Monday, April 3 – Hour 1 Podcast

Indiana House panel to allow Ricker’s to sell cold beer…for now – 95.3 MNC

An House panel has approved a bill allowing Ricker’s convenience stores to temporarily continue selling .

LOL! You don’t have the authority to pass a bill to allow a business to continue to adhere to current law you idiots.

Fake News: Trump Breaking Century-Old Tradition By Not Throwing First Pitch

“The last president to throw out a in Washington in his first post-election spring,” Steinberg observed, “was Richard Nixon — in 1969. That was 48 years ago! That’s almost half the length of this supposed 100-year-old tradition!”

Now the Left Thinks Pence’s Rule to Never Dine Alone With Women Besides His Wife Is Illegal – Leah Barkoukis

On Friday, not only has the dust not settled on this non-story, but Vox ran a piece suggesting Pence’s practice is “probably illegal.”

Of course, the line in question (below) never makes mention of a work environment. Rendering the idiot’s column about legality completely moot.

Karen Pence is the vice president’s ‘prayer warrior,’ gut check and shield – The Washington Post

In 2002, told the Hill that he never eats alone with a woman other than his wife and that he won’t attend events featuring without her by his side, either.

Fake : Falsely Claims Pulled On Juan Williams

‘It’s not , it’s’ is becoming a parody of itself, and rivalling The Onion for satire. Seriously, it’s getting out of control.


, one of the media writers at CNN who works for media industry defender Brian Stelter, printed a story on Thursday alleging: “Last year, after ending one of his many spirited on-air arguments with liberal contributor , Hannity pulled out a and pointed it directly at Williams.” Byers cited “three sources with knowledge of the incident” to make the claim.

“He even turned on the laser sight, causing a red dot to bob around on Williams’ body,” Byers wrote, adding in parentheses: “Hannity was just showing off, the sources said, but the unforeseen off-camera antic clearly disturbed Williams and others on set.”

Byers added in the next paragraph that the alleged incident was investigated, and it was determined nothing bad happened.

So yeah, Sean Hannity is a violent sociopath white guy who threatened innocent unarmed ‘gentle giant’ black guy Juan Williams. Seems legit. Except …

Whoops. Fake news.

This is not going to help Jake Tapper’s relationship with his son at all.

“[He] now does an impression where whenever I’m bothering him he says, ‘,’” Tapper said.

Hannity also addressed CNN example of the new standard for ‘journalism’ in the US:

‘Very fake news’ CNN also said Hannity has a brown belt in Karate.

Now, you’d think that after your report got shredded for the mythology it is by both subjects of your report, alleged assailant and alleged victim, that you’d back away. Especially after the laughable karate bit, right?

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]You’d think after ur report got shredded for the lie it is by both subjects of the report that you’d back away. Nope[/Tweet]


Alleged image of threatening Juan Williams with his pistol.
It’s a high capacity tactical assault pistol with single-use 30 mag clips.


How Is Attacking The Industry In The U.S. – Podcast

There’s a nefarious plot by government officials to use lazy journalists and reporters to spread about , and e-cigarettes. It’s rooted in the darkest depths of government … taxation.

Casey breaks down how fake is being used in the United States to demonize the vaping industry, and why it’s happening.


Fake : Hires Actor To Play Supporter

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