been wrong the entire pandemic, but admitted to lying to you about it?
Remember when Brian Tabor, president of the Indiana Hospital Association, staight up lied to you all by saying: “”Hospitals do not receive more money when a death is coded as COVID,” he said, calling the claim a myth.
USA Today did a fact-check on this claim and found that hospitals do, in fact, get more money for COVID deaths. Dr. Redfield at the CDC testified that this does happen while highlighting there’s no evidence proving widespread manipulation of the death total for additional funds.
Bottom line is health officials keep lying to you. The media keeps lying to you. They keep getting caught. You can’t be surprised by outrage.
I’ve already highlighted dozens of stories involving thousands of non-COVID deaths being listed as COVID in the US. 
I’m not saying hospitals are doing this mislabeling on purpose. Paperwork errors happen all the time. However, let’s be honest. The American hospital apparatus has a LONG rich history of inflating bills to maximize profits. This is an uncontroversial claim that is universally know and derided. Suddenly, we are to expect those same people magically become the arbiters of truth and honestly?
FLASHBACK: CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted 130,000 Heart Attacks, Flu and Bacterial Pneumonia As COVID-19 Deaths

CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted 130,000 Heart Attacks, Flu and Bacterial Pneumonia As COVID-19 Deaths

Well, Trump isn’t alone …
2 Minnesota Lawmakers Say State’s COVID-19 Deaths Inaccurate, Call for Nationwide Audit
WATCH: Minnesota Lawmakers Call For Nationwide Audit of COVID-19 Death Totals

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