Top : ‘ of COVID-19 from lab

File this under ‘no kidding.’

I told you this in January. I was called a conspiracy theorist. Now every western intelligence agency agrees with my assessment.

Deputy national security adviser says there is now “a of evidence” that COVID-19 from a government-run in .

Pottinger reportedly doubled down on the claim in a recent Zoom meeting with U.K. officials.

“There is a growing body of evidence that the lab is likely the most credible source of the ,” Pottinger said, according to the .

He claimed that the virus may have escaped through a “leak or an accident,” adding, “even establishment figures in Beijing have openly dismissed the story.”

China has long claimed that the virus emerged in December 2019 in a wet market, which sells freshly slaughtered animals, including exotic ones like turtles, snakes, bats, civits and pangolins.

I’ve also gone over how Chinese officials have dismissed the false ‘bat soup’ narrative in leaked documents. They didn’t dismiss it publicly, mind you.

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