It’s Happening: House Democrats Schedule a Vote to Start Impeaching President Trump

LOL! This is a huge mistake for the Democrats and is likely to backfire given that polling shows an overwhelming number of Americans oppose . I wrote an article many years ago called ‘Impeachment Chic’ that covered the growing trend of people wanting to impeach elected officials simply because they didn’t like them. Even when those officials didn’t do anything that qualifies for impeachment. The far- didn’t read my article.

House Democrats have officially pushed Speaker to schedule a vote considering for President Trump. The vote will take place Wednesday and is being spearheaded by Texas Democrat Al Green.

Green is no stranger to articles of impeachment for President Trump and has introduced them multiple times on the House floor. They’ve never received a vote. Last night he did it again, leading to a full House vote later today.

Source: It’s Happening: House Democrats Schedule a Vote to Start Impeaching President Trump