: Client Had ‘Contact with Presidential Candidates’ 


The leaker is tied to Joe Biden.

More impropriety.

The lawyers representing the “” at the center of the inquiry conceded Wednesday they “had come into contact with presidential candidates from both parties.”

Attorneys and Andrew Bakaj, however, insisted in a statement that the whistleblower’s relationship with the politicians was limited to their role as “elected officials,” not as candidates.

Sure they were. Just like and discussed ‘grandkids’ on the tarmac.

Zaid and Bakaj asserted that the whistleblower “has never worked for or advised a political , campaign, or party.” The lawyers, however, left open the possibility that the leaker did advise a current 2020 Democratic presidential candidate before his or her run for office.

Source: ‘Whistleblower’ Lawyer: Client Had ‘Contact with Presidential Candidates’