Daily Show Prep: Thurs, Oct. 12

Daily : Thurs, . 12


‘Not sending their best … ‘ John Fetterman’s self-own on Colbert FUNNIEST self-own we’ve seen (watch)


Israel kibbutz the scene of a Hamas “massacre,” first responders say: “The depravity of it is haunting”

GOP Rep. Mills: I Had to Help Get Americans out of Israel Because Biden Won’t Do His Job

Hour 2

Wash. Post Firing 240 Employees, Expected to Lose $100M This Year

Leftist ‘Victim’ Josh Kruger Allegedly Raped, Drugged & Blackmailed His Teen Killer

White House and Qatar Freeze Infamous $6 Billion to Iran, Leave Major Questions

BREAKING: Congressman Steve Scalise Doesn’t Have the Votes for Speaker; Jim Jordan Expected to Step In

The Left is still saying Matthew Shepard was killed for being gay instead being a meth head who got beat senseless by an ex-lover over a drug shipment 😑

Hour 3

Hamas terrorist sent mom video of son, girlfriend’s murder after music fest massacre, TV star says

White House knew Biden had his own document problem before siccing FBI on Trump, new timeline shows

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Aug. 7

Daily : , . 7


Here’s how much time the network Sunday shows devoted to the Devon Archer transcript

Biden has officially passed 365 days of vacation since taking office 2.5 years ago. People have thoughts.

Democrats are seeing a massive drop-off in funding as reality kicks in and enthusiasm wanes over Grandpa Joe

Police investigating 7-Eleven workers who thrashed alleged repeat robber

74-year-old Wisconsin teacher faces over 600 years in prison after being convicted of 25 counts sexual abuse on 14-year-old boy

Hour 2

Rep. Jim Jordan drops a Facebook Files thread showing ‘FBI lied about meeting with Big Tech’

Sharyl Attkisson serves Mike Pence a nice refreshing glass of STFU juice for playing up his VICTIM status

Hour 3

Nearly 70 Republicans press Biden admin over crackdown on school hunting, archery programs

Biden Mulls Exec Order End Run of 2A as House Dems Push 1,000% Excise Tax on ‘Assault Weapons,’ High-Capacity Mags

Heart Scarring Observed in Children Months After COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

White House Under Fire over ‘Disturbing’ Plot to Muzzle Journalists

Daily Show Prep: Friday, July 14

Daily : , July 14


Michigan City’s Woke Brigade Investigates Salon Owner’s Trans Business Decision

Carlson’s Plans for New Media Company, Including Business Partner, Revealed

Rep. Jim Jordan: FBI Spied on Congressional Russia-Gate Investigators

Hour 2


Hour 3

: for

Daily Show Prep: Thurs, Dec. 15

Daily : Thurs, Dec. 15


Jim Goes On Documentation ‘s Origins, Knew All Of This


FLASHBACK: Yale scientists restore cellular function in 32 dead pig brains

Senate Unanimously Passes Bill to Ban TikTok on All Government Devices Amid National Security Concerns

Hour 2

Zuckerberg U-Turns on Facebook People Smuggling Posts Following Scrutiny

John Boehner’s Gag-Worthy Pelosi Tribute Reminds Us Why Trump Won

Homeschool Students Trounce Public And Private School Peers In Rigorous Standardized Test


Young Montana Entrepreneur Is Being Legally Barred from Hauling Trash Because Established Players Don’t Want the Competition

Hour 3

Buttigieg Vacationed in Europe as Rail Unions Were on Verge of Strike

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, June 2

Daily : , 2


No, guns are not the leading cause of death for American children. Casey breaks down the CDC stats everyone is lying about.

Jan. 6 Committee Rejects Jim Jordan’s Demands

Records show coordinated Arizona ballot collection scheme

Maricopa County counted 19,000 late, invalid ballots in 2020 election, newly disgorged records show

Hour 2

Michael Avenatti sentenced to 4 years in prison for defrauding Stormy Daniels

Amber Heard’s attorney reveals the actress is ‘absolutely not’ able to pay $8m damages to Johnny Depp

‘We Felt Like Cowards’: A Police Officer Talks About the Decision to Delay Officer Response to Uvalde Shooting

Border Patrol Agent Recalls Rushing Texas School To Save Daughter, Wife

‘Silent Professionals’: The Real Story Behind The Elite Border Patrol Unit That Killed The Texas School Shooter


SPD stops assigning adult sexual assault cases, loses 100 detectives over 2019

Hour 3

California Reparations Report Demands Tree Planting In ‘Black Neighborhoods’ For ‘Shade Equity’

… but trees are .

FLASHBACK: Alert: Pine trees are now racist

FLASHBACK: City officials commit to removing ‘racist’ trees from golf course in Palm Springs

Tim Hortons constantly tracked users, noted when they visited rivals
want answers on “” tool used

CATFISH ALERT: Top Dem Recruit Admits He Lied on Dating Apps

Nanny State: Eric Swalwell Wants To Use Campaign Cash To Pay Babysitters During His Overseas Work Trips