‘Vox’Gets Caught Colluding With Communist China To Influence American Elections

For the record, none of this is new information. We’ve known major US media outlets publish Chinese propaganda for years. Their hypocrisy on the subject of election influence by foreign powers is absolutely hysterical though.

Explanatory media website Vox has been receiving money from a Chinese communist -backed front organization.

A recent Vox blog post by foreign editor Yochi Dreazen titled, “The big winner of the Trump-Kim summit? China” discloses at the bottom of the piece that the reporting was subsidized by the China- Exchange Foundation.

“This reporting was supported by the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), a privately funded nonprofit organization based in that is dedicated to ‘facilitating open and constructive exchange among policy-makers, business leaders, academics, think-tanks, cultural figures, and educators from the United States and China,’” the post states in a note at the bottom.

CUSEF, as first noted by Post columnist Josh Rogin, is a front organization backed by the Chinese government and established to spread the party’s propaganda.

A publication that screeches about Trump/Russia collusion and Russian meddling in our elections via Facebook ads should probably steer clear of doing what they decry. Vox, however, like , doesn’t seem to care if they do it.

Vox’s ties to CUSEF are receiving increased scrutiny in light of efforts to lawmakers to counter China’s promotion of propaganda in the U.S. media.

The Chinese government doesn’t just pay to have their propaganda published in American media, but they fund a LOT of that Washington DC think tank data the American media publishes to sway American public opinion.

Chinese Communist Party Funds Washington Think Tanks

The influence operations are conducted by the United Front Work Department, a Central Committee organ that employs tens of thousands of operatives who seek to use both overt and covert operations to promote Communist Party policies.

The Party’s United Front strategy includes paying several Washington think tanks with the goal influencing their actions and adopting positions that support ‘s policies.

“The [Chinese Communist Party] has sought to influence academic discourse on China and in certain instances has infringed upon—and potentially criminally violated—rights to freedoms of speech and association that are guaranteed to Americans and those protected by U.S. laws,” the report says.

All bought and paid for by the Chinese government.

Official Chinese Propaganda: Now Online from the WaPo!

As I never tire of saying, is my favorite newspaper in the world.

But it’s conceivable that not every visitor to the Washington Post’s web site would know the reason for my fondness and loyalty. China Daily is the state-controlled English-language voice of the Chinese government to the outside world. Sometimes this makes it a useful source of intel about the line the government wants to push.


The Washington Post has written two pieces in the past week drawing attention to the dangers of China’s foreign influence campaign, yet the newspaper appears to be complicit in advancing Chinese interests.

“The foreign influence campaign is part and parcel of China’s larger campaign for global power,” a Post opinion writer wrote Sunday, “Beijing’s strategy is first to cut off critical discussion of China’s government, then to co-opt American influencers in order to promote China’s narrative.”

“By influencing the influencers, China gets Americans to carry its message to other Americans,” the editorial explained, citing Glenn Tiffert, a visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution.

The Washington Post, an unquestionably influential publication, regularly features Chinese propaganda. The Post’s China Watch insert is written and paid for by the state-run China Daily. While the prominent newspaper acknowledges that China Watch is an “advertising supplement” prepared by the Communist Party’s English-language mouthpiece and the People’s Republic of China in its print edition, the China Watch website lacks any clear indication that the information is of Chinese origin.

Democracy Dies in Communism: Washington Post runs Chinese propaganda

Under the proud motto “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” the Washington Post’s editors have run a Communist authoritarian defending his party’s attack on democracy and subjugation of the state to the Communist Party.

On Monday, the Post published Chinese venture capitalist, Eric X. Li’s endorsement of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent eradication of term limits for his office.

And by goodness is it an endorsement.

Chinese propaganda in The Post

It’s distressing to see The Post become a channel for state propaganda from the People’s Republic of China. Yet that’s what’s happening with the lengthy advertorials from the China Daily that are distributed with your newspaper.

The Sept. 30 “Chinawatch” insert was especially objectionable. Four of the six pages were filled with happy, seemingly fact-filled reports about the latest developments with Taiwan, all masquerading as “news.” But they were missing crucial context for understanding the fraught relations across the Taiwan Strait. There was no mention of controversies within democratic Taiwan about the new policies and their effects, nor any observations contrary to China’s deceptive strategies. All was harmony and light.

The Chinese government is spending generously worldwide to promote its view. But your accepting its advertising dollars is no mere commercial transaction. These “news reports” are from a state-controlled arm of the Chinese propaganda establishment.

Trump is right that China uses its media to influence foreign opinion, but so does Washington

Hong Kong ()US President went off topic in characteristic style at the United Nations Security Council this week, accusing China of using state media to meddle in the upcoming midterm elections.

While he provided no evidence for his remarks, which derailed a meeting that was supposed to focus on issues of nonproliferation, he later accused China on Twitter of “placing propaganda ads in and other papers, made to look like news.”

Gotta love CNN’s ‘he provided no evidence’ comment considering everyone knows the Chinese government does this and it’s been widely reported for at least a decade.



Tuesday, May 23 – Hour 3 Podcast


SHOCK: U.S. Made Over Trillion Dollars of Improper Payments | Truth Revolt

Since 2003 – when Congress required many executive departments and agencies to estimate the amount of annually – the cumulative total is estimated to be “in excess of $1.2 trillion,” Dodaro said. “So it’s a significant amount of money.”

Government Pays Debt Collectors $40 Per $1 They Retrieve | The Daily Caller

The U.S. pays professional debt collecting agencies, on average, nearly 40 times the value of what they collect, according to joint research released Tuesday from the Consumer Financial Protections Bureau and government filings.

Daily : Tuesday, March 15

Apple: government ‘intended to smear’ us in digital privacy fight with FBI | Technology | The Guardian

In sometimes caustic language, the had claimed had declared itself “the primary guardian of Americans’ privacy”.

A local Sheriff sent a brazen threat to Apple’s CEO, but it will probably only help the tech company

A Polk County sheriff threatened to cut in front of the and the judicial system to lock up the “rascal” , Apple’s CEO.

President Obama weighs in on hacking the San Bernardino attacker’s iPhone, saying this about personal privacy and encryption – Rare

“If, technologically, it is possible to make an impenetrable device or system, where the encryption is so strong that there is no key, there is no door at all, then how do we apprehend the child pornographer?”

DSpace@MIT: Keys Under Doormats: Mandating insecurity by requiring government access to all data and communications

Twenty years ago, law enforcement organizations lobbied to require data and communication services to engineer their products to guarantee law enforcement access to all data. After lengthy debate and vigorous predictions of enforcement channels going dark, these attempts to regulate the emerging Internet were abandoned.

Should landlords in South Bend be required to register with the city? – 953MNC.com

Landlords would pay a one-time fee of $5 to add all of their properties to the registry, Scott said. Landlords who do not sign up for the registry would be fined $500, while landlords who provide false information would be fined $2,500.

Landlord registry proposed in South Bend – South Bend Tribune: Local

Currently, many rental properties are owned by limited liability companies, or LLCs, linked to anonymous post office boxes or third-party agents, making it difficult for police, code enforcement or housing officials to determine ownership when issues arise.

Bans on Bondage and Spanking During Sex Could Be OK, Says Federal Court – Hit & Run : Reason.com

According to a new federal court decision, Americans have no constitutional right to engage in consensual because “sexual activity that involves binding and gagging or the use of physical force such as spanking or choking poses certain inherent risks to personal safety.”

Obama Admin Pushes Federal Funding to Fix Diaper Inequality | Truth Revolt

Only in the alternate universe of Leftism would a shortage of diapers “lead to child abuse.”

Text – H.Res.642 – 114th Congress (2015-2016): Recognizing magic as a rare and valuable art form and national treasure. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

Recognizing as a rare and valuable art form and national treasure.

military-poll.jpg (540×405)

Hillary Clinton: We Didn’t Lose A Single Person In Libya

“Now, is Libya perfect? It isn’t,” Clinton said. After contrasting her approach toward Libya with the ongoing bloodshed in Syria’s civil war, Clinton said “Libya was a different kind of calculation and we didn’t lose a single person … We didn’t have a problem in supporting our European and Arab allies in working with NATO.”

Report Finds Registered Lobbyists Among Democratic Superdelegates

A new report found that some Democratic superdelegates are also registered .

RNC Rules Comm. Member: Every Delegate At GOP Convention Not Bound On First Ballot

As most of you know, I have been defending the right of the to the Republican National to vote according to their personal choice in all matters to come before the Republican National Convention, including the vote to nominate the Republican Candidate for President, for several years.

Of course, the Ron Paul delegates were planning on using this ‘non-bound’ strategy, and the RNC actively worked to prevent it. Now they promote it as a legitimate way to steal an .

Hillary’s vow to kill coal miners’ jobs finishes a vast Democratic betrayal | New York Post

“We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business,” Clinton said Sunday night while boasting about her clean energy program

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders advocates rail system to ‘take trucks off the roads’ | Overdrive – Owner Operators Trucking Magazine

It’s unclear whether he meant all trucks or just some trucks, but speaking this weekend, presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders, running as a Democrat, told a crowd of supporters the U.S. could do “incredible things” like building a rail system to “take trucks off the roads” if he’s elected president.

Kalamazoo shooting suspect says he was being controlled by Uber app – 953MNC.com

Jason Dalton is charged with murder and attempted murder in the Kalamazoo-area shootings Feb. 20 outside a restaurant and at a car lot. Two people survived, including a woman shot elsewhere.

Show Prep: Mon, Oct. 19

Zach Anderson to be resentenced Monday following sex with girl who lied about her age – 953MNC.com

A 20-year-old Indiana man who spent 75 days in jail after pleading guilty to misdemeanor criminal sexual conduct for having consensual sex with a 14-year-old girl who lied about her age is scheduled to be resentenced.

Epiphany: Hungary Erects Razor-Wire Wall That Keeps Out Refugees | Truth Revolt

said Monday its shutdown of the border with Croatia had put a stop to the influx of migrants and refugees. Only 41 people crossed into the EU member state on Sunday, the government said. “The border closure is working, it has effectively stopped illegal border-crossing,” government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs told reporters in Nagykanizsa, close to the Croatian border. “The Hungarian government is determined to keep the measures in place as long as is needed,” he said.

Biden To Decide On Presidential Run Within 48 Hours | The Daily Caller

Vice President Joe is expected to make an announcement within the next 48 hours about whether he will run for president.

Brady Campaign Labels NRA “Terrorists” | The Daily Caller

The craven statement was made by President Daniel Gross to The Hill. In the article, Gross criticized two Democratic presidential candidates, the D- rated and F rated Lincoln Chafee, for not sufficiently conforming to the group’s radical gun control agenda. In taking particular issue with Chafee’s debate performance, in which the candidate stated he would try to negotiate with NRA, Gross stated, “[t]his is not a negotiation with the NRA… We don’t negotiate with terrorists.”

Atlanta Comcast Users Now Have to Pay $35 Monthly to Avoid Caps | DSLReports, ISP Information

At the beginning of this month added a small wrinkle to its slowly expanding usage cap “trials,” forcing users in these markets to pay a $30 premium if they want to avoid usage caps (300GB, $10 per 50 GB overages). Initially, this option was only available in Florida test markets, but users in our forums indicate that Comcast has now extended the idea into Atlanta.

I tried telling Net Neutrality proponents that this wasn’t going to stop.

Concerns raised over lack of diversity in SF school election results – Story | KTVU

There’s a bit of controversy surrounding student elections at a San Francisco middle school after the results were immediately withheld by the principal because they weren’t diverse enough.

This Is How Much Not Having Health Insurance Will Cost Starting in 2016 | TheBlaze.com

But in 2016, the penalty for being uninsured will rise to the greater of either – $695 or 2.5 percent of taxable income

Feds Hide Secret List Of 11 Staggering Obamacare Insurers | The Daily Caller

Federal officials have a secret list of 11 co-ops they fear are on the verge of failure, but they refuse to disclose them to the public or to Congress, a Daily Caller Foundation investigation has learned.

The Biggest Obamacare Disaster You’ve Never Heard About | The Daily Caller

One third of Obamacare co-ops have failed.

Two more Obamacare health insurance plans collapse – The Washington Post

Nearly a third of the innovative health insurance plans created under the Affordable Care Act will be out of business at the end of 2015, following announcements Friday that plans in Oregon and Colorado are folding.

Zach Anderson re-sentenced to 2 years probation, remains on the Indiana sex offender registry during his probation – 953MNC.com

Democrat-Socialist Bernie Sanders Promises to Raise Taxes on ALL AMERICANS (Video) – The Gateway Pundit

Democrat-Socialist Bernie Sanders promised to raise taxes on ALL AMERICANS during his “This Week” interview Sunday.

Study Shows Governments Are Less Compliant With Regulation | News – Indiana Public Media

Governments and public agencies face different challenges in regulatory compliance than their private counterparts.

Michigan close to banning powdered alcohol from shelves – 953MNC.com

The House on Tuesday voted 102-3 for legislation and sent it to Gov. Rick Snyder for his signature.