Flashback: In 2018 I Did A Flash About And Getting Awards For Fake Hoax

While the media tries to erase that they’ve been lying to you about the for years, I wanted to remind you that it was crystal clear the story wasn’t true a LONG time ago.

The Washington Post Has Had To Correct Over A Dozen Articles Related To The Junk “Steele Dossier” That Helped Launch The Trump-Russia Collusion Conspiracy Theory

Great news … Fake News Flash will be making its triumphant return in 2022.

Feel free to search this site for far more content, with my opinion, on the collusion hoax.


I’m playing around with a new segment. It’s designed for radio, but figured I’d throw them up on the site until the project is done.

is a radio spot highlighting fake in the current news cycle. Hosted by yours truly, and hopefully heard on millions of stations in the near future.

Let me know what you think.