Monday, August – Hour 3 Podcast


Foxconn Plans To Invest In Michigan | The Daily Caller

Taiwan-based Foxconn Technology Group, the world’s largest contract manufacturer of consumer electronics, is reportedly planning a multibillion dollar investment in Michigan.

We Did It! America Created 1 Million Jobs in Trump’s First Six Months – Breitbart

The economy has added more than one million jobs since  Donald Trump took office.

Wages increase for construction and farm workers as Trump cracks down on illegal immigration – Red Alert Politics

While Democrats and big business lobbyists are claiming that President Trump’s crackdown on illegal immigration is of a plot minorities, working class in industries are getting a much-needed in border states.

The Amazon Effect: Part Time Jobs Soar By 393K, Full Time Jobs Slide | Zero Hedge

According to the BLS, in July 393,000 part time jobs were added, offset by a drop of 54,000 -time workers.

Where The Jobs Were: Waiters And Bartenders Topped The List | Zero Hedge

We already showed that contrary to the strong headline payrolls print, the sole of job gains in July was part-time jobs, which rose by 393K in the month, the biggest monthly increase since September 2016, as full-time jobs sunk by 54K. Which is why it should not surprise that of the 209K jobs added according to the Establishment survey, the sector that added the most jobs was the “food services and drinking places”, i.e. “waiters and barenders” category, which added 53,000 jobs, the highest monthly increase since March 2014. There have now been 89 consecutive months without a decline for waiter and bartender jobs, the strongest sector for US employment. Needless to say, these jobs fall within leisure and hospitality, that sector pays the worst wages, an average of $13.35 an hour, and $331.08 a week.

Wasserman Schultz Says Laptop Was Awan’s | The Daily Caller

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz never actually saw the computer she fought to block the Capitol Police from examining as evidence in a criminal case against her IT aide by saying it was hers, she told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel Thursday.

Eric Bolling Accuser Is A Left-Wing Anti-Trump Activist Who Also Accused O’Reilly – Big League Politics

Suspended Fox host Eric Bolling’s first public accuser is a major left-wing activist who held a protest sign at President Trump’s inauguration accusing the president of being a rapist.

Non-Tenured Professor Accusing Fox News’s Eric Bolling Shares Details of Her Ordeal: In 2011, “Lenny Dykstra persistently asked [her] to a party”

Heldman’s Facebook post also includes a rant about a colorful former Major League Baseball star who was not employed by Fox News but was merely another guest on a show: “On March 20, 2011, Lenny Dykstra persistently asked me to a party and told me that he gets ‘sexually aroused when I talk politics.’”

WOW! Law Firm Investigating Bolling Sexting Scandal Was Hillary Clinton Fundraiser, Employs Former Obama Officials

Paul Weiss donated $271, 970 to Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign!


Daily : Monday, August 7


Loretta Lynch Used Email Alias As Attorney Ge | The Daily Caller

Using the pseudonym “Elizabeth Carlisle,” Lynch corresponded with DOJ press officials to hammer out talking points in response to media requests about the meeting. The tarmac encounter drew criticism from conservatives because Lynch was overseeing the federal investigation into whether Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information on her private email system.

‘U.S. flag’ among items banned by Michigan school |

“Roseville has a long history of working with the VFW and other patriotic groups. We would never ban the appropriate display of the American flag. The exact language can be found on Page 34 of the Roseville High School student handbook which is available online.”

Govt Pay Almost Double Average Worker’s | The Daily Caller

There’s a reason are so sought after: The average government salary is nearly double the average American worker’s.

Stossel: $2 Million Bathroom –

John Stossel investigates a New York City park bathroom that cost $2 million to build.

Hour 2

Liberal Slate won’t let their writers unionize. The reason why proves conservatives right – Red Alert Politics

After more than 90 percent of its editorial staff signed cards to unionize with the Writers Guild of back in March, the site’s management refused to voluntarily recognize the Guild as their collective bargaining representative, and has continued to drag its feet.

Salon struggling to pay its rent | New York Post

Salon, the struggling digital publisher, is having trouble paying its rent.

Vaping industry in Indiana takes off after monopoly is eliminated – 95.3 MNC

The vaping industry in Indiana is growing after a new state law eliminated a monopoly that was restricting manufacturers’ ability to sell their products in the state.

Survey ‘Myth-Busting’ E-Cigarettes Shreds Negative Stereotypes Of Vapers

The survey showed roughly 77 percent of vapers have completed a secondary education and roughly 67 percent are employed full time. They also stay active, further diminishing the portrait of the average vaper as lazy. Roughly 76 percent of users exercise at least one to three times a week, with 31 percent exercising four to seven times a week.

Vapers Commend ‘Massive’ FDA Move ‘Abandoning’ Crippling Policies

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced July 28 they are delaying costly requirements for product approval by four to avoid financially upending the industry. Commissioner said he wants the FDA to encourage the development of innovative technologies that can improve public health while leaving products currently helping smokers quit on the market.

Hour 3


Foxconn Plans To Invest In Michigan | The Daily Caller

Taiwan-based Foxconn Technology Group, the world’s largest contract manufacturer of consumer electronics, is reportedly planning a multibillion dollar investment in Michigan.

We Did It! America Created 1 Million Jobs in Trump’s First Six Months – Breitbart

The American economy has added more than one million jobs since President took office.

Wages increase for construction and farm workers as Trump cracks down on illegal immigration – Red Alert Politics

While Democrats and big business lobbyists are claiming that President Trump’s crackdown on is part of a plot against minorities, working in two industries are getting a much-needed wage increase in border states.

The Amazon Effect: Part Time Jobs Soar By 393K, Full Time Jobs Slide | Zero Hedge

According to the BLS, in July 393,000 part time jobs were added, offset by a drop of 54,000 full-time workers.

Where The Jobs Were: Waiters And Bartenders Topped The List | Zero Hedge

We already showed that contrary to the strong headline payrolls print, the sole source of job gains in July was part-time jobs, which rose by 393K in the month, the biggest monthly increase since September 2016, as full-time jobs sunk by 54K. Which is why it should not surprise that of the 209K jobs added according to the Establishment survey, the sector that added the most jobs was the “food services and drinking places”, i.e. “waiters and barenders” category, which added 53,000 jobs, the highest monthly increase since March 2014. There have now been 89 consecutive months without a decline for waiter and bartender jobs, the strongest sector for US employment. Needless to say, these jobs fall within leisure and hospitality, that sector pays the worst wages, an average of $13.35 an hour, and $331.08 a week.

Wasserman Schultz Says Laptop Was Awan’s | The Daily Caller

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz never actually saw the computer she fought to block the Capitol Police from examining as evidence in a criminal case against her IT aide by saying it was hers, she told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel Thursday.

Eric Bolling Accuser Is A Left-Wing Anti-Trump Activist Who Also Accused O’Reilly – Big League Politics

Suspended Fox News Eric Bolling’s first public accuser is a major left-wing activist who held a protest sign at President Trump’s inauguration accusing the president of being a rapist.

Non-Tenured Professor Accusing Fox News’s Eric Bolling Shares Details of Her Ordeal: In 2011, “Lenny Dykstra persistently asked [her] to a party”

Heldman’s Facebook post also includes a rant about a colorful former Major League Baseball star who was not employed by Fox News but was merely another guest on a show: “On March 20, 2011, Lenny Dykstra persistently asked me to a party and told me that he gets ‘sexually aroused when I talk .’”

WOW! Law Firm Investigating Bolling Sexting Scandal Was Hillary Clinton Fundraiser, Employs Former Obama Officials

Paul Weiss donated $271, 970 to Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign!

Al- Was Perfectly Legal

The debate has raged for some days now … was the killing of al-Awlaki in Yemen ?

Rep. Paul says it was, but he says everything is illegal.

There are two primary arguments alleging the illegality of al-Awlaki’s killing.

First, he was a US citizen, and as such, was due a trial.

Second, the US violated international by assassinating him in Yemen.

Neither holds up, both morally or legally.

First I’ll address international law.

Neither the Hague Convention of 1899, or the Protocol Addition to the Geneva Convention of 1949 forbid al-Awlaki’s killing by international law.  Right off the get go, proponents of this argument are off to a bad start.  In fact, the international law community has often taken the stance that killing an adversary can often fall within the confines of international law.

Harvard Law addressed the issue a few years back.

The clauses that traditionally have been construed as prohibiting “targeted killings” are far from clear prohibitions. In the Hague Convention (II) with Respect to the Laws and Customs of War on Land (29 July 1899), Article 23b states that it is prohibited “to kill or wound treacherously individuals belonging to the hostile nation or army.” Treachery is not explicitly defined, and it can be argued that using missiles to attack a in which a target is traveling, while brutal and having a high probability of injuring bystanders, does not fall within the purview of treachery. Similarly, targeted killings can be argued to fall outside the Protocol I Article 37 prohibition on killing, injuring, or capturing “an adversary by resort to perfidy”—described as “acts inviting the confidence of an adversary to lead him to believe that he is entitled to, or is obliged to accord, protection under the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict, with intent to betray that confidence.” Article 37 gives examples of perfidy including “the feigning of an intent to under a flag of truce or surrender” and “the feigning of civilian, non-combatant status.”

Basically, you can’t ‘assassinate’ under false-flag circumstances.  No such circumstance existed with the al-Awlaki killing.  It should be noted that this provision addresses someone belonging to a hostile nation OR army. While al-Awlaki did not belong to a hostile nation, he did belong to a hostile army.  This is important later when I argue the relevance of his US citizenship.

In addition to this international law, the US has NO LAW forbidding foreign assassinations.  We do, however, have a policy of not undertaking assassinations.  Policy does not equal law.

The second component to this operation is that Yemen fully approved, and supported the killing of al-Awlaki. So no argument can be made that we violated the sovereignty of a foreign nation.

The argument making its around is that al-Awlaki’s killing was illegal because he was a US citizen. As such, an assassination order by the President of the United States would violate his constitutional right of due process.  It should also be noted that al-Awlaki was not the only American killed in the attack.

Al-Awlaki’s ties to terrorism are not in dispute, his actual influence is.  So can the president order his killing, or not?

8 U.S.C. § 1481 addresses the issue of US citizenship in situations like this.

(a) A who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality –

(1) obtaining naturalization in a foreign state upon his own application or upon an application filed by a duly authorized agent, after having attained the age of eighteen years; or

(2) taking an oath or making an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after having attained the age of eighteen

The law also addresses taking up arms against the United States in section 7. Considering al-Awlaki’s Yemeni citizenship, which does not recognize dual-citizenship, and his taking up arms against the US, it would appear that he renounced his US citizenship long ago.

Section 7 automatically revokes his citizenship because of his terrorist activities, but requires capture and tribunal. Since he was in Yemen, we revert to international law which permits his killing in order to prevent a further loss of life.  More relevant is local Yemen law.  Again, they assisted in the killing of al-Awlaki.

Is his killing a gray area?  Only in the perpetually unrefined laws of US citizenship.  Laws that most Americans agree need to be revamped, but the law nonetheless.

The only component missing to classify al-Awlaki as a non-citizen appears to be a mere formality of choreographed theater that would only serve to satisfy the selfish needs of third party citizens, not the directly involved.  It’s pretty clear that al-Awlaki, the US, and Yemen were all on the same page.

Both al-Alwaki and Yemen agree that he is a citizen of Yemen.  The US agrees that he revoked his citizenship. Who are you to swoop in and negate those facts?

The only sources of outcry appear to come from the ignorant, and those with a vested interest in ideological pacifism.  Not from a position of morality or legality.

Ultimately, this is a debate that will fall upon opinion.  If you think al-Awlaki’s killing was illegal, you’ll likely never change your mind.  Same goes for those who think it was legally justified.  Each individual will have to decide for themselves if international law, US law, or Yemeni law should reign supreme.

Of course, you can always consider al-Awlaki’s wishes too.