Daily Show Prep: Monday, June 17

Daily : , 17


: Josh Firestine is to


Indiana Cop Used Facial Recognition Scans To Preform Non-Work-Related Searches

Hour 2

Libs say Obama DIDN’T unfreeze Joe Biden and guide him offstage this weekend. Stop trusting your eyes, fam!

Should pistachio ice cream have actual pistachios in it? A lawsuit against Cold Stone Creamery says, yes.

Scientists discover continent that had been missing for 375 years

Hour 3

Jussie Smollett Part Deux: Texas Political Candidate Arrested for Faking Hate Crimes to Smear Opponent

Chick-fil-A’s Brilliant Kids Summer Camp Initiative Attacked by Hateful Critics Threatening to Report Company to the Government

US judge blocks Biden Title IX rules, says ‘sex,’ ‘gender identity’ not the same thing

Newspaper to Continue Publishing Trans Shooters’ Writings after Bizarre Contempt Hearing

Immanuel Christian, Covington, : 2019 Is Turning Out To Be Of Hate Hoaxes

Amari Allen’s story was a hoax. Over the past week or two, almost every reading American became familiar with Allen, the dread-locked schoolgirl who claimed that “three white boys” snatched her from a slide on the campus of the prestigious Immanuel Christian School in Smithfield, held her down, and cut off some of her hair while mockingly calling it “nappy.”

Because of the alleged incident’s shocking nature, and te fact that Second Lady Karen Pence was an teacher there, Immanuel Christian became (yet another) ground zero for a national discussion about race and “privilege.” And then, that discussion collapsed: Allen confessed to literally making the whole thing up.

Allen’s hoax was not some unique, one-off incident. During this past year alone, a number of internationally prominent hate and hate incident hoaxes have occurred in the USA. In July, popular Georgia State Senator Erica Thomas claimed that she had been shamefully , in a Publix , by a white male who screamed at her and told her to “go back home.” In fact, the “white man” turned out to Cuban-American Democratic Party activist Eric Sparkes, who literally showed up at Thomas’ melodramatic press conference to rebut her story. (RELATED: Sixth-Grade Girl Admits To Fabricating Hate Attack That Media Linked To Mike Pence’s Wife, School Says)

More recently, on September 12, 2019, someone wrote racial insults, swastikas, and the word “MAGA” throughout two restaurants owned by former NFL player Edawn Coughman. The perp turned out to be Coughman himself, who was spotted leaving the scene by witnesses. Most famously, on January 29, 2019, actor – famously mocked as the mad Frenchman ‘Juicy Smolliet’ by comedy legend Dave Chappelle – claimed that he had been attacked at 2am, in the middle of a Chicago blizzard, by two burly white men wearing Trump campaign MAGA hats. Smollett’s bizarre story was exposed as an almost certain lie when two Nigerian brothers, buddies of his from the local gym, confessed to having been paid by Smollett to stage his beating.

This year was not unusual. It was, in fact, a bit less active than average on the hate hoax front. Putting together my 2019 book Hate Crime Hoax, I was able to fairly easily compile 409 confirmed hate hoaxes, concentrated in the five before publication. I defined a “hate hoax” as (1) an undisputed report (police report and/or reputable national or regional media story), of (2) a serious incident (generally felony or misdemeanor offense), that was (3) attributed to dislike of or bias against an out-group, where (4) the narrative of “hate” completely collapsed (with this collapse also being reported). My master list is now up to 611 case studies of hate hoaxes, containing more than 800 unique incidents. To put these numbers in context, less than 7,000 are reported to the FBI by police departments in a typical year, and only 8-10% receive the media coverage that would make them potential candidates for my data sets. (RELATED: Several Media Outlets Made Blunders In Reporting On The Haircut Hate Hoax In Virginia — The List)

Interestingly, hoaxes seem to be most common among the most high-profile, widely reported stories of “hate.” Of the 20-odd hate incident cases, mass shootings aside, that became truly international stories over the past decade and change, literally about half of them – Smollett, Allen, Covington Catholic, Yasmin Seweid and the ripped hijab, Air Force Academy, the “burnt ” (Hopewell Baptist), the little Black girl in who said boorish white men literally peed on her, the Rolling Stone cover story about anti-woman rape gangs at U-, the Nikki Jolly house fire and the dead purebred dogs, the “nooses on campus” (Wisconsin-Parkside), Duke Lacrosse – turned out to be total fakes. Many hate hoaxers have a taste for the dramatic, which often betrays them in the end.

Read the rest at dailycaller.com

Daily : Thursday, May 23




Congress finally reaches disaster aid deal, in $19.1B accord


Wells Fargo, TD Bank turn over Trump financial records to House Dems

Judge Who Ruled on Trump’s Finances is an Obama Donor.


Hour 2

America’s Largest Cities Are Shrinking

New York Times op-ed calls out ‘unlivable’ conditions in Democratic-led cities


Apprehensions up 42% on NORTHERN border as Mexicans, Central Americans try to enter US from Canada


Hour 3

Julian Assange hit with 18 federal charges in new indictment


EXCLUSIVE: Proud Boys Suing SPLC Over ‘Hate Group’ Designation



The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters

This has been covered on my show ad nauseam for years.

Prior to Trump’s political arrival, the media ignored hate crimes against (which are rising according to the FBI). The double standard on political ‘violent rhetoric’ is undeniable.

Post-Trump, we’ve seen surge in fake hate hoaxes.

We even caught the DNC and Hillary campaign funding the Creamer Group to manufacture fake hate and political violence to blame Trump supporters for.

The sheer amount of examples of Trump supporters being verbally accosted or physically assaulted for wearing their MAGA hats should have been enough to spur some media attention at least. Alas, they still ignore real hate to peddle blatantly obvious fake hate scandals.

The formula is simple:

  • Outlandish, unbelievable hatred claim is made. Media elites organize to make the story believable.
  • The MSM, social media, blue check mark brigade uncritically spread the story and make it viral.
  • A crowdfunding site is created to the ‘victim.’
  • Cracks in the story start to appear but the MSM and social media apologists run interference for the fraudster.
  • MSM drops the story altogether. Rarely reporting that the story they peddled was a .
  • Social media blue check mark brigaders excuse peddling the hoax because ‘it’s still an important discussion that raises awareness.’
  • Fraudster has to give money the defrauded back, but this gets no MSM attention at all, and is only covered in alternative media.
  • Rinse and repeat.

The standard for this formula to be deployed are that the alleged ‘victim’ must be from a protected class typically aligned with the Democratic Party or other leftist philosophy. If they are white or aligned with the political right, the story is ignored.

in point, the Jussie Smollett hoax. It was uncritically believed and spread my MSM outlets and verified ‘journalists’ on Twitter. It was always suspect and unbelievable as a real story. didn’t care. It checked all of their social justice boxes. Racist – check. Homophobic- check. Can be used to attack Trump and his supporters – check. With that, the hoax went viral.

Now, we have two stories of actual hate directed at Trump supporters. One was just a and the other involved potential murder. The media has all but ignored these stories. Some outlets haven’t covered them at all, others have buried the stories in their platforms and not given nearly the attention they give the typical hate hoax.

A 14-year- boy was verbally accosted by a Van’s store employee for wearing a MAGA hat. A kid! After telling this kid “fuck you” the mother had this exchange with the employee:

“He did nothing to you,” the mother told the employee. “What did you say to my son, to my 14-year-old?”

“I’m sure he’s heard it before,” the employee responded.

Gee, might a story about adults accosting children for their political views be something we can have a ‘national discussion’ about?

Or how about the story where a guy pulled a gun on two Trump supporters who were wearing their MAGA hats. A GUN!

He threatened to kill them because they wore MAGA hats after flipping them off by saying: “It’s a good for you to die.” He’s been arrested.

Again, might there be a ‘national discussion’ about threating to murder people because you don’t like their political views?

Both stories basically ignored by the MSM. Real examples of unhinged hatred for fellow Americans. Links to both stories here.

To steal a quote from CNN spreading the Jussie Smollett hoax … this is America in 2019. Or rather, this is your media in 2019.


Today, after writing this post, the story broke that a leftist harassed an elderly man for wearing a MAGA hat.

So much for the media’s ‘treat your elders with respect’ mantra.


This 7-year-old was allegedly called ‘little Hitler’ for selling hot cocoa to raise money for the wall. So classy adults.