Fake Hate: Fabricated Hate Crime

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, an assistant at has been arrested on charges alleging he made false reports of anti-Islamic threats against him and even reported an attack authorities say did not happen.

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Hussain, 56, faces a felony charge of obstruction of justice and a misdemeanor charge of harassment. He was booked into Vigo County Jail at 4:51 p.m. today and is scheduled for a Monday appearance in Vigo County Superior Court 6. Bond has been set at $10,000 cash.

The university in a release said Hussain, an assistant professor of aviation technology, has been suspended from teaching duties.

The charges stem from a series of emails that were received on campus containing anti- messages and threats of potential violence against members of the Muslim community, according to the university.

– Tribune Star

If you go to ISU’s faculty page for Azhar Hussain, it’s been removed.

ISU Azhar Hussain


Monday, April 17 – Hour 3 Podcast

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