Daily : Wednesday, July 6

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/motorcyclist-killed-in-toll-road-crash-with-state-cop-identified-95-3-mnc-news/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/witness-indiana-state-trooper-at-fault-for-accident-that-killed-motorcyclist/” target=”_blank”]

DNC Readies Warning On “Trumpocalypse” | The Smoking Gun

A Trump “Successful Businessman Starter Kit” would include a $40 million check from “your Dad” and a diploma from Trump University.

Interns Get Fired En Masse After Protesting Dress Code at Work

After complaining at work and hoping to enact change, a class of was met with a very unexpected outcome.

How Good Is Job Growth? The Chart Obama Doesn’t Want You To See | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis – IBD

What’s more, that 14.4 million increase in is measured against when the job market hit rock bottom in February 2010. If you compare the current number of jobs to the previous jobs peak in January 2008 — which is how job growth is normally measured — the number of private-sector jobs has increased just 5.6 million.

New York Daily News: Ban ‘God Bless America’ from Ball Games

Kuntzman says the reverential tradition “when fans are asked to rise, remove their caps and place them over their hearts” is a “Mussolini-esque introduction of the song.”

Dad, son fight FAA over gun-firing, flame-throwing drones | Fox News

A Connecticut father and son are headed for a court showdown with the Federal Aviation Administration over whether the agency can force them to disclose information about drones shown in two YouTube videos firing a gun and deploying a flame thrower in their backyard.

[contentcards url=”http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/07/gretchen-carlson-files-lawsuit-against-roger-ailes-alleging-sexual-harassment-225162″ target=”_blank”]

STUNNING FINAL ANALYSIS=> GOP Primary Turnout Up 62% This Year – Dem Primary Turnout Down 21% This Year

Republican was up 62% this year. Democratic turnout was down 21% this year.

[contentcards url=”http://953mnc.com/2016/07/06/mcgriddles-mcdonalds-day-breakfast-menu/” target=”_blank”]

St. Joseph County judge candidate blasts fair after alleged snafu – 95.3 MNC

candidate Doug Bernacchi was asked to leave the St. Joseph County 4-H over the weekend after an allegedly heated argument, the South Bend Tribune reported, but he says that’s not what happened.

Apple working to disable phone cameras at concerts, theaters – HYPELINE

is currently working on new technology that would disable your phone’s photo and video capabilities where it is illegal, according to a newly approved patent filing.

Trump Supporter Kicked Out of Mexican Restaurant for Wearing “Make America Great Hat”

A Donald has claimed she was thrown out of a in New York for wearing a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat and button.

[contentcards url=”http://dailycaller.com/2016/07/05/court-rules-foia-reach-extends-into-private-email-accounts/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/07/03/federal-lab-cooked-the-books-for-two-decades-and-no-one-is-being-punished/?singlepage=true” target=”_blank”]


Show Prep: Mon, Dec. 14

Mannequins replace live actors in Nativity scene during Concord High School Christmas show – 953MNC.com

After a federal judge granted a preliminary injunction banning  Concord Community Schools from including a live scene as part of its annual show, the school, instead, featured a Nativity scene using mannequins in the Christmas Spectacular program on Saturday, Dec. 12.

Concord High School’s 2015 Christmas Spectacular still a hit despite federal lawsuit – Elkhart Truth

Bill Grossman, a 1988 Concord graduate who performed in four consecutive Christmas Spectaculars during his time as a band and orchestra member, said he did not appreciate what he considered a “lack of respect for authority” in including a Nativity scene of any sort.

Get Money Out Of Politics, Except When Democrats Need To Fund Their Convention – The Burning Truth

Already struggling with finances, the Democratic Party has drafted a plan to have taxpayers help pay about $20 million for next summer’s nominating , reversing a change Congress approved just a year ago. Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who is also a congresswoman from Florida, has drafted a bill to restore money that both parties used to receive from the federal government to help defray the costs of running their quadrennial conventions.

Kids cancer fundraiser deemed microaggression by Kansas BLM protesters

Shortly thereafter, the RCIH demonstrators found themselves in conflict with another student group, the Tri Delta sorority, which was selling candy canes to raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in the same Wescoe Beach area in which the protesters were congregating.

Changes to ISTEP coming after clamor over Indiana scores – 953MNC.com

A top Indiana legislator on education issues says he’s coming up with proposals to adjust how the state uses standardized test scores to determine teacher pay.

Press Release – FAA Announces Small UAS Registration Rule

Owners may register through a web-based system at www..gov/uas/

‘Star Wars’ T-shirt lands 7th grader in hot water at Texas school | Fox News

Specifically, that would be a Stormtrooper holding a “rebel ” on a “” T-shirt.

Maybe they were mad because a Storm Trooper was holding a ‘rebel blaster.’

Disney Sending Out DMCA Notices Over Pictures Fans Took Of Their Legally Purchased Star Wars Toy | Techdirt

All of this started not that long ago, in a Walmart not particularly far away, when someone with a Facebook Star Wars fan group walked into a store and legally purchased a Star Wars figurine and then uploaded a photo of it to the Facebook group. Turns out the figurine contains a sort of spoiler within it or something. As such, plenty of other websites, such as Star Wars Unity, linked to it, embedded the photo of the figure, and discussed its implications. You know, like Star Wars fans do on all kinds of sites all the time. Well, that’s when the DMCA notices began rolling in and the images started coming down.

School principal bans Santa, Thanksgiving and Pledge of Allegiance | Fox News

Santa Claus is banned. The Pledge of Allegiance is no longer recited. “Harvest festival” has replaced Thanksgiving, and “winter celebrations” substitute for Christmas parties.

SEVEN YEARS AGO TODAY… Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Ice Free in Five Years – The Gateway Pundit

predicted the North Polar Cap would be completely ice free in five years. Gore made the to a German audience in 2008. He told them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.”

Immigration officials prohibited from looking at visa applicants’ social media | TheHill

Johnson decided to keep the prohibition in place in early 2014 because he feared a civil liberties backlash and “bad public relations,” according to ABC.

Show Prep: Thurs, Oct. 15

Army Secretary’s Comments on Equality Spark Debate Over Female Draft Registration – Ben Swann’s Truth In Media

“If we find ourselves as a military at large where men and women have equal opportunity, as I happen to believe they should, serving in combat positions at least on a formal basis … then ultimately the question of extending the requirements to women as well will have to at least be discussed,” said Sec. McHugh

Texas football coach denies ordering players to hit referee | Fox News

Texas high school sports officials have punished two players and coaches involved in an intentional hit on a referee, showing some leniency to a former assistant who denied allegations he ordered the players to blindside the game umpire.

Aunt who sued nephew over exuberant hug: It’s a claim against the insurance company, nothing more « Hot Air

“This was meant to be a simple homeowners insurance case,” she said. “Connecticut law is such that I was advised by counsel that this is the way a suit is meant to be worded.”…

Congressional Review Of Copyright Law May Threaten Drudge | The Daily Caller

Congress may update digital affecting aggregator sites, like the and Real Clear , along with sites in the near future.

FAA Now Has The Tech To Hijack Your Drone In The Air | The Daily Caller

The Federal Aviation Administration now has the technology to hijack drones in the middle of the air, adopted as part of an effort to keep personal and commercial drones away from sensitive areas.

Here’s What Americans Are Most Afraid Of | TIME

Corruption of government officials (58.0%)

Follow the Money: Biggest Campaign Contributors 2016, by Company and Industry | The Daily Caller

“The importance of money flows from it being a link between the present and the future.” ~ Economist John Maynard Keynes (1883-1943) Campaign contributors 2016: Politicians famously fail to follow through on their campaign promises once elected. Just look at the track record of our current leadership…

Lobbyists for Clinton’s ‘Enemies’ Are Bankrolling Her Campaign

Asked to name the enemies that she is most proud of during Tuesday’s Democratic presidential debate, Hillary Clinton cited industries represented by lobbyists who are among her top campaign fundraisers.

A Veteran Publicly Confronted Someone He Thought Was Committing an Act of Stolen Valor, but Now He’s Facing a Disciplinary Investigation | Video | TheBlaze.com

A Wisconsin graduate student and Iraq war veteran is surprised that he is under disciplinary review, barred from campus outside of attending classes, after a confrontation in which he accused a classmate of stolen valor.

California Trains Kids To Ask For Consent Every 10 Minutes During Sex

A look at the new landscape of education published by The New York Times contains an eye-opening anecdote: In California, teachers are telling kids to get consent every ten minutes during sex to avoid committing .

Anti-Rape Activist Resigns After Raping Somebody | The Daily Caller

A racial equality officer, gay rights, and anti-rape activist at Oxford University is resigning her positions after admitting she engaged in “not consensual” sex while at a student conference.