Wednesday, June 28 – Hour 2 Podcast


Sarah Palin Sues New York Times for Defamation

“Today, Sarah took a stand against The Company by filing a which seeks to hold The Times accountable for stating that Governor Palin is part of a ‘sickeningly familiar pattern’ of politically motivated violence and that she incited the horrific 2011 shooting of Representative Gabby , a tragedy where the gunman seriously wounded numerous people and killed 6, including a federal judge and a 9-year-old girl,” Palin’s lawyers—Ken Turkel, Shane Vogt, and S. Preston Ricardo—said in a statement.


Fake News: New York Times Revives Debunked Lie About Sarah Palin – The Burning Truth

The New York Times knows it’s a lie that Palin incited the Giffords shooting, but they don’t care. The Washington Post still has writers spreading that filth too. They know  was a paranoid schizophrenic who abused drugs, had radical liberal views, and a long-standing obsession with Rep. Gabby Giffords. They aren’t interested in the truth. They are only interesting in demonizing the political right. Just like liberals attacked Rep. , Republicans, and the NRA immediately after yesterday’s shooting.

SLPC Silencing Anti-Jihadist Muslim Activists, Sued for Defamation | Truth Revolt

Maajid Nawaz runs , a London-based organization that aims to counter jihadism and extremism around the world. Nawaz, who considers himself a former Muslim radical (and still identifies as Muslim), is now fighting back against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which has labeled his organization a “hate group” for its strong stance against radicalism.

Vice Media Retracts Two Reports On Donald Tru | The Daily Caller

retracted two stories about President Donald Wednesday, admitting that the stories fell apart after further scrutiny.

Report Sheds Light On ‘Hate Crime’ Attack On | The Daily Caller

A Muslim woman who was attacked by a stranger in Milwaukee in April told police that she did not believe that she was targeted because of her religion, a statement which is at odds with how her story was portrayed in the media by local and national Muslim civil rights groups.


Monday, June 26 – Hour 3 Podcast


CNN deletes, retracts story linking Trump and Russia

by Friday night, the story was removed from ‘s website and all links were scrubbed from the network’s social media accounts.

Very Fake News: After Breitbart Investigation, CNN Retracts Conspiracy Theory Hit Piece Attacking Trump, Associates Over Russian Fund

As Breitbart noted in its original investigation into the demonstrably CNN hit piece, this supposed Senate investigation exists only among Democrats and not the actual Senate Intelligence Committee. Breitbart News noted in the original investigation:

DCNF Chief Calls Out Media Bias [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

“It’s journalism 101,” he said. “If you can’t confirm a story then you really shouldn’t run with it.”

Leaked CNN Memo: Top Execs to Review All Russia Stories After Very Fake News Retraction – Breitbart

BuzzFeed’s Deputy News Director Jon Passantino tweeted a screenshot of a leaked internal memo from Barbieri to CNN staff instructing them that all future -related stories must be cleared by him or the VP of Premium Content Video, Jason Farkas. The email, which was sent at 11:21 AM on Saturday, reads, “No one should publish any content involving Russia without coming to me and Jason [Farkas].” The memo continues, “This applied to social, video, editorial, and MoneyStream. No exceptions. I will lay out a workflow Monday.”

Supreme Court takes case on baker who refused to sell wedding cake to gay couple | Circa News – Learn. Think. Do.

The decided Monday that it will consider whether a baker who objects to same-sex marriage on religious grounds can refuse to make a for a gay couple.

Woman suspected of setting Iowa mosque on fire

Police in Iowa arrested a 22-year-old woman suspected of starting a small fire at an Iowa mosque Thursday morning.

EXCLUSIVE-U.S. warship stayed on deadly collision course …

The container ship steered hard to starboard (right) to avoid the warship, but hit the Fitzgerald 10 minutes later at 1:30 a.m., according to a copy of Captain Ronald Advincula’s report to Japanese ship owner Dainichi Investment Corporation that was seen by Reuters.

Freighter Was On Autopilot When It Hit US Destroyer

The deadly collision between a U.S. destroyer and a container ship June 17 took place while the freighter was on autopilot, according to Navy officials.


Fake : Actress Did Not Get Paid Less Than Actor


More fake about the mythical gender wage gap.

BuzzFeed and Elle Magazine tried to push their gender pay gap agenda by comparing  actress ‘s earnings to her DC Cinematic Universe colleague  actor .

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Buzzfeed and Elle magazine aren’t exactly bastions of research and facts, but this was so simple to debunk they should both be embarrassed for publishing it.

They both reported that Gal Gadot was paid $300,000 for Wonder Woman while Henry Cavill was paid $14 million for Man of Steel.

Man of Steel made $668 million at the box office total. Wonder Woman has made $571.8 million so far, and has a lot of life left.

Vanity Fair:

It would be perfectly indicative of the gender pay gap that lingers in . . . if it were at all true. As the Elle article that sent the stat viral said itself, Cavill’s $14 million earning include bonuses for box office performance, while Gadot’s $300,000, per a 2014 Variety report, is just the base for each film she’s made thus far in the DC Universe,” they continued. “Though the details of Cavill’s reported $14 million could not be verified, a source with knowledge of studio negotiations on franchise films told Vanity Fair, ‘It certainly isn’t for one picture. That’s insane.’

For superhero franchises just getting started, though, the process is usually simple: find a star on the rise, pay them relatively little, and then offer more if the franchise takes off. Marvel pioneered the effort with Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, and Chris Hemsworth, all of whom were reportedly paid less than $500,000 for their first solo superhero outings, but eventually landed much bigger paydays for subsequent entries. (Downey Jr. famously made $50 million for The Avengers, and helped his co-stars negotiate higher salaries themselves.) Cavill, like Hemsworth and Evans and Gadot when their franchises started, was more of an unknown, and likely to have signed the same lowball salary contract with a promise of future returns.

So, Cavill wasn’t paid $14 million for Man of Steel, and they made the same with bonuses. I should also note that Gadot made twice as much base salary as Chris Hemsworth in Thor. So much for that narrative.


Fake : Says ‘Gunman Who Shot Congressman Had No Target in Mind’


The Associated Press’s headline proclaimed, “Gunman who shot congressman had no target in mind.”

Adrift and nearly out of money after three months of living out of his van in the Washington area, the gunman who shot a top House Republican and four other people on a Virginia baseball field didn’t have any concrete plans to inflict violence on the Republicans he loathed, officials said Wednesday.

James T. Hodgkinson, 66, was shot and killed by police after he opened fire on Congressional Republicans practicing for their annual charity baseball game against Democrats last week. Rep. Steve of Lousiana, the House majority whip, was struck in the hip and gravely wounded. Scalise remains hospitalized, and his condition was upgraded to fair on Wednesday. All five people who were shot, including two U.S. Capitol police officers, survived their injuries.

The does some linguistic gymnastics of what the FBI said in their press conference. The FBI made clear the was having personal problems, had anger issues, and hated Republicans. They also made it clear they haven’t finished their investigation, and couldn’t officially determine motive.

The AP then attempts to paint the shooter as a guy who’s life wasn’t going well, and so he randomly snapped at a park and shot strangers.


The AP ignores the history of violent rhetoric from the shooter, his belonging to violent Facebook groups, his having a list of six members of Congress on him during the shooting, and two congressmen saying he inquired about the party affiliation of the players on the field before opening fire.

He may not have had a specific individual in mind, but he absolutely targeted Republicans. The FBI has to avoid conclusions before an investigation is concluded, but the Associated Press is just being silly.

H/t: Truth Revolt