Flashback: Mike Braun Endorsed Black Lives Matter, Clashed With Tucker Carlson Over Police Shooting

Flashback: Braun , Clashed With Over Shooting

A few years ago, Senator Mike Braun was finding himself hot over his of Black Lives Matter, a extremist organization, while criticizing law enforcement.

He appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show to respond to a segment Carlson had done about him. This was when Tucker Carlson was still on Fox News.

August 23, 2022 – Atlanta Journal-Constitution

More than two years after Rayshard Brooks was fatally shot by Atlanta police, the case against the two officers involved has been dropped.

The special prosecutor announced Tuesday afternoon that he would not pursue charges against the officers. Pete Skandalakis, executive director of the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of , shared the decision during an afternoon news conference.

Rayshard Brooks was drunk, resisted , and took the officer’s Taser and used it against the officer. The use of lethal force by police was justified by any objective observation.

In his current gubernatorial run in Indiana, Braun has received the endorsement of the Indiana State Police Alliance.

The National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) gave Braun a 100% rating. Mike Braun steadily increased his NAPO rating from 2019, where he earned a mere 33%. Braun got a 60% in 2020 but has maintained a 100% rating since then.

Mike Braun’s current gubernatorial campaign has released a public safety plan for .

The plan includes:

Keeping communities safe

Braun said that if a violent crime is committed, an individual assaults a law enforcement officer or distributes drugs like fentanyl and methamphetamine, they will “face the weight of Indiana’s .”

Standing with law enforcement

Braun said he would propose “significant salary increases and advanced training opportunities” for law enforcement, “ensuring that… officers have the resources and backing they need to perform their duties…”

Braun said he would also “champion policies” that enhance the recruitment and retention of officers, as well as improve training and support their well-being.

Interestingly enough, his plan also includes protections of qualified immunity.

Protect qualified immunity

Braun said qualified immunity is a “crucial legal doctrine” which protects officers from personal liability while they perform their duties. Braun said his commitment is to provide officers “with the confidence and legal safeguards they need to make decisions in the best of public safety.”

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Prominent Donors Who’ve Been Accused Of Sex Crimes, Ranked

Men with extreme power and have long been linked with bad behavior. . Anthony Weiner. Mark Foley. Mark Halperin. . Roy Moore. Charlie Rose. Matt Lauer.

With each passing year, a new, weirder sex scandal involving a politician or journalist or rich businessman emerges. Now more than ever, with the #MeToo era fueling the exposure, male donors are being exposed for heinous offenses, the most recent being the arrest of West Hollywood Democratic donor Ed Buck on . Let’s take a closer look at some of the others.

7. Bryan Singer: Perhaps known for Golden Globe winning Bohemian Rhapsody, this 53-year-old Hollywood director has been accused of raping a variety of boys as young as 13 and 17. In June, he paid out $150K for allegations of raping the 17-year-old stemming back to 2003. Singer has nonetheless denied the allegations. Singer is a longtime contributor to Democrats. By 2014, he had contributed more than $87 grand to Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton, and the DNC. In January, The Atlantic ran a piece with the stories of more accusers.

6. Ed Buck: This Democratic mega-donor is the latest in bizarre sex scandals. Buck, 65, has been charged with operating a drug den out of his West Hollywood home. According to news reports, last week, he a man up with and nearly killed him. Two other men have died at his home in the past two years. LA DA Jackie Lacey has called him a “violent, dangerous sexual predator.”

Buck allegedly lured younger men to his home to participate in his “sexual fetishes.” Buck has donated to a host of Dems, including, House Government Affairs Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

5. Jeffrey Epstein: Epstein was a major donor to Democrats, including Bill Clinton. Before his suicide in his jail cell in August, the 66-year-old — who was already a convicted sex offender stemming from abusing a 14-year-old girl — had been charged with sex trafficking. The feds nabbed him for abusing 36 girls. Epstein had ties to many politicians, including Bill Clinton and President Trump, who can be seen in an embarrassing video whispering to Epstein at a party where he danced badly with several shapely women.

Since he’s , a judge concluded the charges against him in August. However, a female accuser who says Epstein abused her “countless times” is going after his estate in a new lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Manhattan.

4. George Alan Rekers: This guy is a piece of work. He’s an anti-gay activist who helped create the conservative Family Research Council. In 2011, he allegedly hired a male escort on Rentboy.com (yeah, there’s truly a website for everything). He was caught with the escort returning from a European rendezvous in which Rekers paid the 20-year-old hire for daily nude body rubs. Miami New Times originally broke the story about Rekers. The Christian right leader has advised a plethora of politicians in Congress, the White House and the Department of Health and Human Services.

Finish the list at dailycaller.com