Daily : , June 30

[contentcards url=”http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2015/07/30/filthy-rio-may-cause-serious-health-issues-for-olympic-swimmers-rowers.html” target=”_blank”]

Elkhart County minorities to help organize bicentennial activities in wake of flap over pick of all-white relay team – Elkhart Truth

Officials helping plan activities in Elkhart County to mark ‘s bicentennial are forming an expanded organizational committee that will include minority representation.

Lyman man charged following shooting at nightclub | GoUpstate.com

Three people were shot. Another man who was shot at returned fire with his own handgun and struck Thompson in the leg, he said.

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/watch-cnn-host-gets-pwned-with-facts-on-guns/” target=”_blank”]

No more cookie dough? FDA says it’s a raw deal – Fox 28: South Bend, Elkhart IN News, Weather, Sports

It is hard to resist eating even a piece of raw dough while making cookies, or letting the kids scrape the bowl, but the FDA says it could make you sick, even if you don’t use eggs. Many people understand the risk of eating raw dough due to the presence of raw eggs and its Salmonella risk. There is still a risk associated with raw dough without eggs, such as E. coli in flour.


Study: little to no association between butter and chronic disea – Fox 28: South Bend, Elkhart IN News, Weather, Sports

Tufts University researchers reviewed several studies representing more than 600,000 people finding had either a very small or insignificant association with any risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes or sudden death.


IRS Tea-Party Harassment May Have Broken the Law | National Review

Recently obtained documents raise new questions about Lois Lerner’s role in sending confidential tax returns to the Justice Department.

Real Life PC Principal: Police Interrogate Third Grader Accused of Racism for Brownie Comment at School Party

A had made a comment about the brownies being served to the class. After another student exclaimed that the remark was “racist,” the school called the Collingswood Department, according to the mother of the boy who made the comment.

Why police were called to a South Jersey third-grade class party

Superintendent Scott Oswald estimated that on some occasions over the last month, officers may have been called to as many as five incidents per day in the district of 1,875 students.

Police bodycams ‘filmed officers using toilet’ claims lawsuit against “offensive and voyeuristic intrusion” – Mirror Online

U.S. sailors divulged sensitive information while held by Iran – Navy | Reuters

U.S. sailors who blundered into Iranian waters in January divulged sensitive information to their captors while held at gunpoint by ‘s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a U.S. Navy said on Thursday.

Humanity Greening Earth, Plant Life Everywhere Thrives | The Daily Caller

A team of researchers lead by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory Climate Change Science Institute discovered a correlation between human activity and the greening of the Northern Hemisphere.

Law Enforcement Sources: Gun Used in Paris Terrorist Attacks Came from Phoenix – Judicial Watch

One of the guns used in the November 13, 2015 Paris terrorist attacks came from Phoenix, Arizona where the Obama administration allowed criminals to buy thousands of weapons illegally in a deadly and futile “-walking” operation known as “Fast and Furious.”

E.U. Survey Finds E-Cigarettes Helped 15 Million Smokers Quit or Cut Back – Hit & Run : Reason.com

A large survey of Europeans indicates that more than 6 million have quit smoking with the help of , while more than 9 million have cut back

Parents punish teen for theft with backyard tent banishment – TODAY.com

Clinton’s Private E-Mail Use Said to Frustrate Top Aide Huma Abedin

A top aide to Clinton said the former secretary of state’s use of a private e-mail server to conduct government business on at least one occasion got in the way of Clinton’s work and left the aide frustrated, according to a transcript of the aide’s deposition released Wednesday.

Fox targeted by FEC Dems in first-ever vote to punish debate sponsorship

Finally making good on long-harbored anger at conservative media, Democrats on the Federal Election Commission voted in secret to punish Fox ‘ sponsorship of a Republican presidential debate, using an obscure law to charge the network with helping those on stage.

Daily : , May 5

Downtown South Bend wrapped in free Wi-Fi – South Bend Tribune: Local

Mayor Pete Buttigieg will announce that free, public Wi-Fi is now available from more than 30 access points within a new, downtown wireless network.

The FDA Wants More People To Die Of Lung Cancer, Moves To Stamp Out Vaping | The Daily Caller

If the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) statutory purpose is to protect public health, why is the agency using its regulatory power in a way that stands to undermine advances in public health?

FDA to Regulate E-Cigarettes, Ban Sales to Minors – WSJ

“We’re looking at the flavor issue with e-cigarettes,” said FDA Tobacco Center Director Mitch Zeller during a conference. Later, he said, that while the agency was aware of “anecdotal reports” that e-cigarettes have helped smokers kick their habit, those benefits were outweighed by concerns about youth using the devices.

The FDA’s $36 million campaign to curb LGBT tobacco use « Hot Air

The Administration has launched a $35.7 million Food and Drug Administration anti-tobacco campaign focused on lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and youth.

Our Opinion: Goal achieved, now let city’s new flag fly – South Bend Tribune: Our Opinion

Now that the city of has a new for the first time since 1965, it’s time to let it fly and move on.

Facebook Censoring Right-Wing Websites | LifeZette

Evidence has emerged that social media giant Facebook is effectively censoring right-wing news and websites.

Studebaker tech project lands almost $23 million to rehab former plant – South Bend Tribune: Business

The local company that’s turning the old assembly into a technology hub announced Wednesday that it has secured $22.9 million in financing to move ahead with the project. The complex consists of three connected buildings along Lafayette Boulevard, south of the railroad viaduct across from Four Winds Field and Union Station Technology Center.

Video: Did Trump reverse his position on a minimum-wage hike? « Hot Air

No, not exactly, despite what CNN and The Hill reported last night.  CNN’s Wolf Blitzer challenged Donald Trump in an interview yesterday about Trump’s claim that he would attract many of Bernie Sanders’ supporters in a general election by focusing on the minimum-wage hike promised by both Sanders and Hillary Clinton.

It has begun. Hillary ordered the media to start going after Trump today, and Wold Blitzer is the first one to oblige. He cut Trump off right when he was explaining that messing around with the too much hinders competitiveness. He did it later when Trump correctly pointed out Hillary’s campaign was the first to float the Obama birth certificate story too. CNN cut from the interview to Blitzer saying Hillary never made that claim. Her campaign was the original source.

Ben Carson: What if we make Ted Cruz Attorney General and have him prosecute Hillary Clinton? « Hot Air

“I think he would be terrific on the Supreme Court, or I think he would be a terrific . Or he could be both,” Carson said. “He could be attorney general first, you know, go ahead and prosecute Hillary, and then go on the Supreme Court.”

Watch: Ann Coulter Get Laughed At For Saying Trump Had Best Chance To Win | The Burning Truth

On June 19, 2015, Ann Coulter called it … sort of … but mostly.

Exclusive: President Fox Apologizes, Invites Trump to Mexico – Breitbart

“I apologize. Forgiveness is one of the greatest qualities that human beings have, is the quality of a compassionate leader. You have to be humble. You have to be compassionate. You have to love thy neighbor,” Fox explained to Breitbart News while sitting in the hotel of the J.W. Marriott in Santa Monica, California on Wednesday afternoon.

McCain on tape: Trump damages my reelection hopes

Publicly, John McCain insists Donald Trump will have a negligible effect on his campaign for reelection. But behind closed doors at a fundraiser in Arizona last month, the Republican senator and two-time presidential hopeful offered a far more dire assessment to his supporters.

Hacker ‘Guccifer’ Says He Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Email Server | The Burning Truth

“It was like an open orchid on the Internet,” Marcel Lehel Lazar, uses the devilish handle Guccifer, told NBC News in an exclusive interview from a prison in Bucharest. “There were hundreds of folders.”

Show Prep: Tues, Oct. 27

FBI launches probe of violent arrest of black South Carolina student | Reuters

Federal authorities said on Tuesday they will investigate a white deputy’s arrest of a black high school student in South Carolina, after video showed him slamming the teenager to the ground and dragging her across a classroom.

‘Black Lives Matter’ is FREAKING out over THIS VIDEO, but is it really POLICE BRUTALITY? » The Right Scoop –

The Black Lives Matter group is freaking out over a new video that emerged showing an altercation between an officer and a student. BLMers are saying that the officer is “brutally assaulting a peaceful student.”

VIDEO: Altercation between SC student, school resource officer

a disruptive student refused to leave after a teacher asked her to. An administrator was called to the room, and also asked the student to leave, Lott said, and she refused again. Finally, the school resource officer came to the room. Lott said the officer forcibly removed the student and she resisted arrest.

This restaurant owner started a fight with vegans online and it escalated quickly. | So That Happened | Someecards

The White Moose Café seems like a completely normal eatery in Dublin serving a mixture of vegetables and meats (like bacon, which the just tragically announced causes cancer). The White Moose is owned by a man named Paul Stenson. Apparently, back in August, the staff had a run-in with a customer who was perturbed to find few dishes on the menu that worked for her chosen diet. Stenson posted the short rant below about calling ahead to restaurants if you wish to be accommodated:

Best Donuts in All 50 States – Dough, Donut Bar, Doughnut Vault, Pink Box Doughnuts

Sweetwater’s Donut Mill

BUSTED: Republican Trey Gowdy Caught Using Private Email Server |

Rep. (R-SC) and Republicans across the country have been obsessing over former Secretary of State and current Democratic frontrunner Clinton’s use of a private during her time, determined to use it to find some evidence of negligence or wrongdoing that could be used to frame her and derail her presidential ambitions. Ignoring the fact that no was found within the emails and that there were no regulations against the use of the private server at the time, Republicans have turned the very existence of the email server into a talking point, using it a launching point for all sorts of outlandish allegations which have no basis in fact.

Watch Media Liberals Parrot THE EXACT SAME WORDS ABOUT HILLARY (VIDEO) – Progressives Today

It looks like everyone who works in liberal media got the exact same talking points about the Hillary Clinton campaign because they’re all repeating the line over and over.

Remember The CEO Who Started Paying His Employees $70,000 Starting Salary A Year? Well The Company Is #KillingIt

Revenue is growing at twice the rate it was before Chief Executive Dan Price made his announcement this spring, according to a report on Inc.com. Profits have doubled. Customer retention is up, despite some who left because they disagreed with the decision or feared service would suffer. (Price said he’d make up the extra cost by cutting his own $1.1 million pay.)

Um … yeah … I don’t think so.

FLASHBACK: Remember the Seattle CEO Who Raised All Salaries to $70K, Here’s What Happened Next…

Dan Price, 31, tells the New York Times that things have gotten so bad he’s been forced to rent out his house.

“I’m working as hard as I ever worked to make it work,” he told the Times in a video that shows him sitting on a plastic bucket in the garage of his house. “I’m renting out my house right now to try and make ends meet myself.”

481 Things Other Than Bacon That The WHO Says Cause Cancer | The Daily Caller

Here’s a small sample of some of the potentially hazardous agents listed by WHO.

VIDEO=> MSNBC Crank: Be “Super” Careful About Saying “Hard Worker” Because It Demeans Slaves – The Gateway Pundit

MSNC host Melissa Harris Perry warned her guests to be careful about saying “hard worker” because it demeans slaves.

Budget Deal Robs $150 Billion from Social Security

The deal reached last night attempts to stave off depletion of the Disability Insurance (DI) trust fund at the end of 2016 by “reallocating” about $150 billion over the next three years from the Trust Fund to the Disability Insurance Trust Fund.

Paul Ryan on Obama-Boehner Budget Deal: ‘This Is Not the Way to Do the People’s Business’

“This is not the way to do the people’s business,”

Students Who Do NOTHING Now Get C Grades | The Daily Caller

Officials in a public school district about 50 miles north of San Francisco have found a new and exciting way to coddle kids. Under a new policy, students will be able to earn passing grades with scores of just 20 percent — and a solid C for doing absolutely nothing at all.

Obama administration targets Hobby Lobby founders for prosecution

These tablets, like the other 40,000 or so ancient artifacts owned by the family, were destined for the Museum of the Bible, the giant new museum funded by the Greens, slated to open in Washington, D.C., in 2017. Both the seizure of the cuneiform tablets and the subsequent federal investigation were confirmed to us by Cary Summers, the president of the Museum of the Bible.

Show Prep: Tues, Oct. 13

Man Fired From Bob Evans For Flying Confederate Flag | The Daily Caller

A Michigan man employed at the Hillsdale  was fired after refusing to remove a Confederate from his truck, the Hillsdale reports. According to the man, his bosses at the plant forced him to remove it after receiving a single anonymous complaint.

Indiana Sheriff: I Enforce 2nd Amendment, Not Obama’s Executive Actions on Guns | Truth Revolt

Students At The University Of Texas Are Walking Around With Giant Dildos On Their Backpacks To Protest Gun Laws

Kansas City Officer Says He Thought Olive Garden Employee Was Kidding With Comment — but She Wasn’t | TheBlaze.com

The president of the Olive Garden chain has apologized to a Kansas City officer after a restaurant employee asked him to leave because he was armed.

AP Exclusive: Clinton Email Server Setup Risked Intrusions – ABC News

“That’s total amateur hour,” said Marc Maiffret, has founded two cybersecurity companies. He said permitting remote-access connections directly over the Internet would be the result of someone choosing convenience over security or failing to understand the risks. “Real enterprise-class security, with teams dedicated to these things, would not do this,” he said.

Neighbors Are Up In Arms Over This Home With Extremely Graphic ISIS Halloween Decorations

Michigan woman trolls neighbors, passers-by with facedown dummy in her yard – 953MNC.com

A dummy placed face down in a Detroit woman’s front yard as a Halloween prank has prompted repeated visits by police.

Halloween decorations from family in Parma, Ohio, cause controversy | Daily Mail Online

Politically Correct School District Cancels Halloween Parade | Truth Revolt

Milford Public school system in Connecticut has canceled the popular Halloween parade for its elementary schools “due to fear of excluding children who can’t or won’t participate in the tradition.”

Playboy to Stop Publishing Nude Photos | Truth Revolt

The New York Times is reporting that magazine will no longer publish nude photos of women. The change is expected to take place in March of 2016.

Woman in Michigan Charged After Shooting at Fleeing Shoplifters – The New York Times

A Michigan woman was charged Tuesday with reckless use of a handgun after firing at a vehicle carrying shoplifters fleeing a Home Depot.

The Supreme Court may finally rule on “assault weapon” bans « Hot Air

The justices on Friday were to consider the appeal in Friedman vs. City of Highland Park. If they refuse to hear the appeal, the announcement could come as early as Tuesday morning. Such a decision would signal that cities have the authority to restrict high-powered weapons.

AWFUL. Grieving Father of UCC Shooting Victim Barred by White House From Meeting Obama – The Gateway Pundit

One family member of a victim of the Umpqua Community College shooting said he was turned away from meeting with President Friday.

Atheist Adopt-A-Highway Sign Vandalized Again | The Daily Caller

These continued acts of vandlism [sic] makes it clear that some people in our pluralistic society believe it is acceptable to harrass [sic] and victimize certain communities with whom they disagree.”

New York woman sues 12-year-old nephew over hug that broke her wrist | US news | The Guardian

she said her life had been “very difficult” since the injury because of “how crowded it is in Manhattan”. “I was at a party recently, and it was difficult to hold my hors d’oeuvre plate,”

Aunt receives zero damages from suit over nephew’s wrist-breaking hug | US news | The Guardian

A woman who sued her 12-year-old nephew over a birthday hug that left her with a broken wrist has been awarded zero damages by a Connecticut jury.

Tough Reactions to New Planned Parenthood Fetal Tissue Policy Prove Battle Over Finances and ‘Baby Parts Trafficking’ Is Likely Nowhere Near Over | TheBlaze.com

David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress released a statement calling Planned Parenthood’s new policy into question, labeling the move to ax all payments a “PR stunt” that serves as “an admission of guilt.”