Daily : Wednesday, December 7

REVEALED: Michigan Recount Uncovers Serious Voter Fraud in Detroit- VOTES COUNTED UP TO 6 TIMES

In one Detroit Precinct, a team was given a box of ballots with an unbroken seal where everything appeared proper and in place. The tag on the box said there were 306 ballots. The book said 306, and the ticket said 306, so that means there should be 306 paper ballots on the box. When they pulled out the ballots, there were exactly FIFTY paper ballots in a locked sealed box that again was supposed to have 306. The official canvasser approved count for this precinct was 306. For FIFTY ballots.

UPDATE: CNN Issues Gateway Pundit Retraction, Correction Over Fake News Smear

Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this story characterized Gateway Pundit as a website “designed to trick people.” That was not accurate. The Gateway Pundit is a political blog based in St. Louis that is popular among conservatives. CNNMoney has removed that characterization and regrets the error.

This story also reported that Gateway Pundit had published a widely circulated misquote of public comments made by the CEO of Pepsi. CNNMoney has been unable to confirm that Gateway Pundit repeated that misquote.

#CNN, who frivolously accuses good people of racism almost daily, sued because they are racist – The Burning Truth

When your business model is to smear good people as bigots without any evidence on a near-constant basis, I have no sympathy when your chickens come home to roost.

Listen: Pearl Harbor Attack Emergency Radio Announcement – The Burning Truth

75 years ago today. Radio is always there.

Hour 2

Michigan restaurant run on principles of socialism closes doors – The Burning Truth

Even more distinctive, however, was the diner’s business model. Described as “communistic” by a post on its Facebook page, the business was run as a collective, which according to Cappelletti meant it was worker-owned, therefore having no bosses. Bemoaning the inequality in pay between employees in different areas of most restaurants, he stated of the diner: “We’re going to have equal pay and equal say across the board. Everyone working together.”

Marine Who Sent Info To Warn Of Afghan Sex Slaver Wins Case | The Daily Caller

U.S. District Judge Joseph Bianco has struck down the Marine Corps’ attempt to drum Maj. Jason Brezler out of the service for sending classified information via email to warn about a sexually deviant and potentially dangerous Afghan police chief.

This Chart Shows How Computer Literate Most People Are

Exclusive: Trump chooses pro wrestling magnate Linda McMahon to head SBA | Reuters

U.S. President-elect Donald plans to nominate professional wrestling magnate and former Senate candidate Linda McMahon as his choice to head the Small Business Administration, transition officials told Reuters on Wednesday.

First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt’s Pearl Harbor Radio Address On December, 7, 1941 – The Burning Truth

People always forget First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt’s radio address on December, 7, 1941.

Hour 3

MILO To Visit Memories Pizza To ‘Apologize On Behalf Of The Normal Gays’ – Breitbart

Breitbart Senior Editor and resident gay thot will visit tomorrow at 4PM EST, where he will – in his own words – “apologize on behalf of the normal gays.”

CEO: Investment to automate at Carrier will mean fewer jobs – 95.3 MNC

President-elect Donald Trump may have been able to keep 800 jobs at the furnace factory in Indianapolis but the chief executive of Carrier’s parent company says there will ultimately be fewer jobs at the factory.

‘He got up there and lied his a– off’: Carrier union leader on Trump’s big deal

“But he got up there,” Jones said Tuesday, “and, for whatever reason, lied his a– off.”

Whoa: Liberals Mull Scheme to Temporarily Seize Control of Senate, Confirm Obama’s SCOTUS Nominee – Guy Benson

It turns out that sometimes openly advocating a constitutional crisis through the breathtaking and illegitimate arrogation of power is just peachy, so long as it’s intended to “save the country from fascists,” as this post from a left-wing fringe site puts it:

John Koskinen, IRS commissioner, spared impeachment by House Republicans – Washington Times

Republican leaders managed to derail impeachment of Commissioner John on Tuesday, forcing the debate back to a committee for more study, where it will die when Congress adjourns at the end of this year.

US airline to charge passengers extra to use overhead lockers

Listen: FDR Declares War On Japan After Pearl Harbor – The Burning Truth

A day that will live in infamy.

Daily : , 28

Ohio State University assailant dead and multiple people injured at Columbus campus | Daily Mail Online

Abdul Artan, 18, has been identified as the assailant behind a stabbing attack at OSU’s Columbus campus

Police Believe Ohio State Slasher a Somali Refugee | LifeZette

In early October, ISIS called on its followers to engage in a “campaign of knife attacks” in the West, and it appears that ‘s attack could very well be the result of one radical Muslim’s taking that call to heart.

Donald Trump to inherit ‘weak’ Army, military too small to win major wars, report finds – Washington Times

The Washington think tank that helped forge the defense views of President-elect Donald says in a report that the armed forces are too small to win major wars.

Jimmy Kimmel Hilariously Lampoons Political Correctness And SJWs With Ridiculous Thanksgiving Pageant

Jimmy Kimmel skewered social justice warriors and their virtue signaling with the first-ever “politically correct Thanksgiving pageant.” The now allegedly controversial story of Pilgrims and Native Americans sharing a meal together was altered to not offend the perpetually offended. “So we thought it might be a good idea to update the story of Thanksgiving to reflect our modern sensitivities,” Kimmel explained.

Fake news quickly spread again with the CNN Porn scare – HYPELINE

Like the sites didn’t question it almost at all. The NY Post even had its headline “ accidentally airs transsexual porn on Thanksgiving” without even potentially including room for doubt there.

Hour 2

Bloomington Indiana union upset over changes in holidays’ names – 95.3 MNC

Rick Albright is president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 2487. According to the Bloomington Herald-Times , he emailed the mayor saying the changes amounted to changes in the union’s contract. Albright said he plans to file a grievance.

Dealers using THC-laced ‘edibles’ to attract young people | WANE

“They’re getting them through some sort of black market,” said Jerri Lerch of the Allen County Drug and Alcohol Consortium. “That could be online or on the web, or some sort of physical transaction of some kind.”

Indiana TV Station Claims Kids Are Ordering Cannabis Candy Online – Hit & Run : Reason.com

These numbers are nonsensical. A lollipop that was 100 percent THC would not be a lollipop; it would be pure THC. Even a product that was 70 percent THC would not have the taste, consistency, or appearance of a lollipop, which consists mostly of sugar. And if it were possible to create such a thing, a seven-gram lollipop that was 70 percent THC would contain 4,900 milligrams of marijuana’s main psychoactive ingredient. The label on the 2 Baked Gerrls package indicates that it contains 50 milligrams of THC, or 25 milligrams per lollipop (assuming both pictured lollipops came from the same package).

Indiana Chamber of Commerce unveils top legislative priorities for 2017 – 95.3 MNC

“We need to completely fund both maintenance needs and important new projects, and ensure that every user pays their fair share.”

The Oil War Is Over And America Has Won | The Daily Caller

On 30h OPEC will meet to admit they have lost that conflict.

Hour 3

Michelle Malkin | » ‘Green’ initiative: Jill Stein raising millions for election recount (read the fine print)

If we raise more than what’s needed, the surplus will also go toward integrity efforts and to promote voting system reform.

Straight From the Alinksy Playbook: Hillary Clinton Joins Jill Stein’s ‘Recount’ Efforts in Three States | Truth Revolt

It’s been announced that failed presidential candidate  Clinton will join another loser, Communist , for a futile  in the States of Wisconsin, and likely Pennsylvania and , too.

Team Hillary: Yeah, there’s no evidence the election was hacked — but we’re joining the recount anyway; Update: Conway responds, “What a pack of sore losers” « Hot Air

“We stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people,” a senior administration official told POLITICO late Friday.

FAKE NEWS: Washington Post Writes Fake Story About Russia Meddling In US Election Using Fake, Discredited Sources – The Burning Truth

This reminds me of the time the Washington Post published an article about how Hillary Clinton may have been poisoned by Vladimir Putin when she collapsed on the anniversary of 9/11. They did this while simultaneously mocking people who said there may be an issue with Hillary’s health.


FAKE : Washington Post Writes Fake Story About Meddling In US Using Fake, Discredited Sources

Last Thursday the Washington Post published an article on how the Russians were using ‘fake ‘ websites to peddle anti- . Shocker! Most of the websites were conservative or right-leaning. Stunning, I know. I mocked the article on social media when it came out because you’d have to be the worst tin foil hat wearing idiot to believe what they were saying.

Anyone who thinks Drudge is ‘‘ or a propaganda machine for is a Grade A dolt. There are several well-respected and credible websites on their list. Not to mention some of the best journalists alive today. Robert Parry and Robert Scheer are on the list for crying out loud. Google them kiddos if you don’t know who they are.

What’s worse is that the Washington Post, whose content is consistently comprised of 30-40% fake news itself, didn’t make this list. They didn’t do the research, they didn’t track down leads, they didn’t verify any of these websites were working for the Russians, or were at least being played by them. No, they got the list from another website called . Ever heard of them? No? Neither has anyone else. They’ve only been registered since August 2016, and their first blog post was on October 30, 2016.

Ok, the age of a website doesn’t mean it isn’t quality. So who is .com? Apparently, according to their website, they are:

“An independent team of concerned American citizens with a wide range of backgrounds and expertise, including professional experience in computer science, statistics, public policy, and national security affairs.”

So … ghosts. Anonymous, we can be whatever we want to be on the internet, ghosts. That isn’t a real source. That isn’t credible in any way. They’re like the Craigslist hookup section of sources. No real news outlet would use these people for an article of any seriousness. No true journalist would. You might get Brian ‘tip of the spear’ Williams or Dan ‘you can be an honest man, and lie about any number of thing’ Rather to use them as a source, but not a real journalist. Man, those ‘real news’ personalities sure do have a habit of fabricating fake news.

On their Twitter profile, PropOrNot says they will reveal who they are when:

“Russia reveals the names of those running its propaganda operations in the West.”

Okey dokey cupcake.

Also on their Twitter, they defend several times. They even say anyone who is critical of Soros is essentially spewing Russian propaganda.



I wonder who might be behind the operation at PropOrNot? If Soros is involved, and I’m not saying he is, it wouldn’t be his first foray in media. In fact, he funds ProPublica. They tout themselves as an independent nonprofit journalism outfit. The rest of us know them as peddlers of fake news who occasionally do legally questionable things. ‘s history of publishing debunked mythology, pseudoscience, and ad hominem personal attacks of political opponents has long been known. They are more fake news than real, but with an occasional hit. Don’t even get me started on Soros and Media Matters. Probably the fakest ‘news’ website on the internet. Also didn’t make PropOrNot’s ‘fake news’ list.

This reminds me of the time the Washington Post published an article about how Hillary Clinton may have been poisoned by Vladimir Putin when she collapsed on the anniversary of 9/11. They did this while simultaneously mocking people who said there may be an issue with Hillary’s health.

Hillary Clinton Faints leaving 9/11 Memorial

Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Cindy Boren from the Washington Post were behind PropOrNot.

In summary: a website on a crusade to expose ‘fake news’ websites makes it a habit to defend someone who funds fake news websites while not listing the fake news websites that person funds on their big list of ‘fake news’ websites.

Sounds like PropOrNot is the propaganda site here.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]In summary: a website on a crusade to expose ‘fake news’ defends someone who funds fake news websites.[/Tweet]

The Washington Post is just another major media outlet obsessed with the latest fad of exposing ‘fake news.’ Well, welcome to the club Johnny-Come-Lately. It’s time to stop participating in lazy journalism. It’s best that you don’t peddle fake news if you are on a quest to expose it.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]@WaPo – It’s best that you don’t peddle fake news if you are on a quest to expose it.[/Tweet]

Unfortunately, major media in the United States is the number one peddler of fake news, not your shield against it. I’ve highlighted this countless times over the years on my show, on TV, and on my websites. A couple of recent examples are here and here.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Major media in the U.S. is the #1 peddler of fake news, not your shield against it.[/Tweet]

Operation Mockingbird anyone?