Candace Owens Took My Advice. ‘s For To Everyone! – , Nov. 30 – 3

Former FBI Special Agent finds MASSIVE number of absentee votes from non-residents in Georgia

Candace Owens Challenges Fact-Checker, And Wins
McDonald’s is accused of ‘cultural appropriation at its finest’ over its new Jerk Chicken Sandwich

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai will step down on Jan 20

Study finds 84% fewer hospitalizations for patients treated with controversial drug hydroxychloroquine

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Greta Van Susteren and take APART with print from on ‘broadcasting false content’

I’ve told you about this for nearly year. ‘s good to see other members of bring it to light.

Media will definitely feel this. Yikes.

Source: Oh DAAAMN! Greta Van Susteren and Sharyl Attkisson take media APART with fine print from FCC on ‘broadcasting false content’

This FCC rule is why you always see the media use plausible deniability. It’s why I keep telling you to focus on the specific words they use, and how they use them. They are aware they are breaking the law and violating the terms of their license. Remember, this isn’t a First Amendment issue … this is an FCC license issue.

They have to say they made a ‘mistake’ even if they intentionally lied to their audience because the latter is illegal.


Thursday, March 30 – 1 Podcast

Elkhart police officers deny wrongdoing in Jazzelyn Crase civil lawsuit | Elkhart |

Two officers cleared of criminal wrongdoing fatal Dec. 4 incident are also denying any improper actions in a civil stemming from incident.

Microsoft Word – 165812

WASHINGTON, March 27, 2017 – The Federal Communications Commission is alerting consumers to be on the lookout for callers seeking to get victims to say the word “yes” during a call and later use a recording of the response to authorize unwanted charges on the victim’s utility or credit card account. According to complaints the has received and public reports, the fraudulent callers impersonate representatives from organizations that provide a service and may be familiar to the person receiving the call, such as a mortgage lender or utility, to establish a legitimate reason for trying to reach the consumer. T

Hillary Clinton: Has “No Right To Exist,” Wants Them Shut Down

Hillary Clinton’s campaign sent out fundraising email, and went on attack against

is something different,” she says. “They make Fox look like a Democratic Party pamphlet. They’re a different breed altogether — not just but radical, bigoted, anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic conspiracy peddlers who never have been and never should be anywhere near the levers of power this country.”

One of the goals of Clinton’s campaign, Reynolds says, is to ensure Breitbart is destroyed.

[contentcards url=”” target=”_blank”]

The email was signed by deputy communications director Christina Reynolds.

Obviously this message is full of rhetoric that is factually untrue, pro-censorship, and pitches a blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution. It should also serve as notice that old liberal dreams of censoring the opposition are alive and well in the Clinton camp.

Considering the wet dream of reinstalling the Fairness Doctrine always preoccupies the liberal mindset (though efforts have failed thus far), recent FCC moves to censor online conservative voices, and an commissioner saying they aren’t supposed to apply constitutional principles while discussing censoring a news organization, you should all be very worried.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]The wet dream of reinstalling the Fairness Doctrine always preoccupies the liberal mindset. Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

Andrew Breitbart already prepared a response to this type of attack by Hillary’s campaign … .


Daily : Thursday, June 9

Teen sues cop: You need a warrant to check my breath for booze

Over past decade , judges have struck down warrantless tests three times, most recently in 2007, when U.S. District  Judge David Lawson struck down state law that allowed  to force pedestrians under the of 21 to take a without first obtaining a search warrant.

FCC: Taxpayers Footing $500M Bill for Obamaphone Fraud | Truth Revolt

NLAD data reveals that an astonishing 4,291,647 accounts have enrolled through this “loophole.”


Listen: ‘I Think My Dogs A Democrat’ By Bryan Lewis | The Burning Truth

Bryan Lewis’ original song ‘I Think

CONFIRMED=> Hillary Clinton Received 1.5 Million FEWER Votes in 2016 than in 2008 — Democrats Down 7 Million Votes

Even after California primary STILL does not have enough pledged delegates to win the Democratic primary.

Top Stories – Is Trump a Fascist…and what is Fascism? – AllGov – News

Perthes said real fascism requires two more elements — an outright rejection of democracy, and a harsher definition of order. Jobbik, the ultraright party in Hungary, would fall into this category, he said, but Norbert Hofer, the far-right candidate who narrowly lost the Austrian presidential , and Trump would not.

Hour 3

Ex-Standford swimmer convicted of sex assault to leave jail early – 95.3 MNC News | The Burning Truth

A former University whose six-month sentence for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman ignited widespread outrage will leave jail three months early.

Wives Outraged After Young Woman Kills Their Husbands & Gets Misdemeanor

Elizabeth Malish and Julia Cushman lost their husbands at the hands of Rachel Hill, a pretty young woman only concerned about herself and what she wanted. The selfish killer took the lives of two innocent men, but she’s only getting a slap on the wrist. The grieving widows have been left outraged and in disbelief as Rachel was only charged with a misdemeanor for the crime that left their husbands .

Tapper on Fire: Slams ‘Sycophantic’ Media for Fawning Over Hillary | Truth Revolt

Tapper on Fire: Slams ‘Sycophantic’ Media for Fawning Over Hillary | Truth Revolt

The answer to Zika is obvious: Bring back DDT | New York Post

The Zika virus outbreak makes clearer than ever: It’s to end the ban on DDT — a ban that was never sensible in the first place, but now is downright unjustifiable.