Wednesday, Jan. 13 – 3

Hour 3
Trump Calls on Americans to ‘Help Ease Tensions,’ Urges ‘No Violence’
Former fed judge says Senate has no ‘constitutional authority’ to impeach Trump after he leaves office
Why Pelosi, Twitter Are Being Called Out Over Election Tweet From 2017
BREAKING: McConnell Rejects Emergency Session On Impeachment, All But Killing Push To Oust Trump
Maskless Pramila Jayapal Complains She Got COVID-19 From Republicans Who ‘Cruelly Refused’ To Wear Masks

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Top : ‘ of from lab

File this under ‘no kidding.’

I you this January. I was called a conspiracy theorist. Now every western intelligence agency agrees with my assessment.

Deputy national security adviser says there is now “a growing of evidence” that COVID-19 leaked from a government-run in .

Pottinger reportedly doubled down on claim in a recent Zoom meeting with U.K. officials.

“There is a growing body of evidence that the lab is likely the most credible source of the virus,” Pottinger said, according to the Daily Mail.

He claimed that the virus may have escaped through a “leak or an accident,” adding, “even establishment figures in Beijing have openly dismissed the wet market story.”

has long claimed that the virus emerged in December 2019 in a wet market, which sells freshly slaughtered animals, including exotic ones like turtles, snakes, bats, civits and pangolins.

I’ve also gone over how Chinese officials have dismissed the false ‘bat soup’ narrative in leaked documents. They didn’t dismiss publicly, mind you.

Source link

Iowa Caucus App That Caused Turmoil Run By Same Group Planning To Publish FAKE Newspapers To Elect Democrats

Iowa Caucus That Caused Turmoil Run By Same Group To Publish Newspapers To Elect Democrats

The fiasco in the Democratic Iowa caucuses have been directly tied to the app that allegedly crashed. That app is run by a group called Shadow Inc.

This is Shadow’s mission statement:

Our mission is to build political power for the progressive movement
 by developing affordable and easy-to-use tools for teams and budgets of any size.

Pete Buttigieg and Joe have been accused of using Shadow to try and steal the Iowa caucuses from . I don’t know if that’s true but they have a legitimate beef. Get ready to go down the hole.

In 2019, a liberal group called ACRONYM acquired Shadow ACRONYM is a Democrat dark money machine that was founded by Tara McGowan. She has a long resume as a Democrat operative. Her husband advises Pete Buttigieg’s campaign and she is a big fan of Pete.

Buttigieg has been given the moniker of Mayor Cheat by Bernie supporters for claiming victory in Iowa in spite of the results not being released yet. Also, his internal results have him losing to Bernie.

Pete’s campaign gave Shadow Inc. money. Not unusual but given how things are playing out in Iowa, this is giving Bernie supporters fits. It certainly doesn’t look good.

ABC 57:

The results of the caucuses are not expected to be released until Tuesday afternoon due to inconsistencies in reporting.

Shadow Inc. describes its mission on its as: “Our mission is to build political power for the progressive movement
 by developing affordable and easy-to-use tools for teams and budgets of any size.”

A check of the Federal Election Commission website shows Buttigieg ‘t the only candidate to use services.

  • Nevada State Democratic Party    $58,000
  • Pete for America     $42,500
  • Gillibrand 2020    $37,400
  • For Our Future    $10,643.25
  • Democratic Party of Wisconsin    $3,750
  • Biden for President    $1,225
  • Texas Democratic Party    $250

Buttigieg’s campaign told CNN they paid Shadow Inc for text messaging.

So an app by former Hillary campaign alums got money from Biden and Buttigieg, and Bernie’s Iowa win is being caught up in a disaster of results reporting. I wonder why Bernie supporters might be a bit conspiratorial here?

It gets better. Tara McGowan and ACRONYM are the people behind the plan to create fake newspapers in swing states to trick voters into voting for Democrats. Literally, they are creating fake news to get Democrats elected. This tactic was also used in the UK.

  • A Democrat dark money operation acquires a company that makes tools for campaigns.
  • The founder of said operation loves Pete and her husband advises him.
  • Dems have been working to assist Biden.
  • Last Des Moines Register poll showed Biden Iowa big.
  • Poll magically doesn’t get published.
  • App to tally results crashes.
  • Biden and Buttigieg gave money to the app creators.
  • Pete declares victory without any results published. He also loses to Bernie with his own internal data.
  • Internal data shows last unpublished poll was most accurate on Biden’s results.
  • All of this is tied to well-known Democrat dark money machine strategizing to fabricate , masquerade it as real, and get Democrats elected.

Hard to blame Bernie supporters for thinking something is amiss.


Show Prep: Wed, Dec. 16

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** week Swiss officials captured operatives transporting explosives and TOXIC GAS for an alleged terrorist attack.

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