Washington Post’s List of Has its Own Truth Issues

The has a running tally of President ‘s ‘‘ but a lot of those lies … well … aren’t.

The Washington Post claimed Wednesday that President Trump has surpassed 3,000 documented lies since he took office.

The Post began keeping the list shortly after Trump was sworn in, and reports that his average number of lies per day has increased as time has passed. Trump was averaging 4.9 false claims per day; now he is up to 6.5 claims per day overall and nine per day in the last two months.

Source: Washington Post’s List of Lies Has its Own Truth Issues

Daily : Tuesday, August 23

[contentcards url=”http://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2016/08/22/fbi-looking-foul-play-creation-indiana-vaping-law/89108906/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/18/this-study-is-the-last-thing-anti-e-cig-crusaders-want-to-see/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://freedomdaily.com/congress-just-released-video-hillary-committing-crimes-shes-done/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://nypost.com/2016/08/21/american-journalism-is-collapsing-before-our-eyes/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://observer.com/2016/08/daily-callers-tucker-carlson-todays-journalists-cowards-trite-and-stupid/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/the-core-principles-some-myths-of-conservatism-3/” target=”_blank”]


Surprise! In

I rightfully, and masterfully, ridiculed and her new ‘ a while ago on the show. She appeared on ‘The Late Show with Steven Colbert’ to peddle her new fiction movie called ‘.’ From the clips she showed it was clear this movie was going to be an exercise in , and leading questions.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]It was clear this movie was going to be an exercise in selective editing. http://snip.ly/b3yod @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

I also mocked her for stating that ‘the NRA only represents 5% of gun owners.’ No Katie, the represents 100% of gun owners. Only 5% are paying members.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]No Katie Couric, the NRA represents 100% of gun owners. Only 5% are paying members. http://snip.ly/b3yod Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

Plus, we already know her claim that 90% want checks is a . When you ask the question in a specific way about private transfers, 53% of Americans disagree with having background checks of this nature.

Here we are a few weeks later, and we have already acquired the proof that ‘s ‘‘ is about as accurate as the NY Times’ discredited hit piece on Trump.


Of course, anyone who watches that scene absent the raw/true audio will know it is heavily edited. Confirmation bias, however, will make anti-Constitution advocate WANT to believe it wasn’t edited to push a false narrative.

The group Katie Couric LIES about in this scene are not happy campers.

The Virginia Citizens Defense League labeled the deceptively edited segment featured in the film “unbelievable and extremely unprofessional.” Philip Van Cleave, the organization’s president, said the editing was done deliberately to make it appear that league members didn’t have a response to Couric’s question.

“Katie Couric asked a key question during an of some members of our organization,” he said. “She then intentionally removed their answers and spliced in nine seconds of some prior video of our members sitting quietly and not responding. Viewers are left with the misunderstanding that the members had no answer to her question.”

In all honesty, you guys should have known better. Maybe you did. Perhaps that’s why we have the raw audio.

There are many false claims in the movie that have been , but Katie Couric and the anti-Constitution lobby are all in using the Joseph Goebbels model of propaganda.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Katie Couric and the anti-Constitution lobby are all in using the Joseph Goebbels model of propaganda. Via @CaseyTheHost http://snip.ly/b3yod[/Tweet]


Daily : Thursday, March 10

Smoking ban to be considered again by South Bend Common Council – 953MNC.com

“Ultimately it comes down to public health and protecting employees,” Ferlic told the Tribune. He proposed similar ordinances twice before, but they didn’t pass.

Is It Safe Yet to Have an Honest Conversation About Secondhand Smoke and Lung Cancer? – Hit & Run : Reason.com

Several years ago I was talking to an epidemiologist who is skeptical of the idea that smokers pose a mortal threat to people in their vicinity.

Lungs from heavy smokers may be effective for double-lung transplant

Lungs from heavy smokers may be effective for double-lung transplant

Show Prep: Tuesday, June 12, 2012

“The results do not support a causal relationship between environmental tobacco smoke and tobacco-related mortality. The association between tobacco smoke and coronary heart disease and lung cancer may be considerably weaker than generally believed.”

California Town Rocklin Considering Total Outdoor Smoking Ban — Even on Private Property

California Town Rocklin Considering Total Outdoor — Even on Private Property

Dan Coats is angry about ‘hangry’ study funded with taxpayer dollars – 953MNC.com

U.S. Sen. is fed up with a recent study on whether or not “” exists.

Here’s Sen. Coats (R-IN) doing a terrible job of explaining ‘hangry.’ This is a story from March 2015 fyi, but he finally learned of it.

UK Government Spends $54,000 On Toilet Based Art | The Daily Caller

Toilets are deeply problematic for feminists because they reinforce the idea that there are differences between men and women, according to research that cost U.K. taxpayers $53,731.

Boy Named Goodell Proves Tom Brady’s Deflategate Innocence at Seventh Grade Science Fair | VICE Sports


Namibia Crushes Anti-Hunters By Banning All Hunting Bans | The Daily Caller

According to All Africa, the cabinet voted to go on the record as a pro-hunting nation, opposing any and all hunting bans-and to campaign against any bans proposed in the future. Cabinet members were directed to promote the through public forums and to “communicate at all possible opportunities its importance to national conservation and sustainable development programs.” So let’s help them spread the news!

Poetic Justice: Judge Slams NLRB for Not Bargaining in Good Faith with Its Own Union | U.S. Chamber of Commerce

As they say: What goes around, comes around.

AG Lynch Testifies: Justice Dept. Has ‘Discussed’ Civil Legal Action Against Climate Change Deniers | TheBlaze.com

“This matter has been discussed. We have received information about it and have referred it to the to consider whether or not it meets the criteria for which we could take action on,” Lynch answered. “I’m not aware of a civil referral at this time.”

One-Year Anniversary Of Hillary UN Speech | The Daily Caller

Thursday marks the one year anniversary of Clinton’s UN press conference in which she first publicly addressed her use of a private email system as secretary of state, and the Republican political action committee America Rising is out with a video to commemorate the event.

Army Seminar Warned Soldiers About The Dangers Of ‘White Privilege’ | The Daily Caller

The government watchdog group Judicial Watch has obtained documents showing the U.S. held a seminar in April 2015 for 400 soldiers of the 67th Signal Battalion at Fort Gordon on “.”

FBI could force us to turn on iPhone cameras and microphones, says Apple | Technology | The Guardian

If the FBI wins in its case against to help it unlock the San Bernardino killer’s 5C, it won’t be long before the government forces Apple to turn on users’ iPhone cameras and microphones to spy on them, according to the company’s head of services Eddy Cue.

Senate bill will impose fines on tech companies that refuse to unlock smartphones | ZDNet

The bill would compel companies to comply with court orders to bypass the security of devices or “backdoor” the encryption, or face civil fines, similar to contempt of court charges.

Surprise! NSA data will soon routinely be used for domestic policing that has nothing to do with terrorism – The Washington Post

What does this rule change mean for you? In short, domestic law enforcement officials now have access to huge troves of American communications, obtained without warrants, that they can use to put people in cages.