Indiana General Election Voter Patterns

Indiana General Voter Patterns

I wanted to give you just some basic data for Indiana leading into the 2024 . I focused on general elections in presidential years only. I compiled data for 2012, 2016, and 2020.

First, let’s take a look at total registered vs actual voter turnout over the past three presidential election cycles.

In Voter Turnout

This is, actually, the most interesting set of data, in my opinion.

In 2012, the population of the Hoosier state was around 6,538,989 people. In 2020, the population was around 6,789,098 people. That’s a population increase of 3.82%. Yet, the number of registered voters increased by 4.31% between 2012 and 2020 with a decrease of 1.61% between 2016 and 2020. There has been a prolonged battle to cure Indiana’s voter rolls by purging registered voters who are no longer legal voters for various reasons.

There have been various attempts to smear Indiana’s attempts to ensure registered voters are, actually, legal voters. The media reported that between 2012 and 2014, Indiana removed 22.4% of its voting population. Yet, the number of registered voters from 2012 to 2016 increased over 6%. For the years in question, where Indiana allegedly removed over 22% of voters, the number of registered voters actually increased 0.83%. Indiana’s attempts to ensure voting integrity have been fought every step of the way by activists.

In 2020, the Center For Public Integrity alleged that “Indiana has made it harder for people to vote.” Well, if that’s the case, why are more people voting? Turnout has continually increased for the main elections. No, looking at primaries and municipal elections where there’s general apathy doesn’t count.

Now onto how voters vote …


As you can see in the chart, since 2012, total voter turnout for presidential general elections have increased. Hard to do in a state where the liberal activists say Indiana is making it “harder for people to vote.”

Another statistic we see is the ever-decreasing number of people who vote in person and the increasing number who vote absentee. We had COVID in 2020 but the numbers were moving away from voting in person to absentee long before COVID.

The numbers are somewhat staggering.

Absentee voting from 2012 to 2020 increased by over 216%. While in-person voting decreased by over 42%.

In 2014, Pew showed Republicans with a 5-point advantage over Democrats in Indiana.

In 2017, Gallop gave Republicans just a 2-point advantage.

Since 2012, Republican presidential candidates have received higher percentages of votes than Democrats. Part of that could be the Mike Pence factor as the Vice Presidential .

Indiana doesn’t register voters by party affiliation getting unbiased numbers is difficult. So trends in that regard are hard to see.

More people are moving to Indiana than away from it. Many are from blue states. Republicans would like you to believe they are mostly Republicans fleeing Democrat policies, but Indiana doesn’t have a reputation as a refuge for . Texas and Florida do, but Indiana does not.

2024 will be an interesting year to evaluate for years to come. The unique circumstances /Biden 2.0 could provide for temporary anomalies in election patterns or could completely reset the electorate in a way previously unimaginable.

St. Joseph County Democrat Candidate Is Power Of Attorney For The Tiger King

St. Joseph County Is Power Of For Tiger King

Ah, the primaries are behind us. Now onto the general election.

Primaries are always ugly affairs. The inexperienced always take them too seriously. It’s like a family battle royale at Thanksgiving. Most of the time, fences are mended. Sometimes they aren’t. Rarely do general elections, outside of the presidency, reach the climax of insanity see in primary elections. Especially in smaller races.

Well, that’s about to change.

District I is the hotbed of attention in Michiana. The primary was ugly for Republicans. For such a small race, it was all a bit out of proportion. However, if I told you the general election race for District I was even MORE interesting?

Republican Andy Rutten is the GOP nominee. Tami Springer is the Democratic nominee.

New Main Pg

Follow me down the rabbit whole …

Tami Springer has worked for the University of Notre Dame for 42 years. She’s raised 7 children and “coordinated our annual college food drive for 19 years in a row for the St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry. I served on the Board of the South Bend League of Women Voters and I was of the Advisory Council at Notre Dame.”

Pretty vanilla political stuff. But …

She’s also the power of attorney for Joe Freakin Exotic, the Tiger King!

Yes, this guy:


The ‘that B!tc# Carole Baskin!’ guy.

Tiger King Netflix

Yeah, and you thought the District I primary was spicy.

In July, 2022, she went on the I Helped Make That podcast (#19) to talk about her journey getting to know the Tiger King and becoming his power of attorney.

In the podcast, she tells you how she became prison pen pals with Joe Exotic after watching the show. She thought he was innocent, was set up, and was mad he was in prison. After the fourth letter, Joe Exotic started emailing her. A few months later they started speaking on the phone. Eventually, Joe Exotic wanted an online store to cash in on his new fame. He also wanted to change his power of attorney to someone ‘he trust.’ That person was Tami Springer. On the podcast, she says they talk on the phone every day. She became his power of attorney after season 2 of Tiger King.

Osceola woman manages Joe Exotic’s web store and has his power of attorney

An Indiana University journalism professor said that Indiana will work its into every story. Happy, sad, good, bad. There is a Hoosier connection. Probably not all the time, but it does seem to come up that way.

Here’s the next one: “Tiger King.” Yes, that one. Tami Springer, of Osceola, manages the website store for Joe Exotic and is his executive assistant and power or attorney. “No one believes me. They think I’m crazy,” she said. It all started when she began to write to him.

South Bend Tribune
Tami Springer leads a demonstration in Oklahoma in 2021.

Just year she helped Joe Exotic in a public feud with Florida Seminoles quarterback Jordan Travis.

She doesn’t seem to mention this on her campaign site. I guess taking over as power of attorney for an ‘innocent’ man to help get him out of prison isn’t campaign-worthy in St. Joseph County.

Fierce Sunglasses Off

Tiger King was good fun and very entertaining. I still use the memes from that show regularly. Many might think it’s a far cry from engaging in the lore of the show to actually becoming pen pals and taking over as power of attorney for a guy sitting in prison. Especially considering what his convictions are for. Let alone his other accusations of grooming young boys.

Also, Joe Exotic is accused of being pretty racist.

Joe Exotic is ‘categorically racist’ and ‘unsettling’ examples of his bigotry were left out of the show, the directors of Netflix’s Tiger King claim

I’m not done with the rabbit hole yet.

Accusations have been made that Tami Springer my be defrauding Tiger King fans.

Screenshot 2024.05.09 10 55 41

Please keep in mind, I have no way of knowing if this is true or not. The whole realm of Joe Exotic stuff is shady as hell.

There are several more accusations online about Tami Springer and potential . I’m looking into it further. There’s even reports that Joe Exotic himself isn’t happy with how Tami Springer always seems to be looking for media attention.

Stay tuned to this one folks. Make sure you sign up for my free newsletter.

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Goshen Democrats‘ Dirty Little Strategy

Goshen ‘ Dirty Little Strategy

He asked me if I would follow him as mayor, I said, by the time you’re done being mayor, Republicans will be so sick of Democrats in Goshen no Democrat get elected.

Alan Kauffman – Former Mayor – Goshen, IN

Alan Kauffman served as Mayor of Goshen, IN for more than 18 years. Not bad for a guy who was convinced no Democrat could get elected in Goshen after Mayor Puro.

So how did Kauffman overcome the odds? How did he become mayor when he was convinced it wasn’t possible for a Democrat to get elected?

“One night I said, well if something that you left office, then I was caucused in and I could run as an incumbent, I’d think it.”

Alan Kauffman – Former Mayor – Goshen, IN

Listen to the audio below.

In March of 1997, Puro resigned and Kauffman was, indeed, easily caucused in by the Democratic Party. From there, he ran for mayor as the incumbent in 1999 and won. Incumbents hold a significant advantage to be reelected. The is history.

Kauffman is currently a Goshen Board member and embroiled in an election scandal for mishandling election funds and possible illegal campaign contributions.

Fast forward to 2015. After mentoring Jeremy Stutsman for over 8 years, Kauffman had his hand-picked successor. Stutsman would defeat Republican Mary Cripe to be Goshen’s mayor. Kauffman said he would have run again if he felt the next mayor would be a ‘flake.’

Stutsman ran unopposed in 2019 after his opponent, Republican Terry Snyder, 77, died unexpectedly just weeks before the May 7 primary election. In December of 2022, Mayor Stutsman announced he was running for his third term as mayor of Goshen.

Then, just a few months later, Mayor Stutsman announced he’s was not running for reelection after all.

Goshen Mayor Jeremy Stutsman is resigning later this year to become the new C-E-O of Lacasa, Inc.

95.3 MNC

At his public announcement that he would not seek reelection, Stutsman said:

“Over the next couple of weeks, between myself, the new mayor that … uh the person that I’m hoping will be the new mayor that’s announcing …”

Mayor Stutsman

Listen to the audio below.

More on who that person is shortly.

The mayor announcing they weren’t running for reelection after announcing that they were caused confusion about the election.

Mayor Stutsman will remain on the May primary ballot. The Democratic party will then caucus a candidate to take Stutsman’s place for the November general election.

It’s hard to say how the GOP would have adjusted their strategy and candidate selection had they known Stutsman would not be running, but it’s safe to assume they would have taken a different approach.

It’s also safe to assume that the timing of Stutsman’s announcement prevented any Democrat candidate from announcing a primary run. Especially since it was late to replace Stutsman’s name on the May ballot.

Once again, Goshen Democrats strategized to take the choice out of the people’s hands and hand-pick their successor for Mayor.

City Councilman Aaron Mishler thinks this is a brilliant strategy. Frankly, it is brilliant albeit very shady, and underhanded.

Goshen election officials said Democrats would caucus to choose Stutsman’s replacement after the May primary. It’s only April and we already have the heir apparent.

Mayor Jeremy Stutsman has Gina Leichty as the candidate of choice to fulfill his term and run for office in the fall municipal election in 2023.

95.3 MNC

Democrats are expected to caucus for a candidate in May. Stutsman has estimated he will be done as mayor in June. The election is in the Fall.

The strategy is simple:

  • Announce you aren’t running for reelection late in the cycle to prevent candidates in your own party from running against your hand-picked successor.
  • Negatively affect the other political party’s strategy going into election season.
  • Give your hand-picked successor an almost certain win.
  • Rinse and repeat anytime there’s a changing of the guard.

To be clear, I’m not accusing anyone of breaking the law. The strategy is effective. Goshen residents need to decide for themselves if they feel cheated by this scheme.

Are Democrats ok with not being able to effectively run for mayor in the primary with a level playing field?

Are Republicans ok with effectively being shut out of a truly competitive electoral process by not knowing who they were running against?

Are Goshen voters ok with the electoral process being manipulated by local Democrats so that all eligible candidates don’t get a fair shot in the primary?

Only Goshen can answer that question.