Glenn Beck uncovers MORE evidence of DNC collusion with Ukraine to sabotage Trump campaign 2016

On Wednesday’s show, was back at chalkboard to uncover the behind-the-scenes’ connections of lawyer Alexandra Chalupa, the ‘s so-called “part-time consultant” who can be traced back to the very origin of the Trump-Russia investigation.

a 2017 report, Politico blew the lid off Democratic National Committee’s efforts to help the Hillary Clinton campaign by digging up damaging information on then-candidate and his advisers ahead of the 2016 election. According to , the DNC hired Ukrainian-American lawyer Alexandra Chalupa to consult with “top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide and Russia.”

In response, Chalupa issued the following statement on her page:

I was a part time consultant for the DNC running a ethnic engagement program. I was not an for the DNC, and the DNC never asked me to go to the Ukrainian Embassy to collect information.

“First of all … that’s a pretty amazing part-time gig,” Glenn commented. “The DNC paid her [Chalupa] $71,000 in the election year alone. Wow, that is a lot of money for part time. Good gig, if you can get .”

“Secondly, even if the DNC did not explicitly ask her to pump the Ukrainian Embassy for information, no one, including Chalupa, denies that she was defiantly pumping them for information, and it was all while she was on the DNC’s payroll,” Glenn added.

Watch the video below to hear Glenn expose the stunning proof of Chalupa’s role as an opposition researcher in 2016 and her “coincidental” connections with the DNC, Clinton’s campaign, and the government of Ukraine.

Click here to view original web page at

Daily : Tuesday, August 1


Foreign workers being used to build auto plants in U.S. – CBS News

Foreign automakers have received billions of dollars subsidies and tax incentives to build factories in U.S. and create American jobs.

Report: At least 45,000 Illegal Votes In 2016 Election – The Burning Truth

new bombshell study released by the Government Accountability Institute shows why President ‘s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity has such an important job ahead of it.

Judge mocks opponents of Trump voter commission – Washington Times

A federal judge Tuesday shot down the latest attempt to derail President Trump’s voter integrity commission, saying there wasn’t enough evidence that Americans’ rights are being violated by the request for voters’ information.


About David Mann

David is a lifelong resident of Southwestern Michigan and absolutely loves the people and culture of the 78th district.

Chicago Cubs Give Series Ring To Bartman | The Daily Caller

“On behalf of the entire organization, we are honored to present a Championship Ring to Mr. Steve Bartman,” the Cubs said in a statement. “We hope this provides closure on an unfortunate chapter of the story that has perpetuated throughout our quest to win a long-awaited World Series. While no gesture can fully lift the public burden he has endured for more than a decade, we felt it was important Steve knows he has been and continues to be fully embraced by this organization.”

DOD Gave $1.2 Million In Military Equipment To ‘Fake Law Enforcement’ – The Burning Truth

The Department of Defense gave about $1.2 million worth of military equipment to a phony law enforcement agency, according to a new report.

Here’s the COMPLETE LIST of the 30 Democrats Who Hired the Criminal Awan Brothers for IT Services

Here is the complete list of 30 Democrats who hired the Awan brothers for IT services:

DWS IT Aide Moved Money To Pakistan | The Daily Caller

Imran Awan, a congressional aide arrested by the FBI after wiring $300,000 to Pakistan and misrepresenting the purpose, had previously wired money to the country and was frantically liquidating multiple real estate properties on the day he was arrested, The Daily Caller Foundation Investigative Group has learned.

Hour 3

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery  in ‘most severe ever’ rationing in the NHS

Mr Hopson called for a “realistic national conversation” about how much should be spent on the health service, and said that if procedures had to be restricted, the reduction should be managed on an NHS-wide basis.

Australia Weather Bureau Caught Tampering With Climate Numbers – The Burning Truth

They are still doing what we caught them doing years ago with Climategate I and Climategate II. Only now, it’s automatically built into their systems.

Switchblade knives made legal in bill signed by Gov. Rick Snyder |

A statewide ban on switchblades will be lifted under legislation signed into law by Gov. Thursday.

Star Trek Fan Fights for ASIMIL8 License Plat | The Daily Caller

Nick Troller is fighting the Canadian province of Manitoba’s decision to censor his license plate. It reads “ASIMIL8” and that was deemed offensive to “Indigenous groups,” the latest terminology to describe natives.

School District To Offer Retention Bonus | The Daily Caller

The Indianapolis Public School District (IPS) and the Indianapolis Education Association (IEA) have reached an agreement to give teachers a $5,000 bonus for staying through the closure of the three buildings.

Pew: Most Americans Say Democratic Party Has Become Too Statist

A recent poll by the Pew Research Center found that a majority of Americans say the Democratic Party “too often sees government as the only way to solve problems.”

Daily : Thursday, July 13


AP Exclusive: Senator’s family business uses Mexican labor

An Indiana senator railed against Carrier Corp. for moving manufacturing jobs to Mexico last year, even as he profited from a business that relies on Mexican labor to produce dye for ink pads, according to records reviewed by The Associated Press.

Dem Apologizes After Threatening Trump | The Daily Caller

“Words cannot even begin to describe the level of revulsion I feel after reading Representative Scott Hamann’s recent tirade that has come to light,” Kouzounas said in a statement. “Perhaps the most alarming aspect of this tirade is an implied death threat against our president.”

Look out, Fight for 15: Here come the robot waitresses – Red Alert Politics

A waitress is drawing crowds and national attention to a pizza place in Multan, , and to the future of the automated service industry.

Federal Appeals Court: You have the constitutional right to record the police – Red Alert Politics

Last week, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled that the First Amendment does apply to the filming of police officers. This ruling affirms five other previous appeals court rulings.


Surveillance Video Shows Venus Williams Did Not Cause Fatal Car Accident – Breitbart

Based on the evidence obtained in the ongoing investigation, has been determined the vehicle driven by Venus Williams lawfully entered the intersection on a circular green traffic signal and attempted to travel north through the intersection to Ballenisles Drive.

Charlie Gard can be saved, says US professor called in by White House

A US professor telephoned Ormond Street Hospital at the request of the White House offering dramatic new evidence in the fight to keep Charlie Gard alive.

Eight Myths Debunked: Parents of Baby Charlie Gard Set Record Straight on Son’s Health

The parents of baby Charlie Gard have set out to debunk assertions Charlie’s development, comfort, and quality of life, as they fight to have their son released from hospital to receive experimental treatment in the U.S., standing by their position that as long as Charlie is still fighting “then we’re still fighting”.

Ten Years Of Hamas Rule And Gaza Deemed ‘Unlivable,’ UN Report Says

The report, “Gaza – 1o Years On”, published by the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO), said living conditions in Gaza are deteriorating “further and faster” than the last investigation predicted, and that its 2 million residents are suffering from substadard healthcare, education, incomes and a dire lack of electricity and fresh water.

Texas police department commends teen nearly fired for offering cop free cookie | Fox News

A Texas police department on Wednesday honored a teen who was almost fired for buying an officer a free cookie earlier this month.

Hour 3

Perez Paid Rival $22,270 After He Dropped Out of DNC Chair Race, Gave Perez Endorsement

Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez transferred large sums of money to a former rival’s campaign after he dropped out of the DNC chair and endorsed Perez.

DNC’s Perez covered debt of rival-turned-supporter after chairmanship race – POLITICO

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who dropped out of the race shortly before the voting began, did not have debt after the campaign and did not receive any transfers from Perez, spokespeople said.

New Report: Income-share agreements are a real alternative to student debt – Red Alert Politics

ISAs provide an alternative to repaying federal or private loans that students must repay (and don’t forget interest). Under an ISA, an entity funds a student’s college education in exchange for a percentage of the individual’s future income. Low-income students pay a small share, while high-income students pay more. The repayment lengths and periods vary and are pre-determined by the investor.

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder Signs Law Making Female Genital Mutilation a Felony – Breitbart

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signed several bills into law Tuesday, increasing the penalties for female genital mutilation.

Education Dept Disputes ‘Rape Culture’ | The Daily Caller

An official for the Department of Education said that 90 percent of sexual assault accusations amount to drunk sex or regret after sex, according to a Wednesday report.

Edu Dept Head Forced To Apologize | The Daily Caller

“What I said was flippant, and I am sorry,” she said in her statement. “All sexual harassment and sexual assault must be taken seriously — which has always been my position and will always be the position of this department … My words in poorly characterized the conversations I’ve had with countless groups of advocates.”

Trump, Jr.’s meeting with a Russian sounds scandalous, only if you don’t read the facts – Red Alert Politics

This is where the facts of the meeting become important. The lawyer promised information about Russian illegal donations to Clinton and the DNC. Trump, Jr. wasn’t promised hacked DNC data or Clinton emails. A Russian said she had proof other Russians gave money illegally to the Clintons. Can you imagine the Clinton campaign turning down this meeting if the role was reversed? If a random Russian had information about other Russians illegally Trump’s campaign, John Podesta certainly would have met with her.