Yes, The ‘ Happy White Woman’ Thing Is Real


Power is in tearing minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.

– 1984

Some stories seem silly. They seem meaningless and trivial. Often, the opposite is true. Those silly, meaningless stories are actually a coordinated plan of microaggressions aimed at manipulating you. Things that pass right by our conscious into our subconscious can have a subtle but compounding effect on our psyche.

Silly right? Seems a little looney even. What if he’s right though? Let’s see.

Ok. Nothing wrong there. Let’s keep going.

Alright. I’m sensing a pattern. Let’s add Indian women.

Now Latinas.

Ok. If you search ‘happy ____ woman’ you get images of happy women from that demographic. What’s the problem then?

Wait. We didn’t finish the challenge. We added a couple more searches to the original challenge but we have one more to go.

Oh my. It seems we’ve stumbled onto something. These images don’t fit the pattern. They are completely different than the other search results for the same thing.

Funny thing about those silly, meaningless stories we barely notice. We don’t believe them even though we see them. They can’t be true because they are just so ridiculous.

And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed — if all records told the same tale — then the lie passed into history and became truth.

– 1984

Do we get the same results using another search engine?

Duck Duck Go:

Uh oh. That’s the results should have given us for the pictures if they were consistent.

What about Bing?

Well, there’s that link at the top but the images are what should have shown up in Google.

Now … why do you think Google would show happy images of women of color in a completely different fashion than happy white women? Why are the other search engines showing consistent results for that search but Google isn’t?

“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”

In other

DOJ Moves To Break Up Google; ‘Most Important Antitrust Case In A Generation’


For men, there’s no pictures of happy white man at all LOL!

Happy Caucasian Woman or man does give you standard results.

AOC Repeats Debunked Lie That Trump Called Virus A . Tapper Later Admits He Failed To Correct Her.

Every day the same old debunked lies about President Trump on the coronavirus are repeated by the lowest common denominator. Joseph Goebbels would be proud of the US media, Democrats and Hollywood celebrities who are devoted to repeating these lies over and over and over again so the feeble-minded among us believe them.

Tapper just admitted that he let a lie slide because he thought the President lied about the media. Except, the President didn’t lie about the media. The media has been lying about his response to the virus and Tapper just self-owned himself by proving the President’s point.