PHM Student Handbook Changes Are Interesting

PHM Handbook Changes Are Interesting

This is the PHM student handbook proposed changes for next year. The board will have first reading of these proposed revisions publicly this coming Monday. On May 20, the board will vote to approve potential changes.

Page 18 might be of particular interest. Notice the red ink?


You can read the proposed student handbook here.

A recent district-wide email went out to PHM employees notifying them that current DEI officer, Derrick White, will leave that post and take over as Director of Alternative Education and Special Projects starting on July 1. This leaves the PHM DEI officer position open and vacant. I wrote about this change recently.

In my previous article, I wrote that PHM is eliminating the DEI officer position. People took issue with my using the word ‘eliminate’ because the board hasn’t voted to officially eliminate it yet, and may not vote to do so. This was a fair criticism. However, numerous sources inside PHM tell me are no plans to fill the DEI officer position in PHM. This would effectively leave the position open indefinitely and it would only remain in derelict status. Given that DEI is being rolled back all over the country right now due to political pressure, I can see this position remaining vacant and effectively being eliminated. Arguing over semantics about whether a perpetually vacant position is actually ‘eliminated’ seems like a of time and . My sources say the position won’t be filled. If that changes, I’ll tell you.

In 2023, DEI jobs fell 5%, and so far they are down 8% in 2024. 30 states have introduced legislation to ban DEI in public education at all levels. Many have succeeded and DEI is being rolled back in many states. In last years Indiana legislative session, HB 1338 would have effectively banned DEI in Indiana education. It didn’t pass, but SB 202 did pass in the 2024 session. DEI has become politically toxic and is in retreat in the corporate as well as public education.

Now, that doesn’t mean the battle is won. As I’ve highlighted on the show for many years, DEI, CRT, etc. are hidden within other programs like SEL. Just because PHM appears to be leaving the DEI officer post vacant and striking DEI language from the high school student handbook doesn’t mean the tenets of DEI are going away. A point highlighted by Accuracy In Media’s deep-dive investigation into Indiana public schools hiding DEI and CRT from not only parents and the public, but from school boards as well.

Alternative media, activists, and groups back against DEI are effectively it underground but the fight is long from over.

Podcast – Will Conservatives Finally Draw A Line In The Sand?

Podcast – Will Finally Draw ?

Speaker is facing removal as Speaker as some surprising representatives now say ‘s he goes. Johnson appears to be politician made promises to conservatives to gain power but then flip-flopped on issues.

At some point, conservatives have to finally draw a sand the establishment and not bow to political pressure. Is that time now?

See for information.

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, April 16

Daily : , April 16

Hour 1

House Transfers Impeachment Articles Against Homeland Security Secretary to Senate

Soros-linked NGO distributes flyers in Mexico telling illegal immigrants to ‘vote for President Biden’: report

DHS Monitoring 617K Migrants With Criminal Records

CDC issues warning over Measles, doesn’t mention Illegals.

And for say illegals, etc. aren’t responsible for spreading

City speeds up measles vaccinations for migrants as cases continue to rise

Why would they need to vaccinate if they aren’t spreading Measles?

Measles spreading inside migrant shelters

Who would have brought the Measles into the shelters if wasn’t the migrants?

Measles from Open Borders Puts American Children at Risk

Tuesday Tithe With

‘Jezebel spirit’: Pastor kicked off stage at Christian conference in Missouri

Interview: Kayla Blakeslee on moderating tomorrow’s 3rd District Republican

Democracy Dies Behind Paywalls

Interview: Jon Kenworthy is running for Indiana’s 3rd congressional district

Indiana National Guard member reportedly shot at migrant stabbing others

Hour 3

‘Reverse Robin Hood’: Here are ‘the Biggest Winners’ in Biden’s Student Loan Vote-Buying Scheme

Red Lobster Considers Bankruptcy to Deal With Leases and Labor Costs

Trump Media shares plunge more than 14%, company says Truth Social to launch TV streaming

Sobbing ‘Rust’ armorer Hannah Gutierrez given maximum 18 month sentence in fatal shooting of Halyna Hutchins

Breaking: PHM Eliminates DEI Officer Position

Breaking: Eliminates Officer Position

-Harris-Madison has eliminated its controversial and ineffective DEI officer position.

It has been confirmed PHM school’s first ever diversity, equity and inclusion officer, Derrick White, will be moved to Pennway Alternative School, Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation’s alternative high school.

Strengthen Our Schools-PHM District, an active parental group, has had the elimination of the DEI position as top priority since it was created in 2020. Their efforts have proven successful.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a doctrine that promotes racial division and stokes animosity among racially diverse groups using false premises such as current society being institutionally structured to benefit Whites at the expense of non-Whites.


Eliminating the DEI position appears to be a combination of fulfilling a need at Pennway and not filling the DEI officer position after it was vacated. Sorry if it looked like Strengthen Our Schools facilitated the end of the DEI position with a recent action. I was in the parking lot buying a chainsaw when I broke the news. Cut me some slack.

As of the evening of April 15, sources inside PHM confirm no plans to fill the DEI .

Rumors about possibly merging it with position are out but my sources say that would be a deviation from the current plan with one jokingly positing if the rumors are true, it’s because I wrote about it.

  • Breaking: conservative directly responsible for appointment of new PHM DEI officer … is a traitor to the cause. News at 11. 😂

Update 2:

Some have taken issue with my using the word ‘eliminated’ since the PHM board hasn’t voted yet. That’s fair. Technically, the position hasn’t been ‘eliminated’ yet. PHM sources say there are no plans to replace Derrick White in that position, leaving it vacant, not eliminated. I regret the confusion.

Daily Show Prep: Friday, April 5

Daily : , April 5


99 Cents Only to close down all stores

REVEALED: The biggest earthquakes to rock the East Coast in history – including 7.8 quake that killed 60 people in South Carolina

New York officials alert residents of earthquake 1 hour after earthquake happened

Analysis: Grocery Prices Nearing 40 Percent Higher Than In 2019

Peter Doocy sends Kirby into tailspin with all the right questions after Biden’s Israel ultimatum: ‘They cannot be true!’

Hour 2

Trump Sues Trump Media Co-Founders, Seeking to Void Their Stock Holdings

China has flooded the market with so many solar panels that people are using them as garden fencing

CRINGE: Kamala Harris Explains the Long Struggle of Women to Obtain … Tournament Brackets

Maine OKs Democratic-led effort to ditch Electoral College

Ford to delay all-electric SUV, truck to focus on offering hybrid vehicles across its lineup by 2030

‘Not ready for prime time’: Truckers fume over Biden’s EV mandate for big rigs

What electric vehicle shoppers want isn’t what’s for sale, and it’s hurting sales: poll.

California grid may fall 20% short in meeting 100% EV goal

Electric Vehicle Fires Are So Hard To Put Out, It’s Often Best To Let Them Burn

Mercedes is finding that customers aren’t as excited about new EVs as it is

Luxury EV Manufacturer Loses $227,000 On Each Car It Sells


That’s $64,731 for every sold.

GM lost $2.5 billion through 2023 on EVs


Celebrity Motor Car CEO on CNBC: “We’re now backed up to 12 months with EVs. Consumers don’t want them.” 😬

Electric Vehicle Mandates Are Coming, but Are EVs Even Practical in Cold-Weather States?

Volvo, an Early Electric Car Adopter, Cuts off Funding for EV Affiliate Polestar — 2nd Update

Hour 3

‘Disinfo’ Guru To Voters: Trust Corporate Media Instead Of ‘Doing Your Own Research’

Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List

Media Mistakes in the Biden Era: the Definitive List

Fired CBS correspondent Catherine Herridge to break silence at Capitol Hill hearing

Bank of America must face overdraft fee refund lawsuit