Bye Twitter

As most of you know, I’d previously been banned from for posting about 3D printed guns.

My company came to me a while back and asked that I get back on and we went through the verification process to get my blue checkmark.

I don’t need to spend a lot of time going over what you already know about Twitter’s lies and double-standards.

The time has come to leave Twitter again … permanently.

They not only engage in hypocritical censoring of conservatives while allowing far more egregious violations by leftists, but they allow , anti-Semitism, and they allow China to promote their of as a positive thing.

Twitter’s begins and ends with their political opposition, full stop.

They can have their echo chamber to feed their derangement.

I’ve been on Parler a long time. Far longer than many of you have even known about the website. Find me there instead of Twitter @caseythehost.

is my largest community and I have no plans to leave Facebook. However, my business will.