‘ Worked for Current 2020 Democrat Presidential Candidate

Yeah, this is another major problem with this .

Via Red State:

Earlier today, I wrote on that the Trump-Ukraine “whistle-blower” was a registered Democrat. On its own, that’s somewhat telling news, but perhaps not overwhelmingly meaningful without more information. my article, I opined why I thought CNN chose to report the story in the first place given their editorial leans.

Now, you might ask yourself why CNN would report this. The answer is simple. ‘s called getting ahead of story to help frame it. We’ve seen this over and over when damaging information that could possibly help Donald Trump is on the verge of being exposed. Instead of letting it drop, legacy news agencies run and get anonymous quotes to try to get the information out while presenting it in the best possible light…

The goal is to get the political affiliation of the whistle-blower out there early so that when more evidence of drops, Democrats can claim it’s old news and not relevant to the complaint.

Games are being played here. Don’t be fooled.

Like clockwork, we’ve now got more information on the bias of the whistle-blower and I was exactly right. Not only was a he registered Democrat, the guy worked on the campaign of a current 2020 candidate.

Source: News Breaks That the Whistle-Blower Worked for a Current 2020 Democrat Presidential Candidate

No wonder they are parading a new ‘‘ to make legitimate concerns about this one go away.


Teenager shoots at cars while shouting ‘I don’t like my hood’

black teenager shouted “I don’t like my hood” before chasing four people with a gun and firing multiple shots at them, according to documents.

Cincinnati Police said 18 year old Devonta Allen was filmed firing three shots at alleged victims, hitting the two vehicles they were in but missing everyone inside.

Three of the people involved in the incident were white and the individual was African-, according to a criminal complaint.

After turning himself in, Mr Allen admitted to the shooting but claimed the alleged victims were armed and fired at him first.

However, said: “This and other statements made by Allen are inconsistent with the videotape and statements from the victims and witnesses.”

Source: Teenager shoots at cars while shouting ‘I don’t like white people in…

The Media Is Responsible For Violence In Dallas Last Night

The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters

Police Abuse Happens To Everyone, Not Just Blacks

FISA says James ‘s was constantly breaking – Podcast

Former FBI Director headed during when declassified documents and the says the FBI was constantly breaking the law, and violating the constitutional rights of Americans. The media is still yapping about Russia without any evidence, and can’t be bothered to give this story any attention.

breaks down the activity that in ‘s FBI.