Journalists Outraged Over Being Held To Their Own Standards

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There’s more in now than there is in .

On today’s show we talk about the anger from liberal journalists about being held to the standards they hold everyone else to. Also, a one-term, backbench former Congressman turned failed radio host is challenging President Trump for the Republican nomination, ‘s Brain “the human potato” Stelter thinks Trump is mentally unfit for office while Joe Biden continues to show he might not be.

Rather than a serious campaign kick-off with a crowd of supporters, former Congressman Joe Walsh went on “This Week” to announce his candidacy. It was welcome in liberal newsrooms, while the American people who heard about it had one question on their lips: Who? We have the audio and explain why there was no formal campaign event (he likely couldn’t gather a crowd).

is very upset that conservatives are searching posts of liberal journalists and digging up past racist/sexist/anti-Semitic/embarrassing things their employees have said. In essence, liberals do not want to be treated the way they’ve treated every conservative, both public and private citizens, for the last decade. We get into all of it.

, AKA the human potato, had a psychiatrist on his show who thinks calling crazy is an insult to and the President could be responsible for more deaths and Stalin, Mao, and Hitler. Stelter offered no rebuttal of follow-up question, claiming he wasn’t able to hear the comments. That doesn’t explain why no one who works on the show told him either at the time or during a commercial break.

Stelter also thinks his idea that the President is mentally unfit for office is something the media needs to focus on more. To make his case, he relies on comments from noted Trump haters. Seems Stelter’s “analysis” is as unbiased as his employer’s reporting.

Listen to the show here

The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters

“F*ck Them”: Fox 10 Host Responds to Bosses Who Asked Her to Hide Her “Right-Wing” Views

I posted this on Facebook the other day. It’s utterly ridiculous to limit a talent’s presence. I went through this at CBS. They banned all social media and podcasting as it was just surging. A presence on a platform isn’t an issue, especially on Parlor. Her post content would be the only potential issue and she’s not being accused of posting inappropriately.

The real story here is that a coworker leaked this to the public in order to smear her. That person should be fired. I know they violated the terms of their for doing this.

A Fox 10 host in whose bosses asked her to hide her account on “right-wing” social media platform Parler because a left-wing outlet might notice it had a terse response; “F*ck them”.

Fox 10’s -winning anchor Kari Lake dropped the f-bomb on camera as she was preparing to do a Facebook Live broadcast and the clip was subsequently leaked online.

Good for her.

I also love how she called the paper a bunch of 20-year-olds who run a rag to sell pot. Savage.

Source: “F*ck Them”: Fox 10 Host Responds to Bosses Who Asked Her to Hide Her “Right-Wing” Views

Thursday, July 12 – Hour 2

Store manager fired for stopping gun thief.

Wal-Mart gains to spy on workers and customers.

Trump’s provides a new burden on employers.

People are butthurt over Scarlett Johanson playing a trans-man in a movie.