Behind Network Of Outside, Left-Wing Groups Pushing Racial Policies , Counties Across America

  • Many and counties are adopting radical policies that see every aspect of operations through “lens” of .
  • A network of George Soros-backed activist groups has worked to push these policies at the most local level of government, where there is little scrutiny.
  • The policies are justified by citing research attributed to the , which actually comes from an outfit connected to the activist groups and whose work economists say is junk science.

    In cities and counties across America, local politicians have in recent months begun proposing comprehensive race-based policies such as redrawing boundaries to dismantle schools with too many white or Asian students.

    They have pushed for radical changes that have roiled even liberal-leaning constituents. The justification on all of their lips is oddly similar: “Equity.” The same buzzwords appear again and again.

    “School board meetings suddenly became like Mad Libs. They started repeating certain phrases, jamming them into every sentence. It was very odd,” Margaret McCreary, a , Virginia, who eventually learned that the board members were using the “equity” language to push a proposal that could move her children out of their schools, told the Daily Caller Foundation.

    “It seemed like they were all in cahoots to do something, but at first we didn’t know what to make of it, because we didn’t know what they were talking about,” she said.

    Fairfax was one of multiple local governments to pass sweeping changes requiring every to be seen through the “lens” of race. The changes were justified by academic research from the University of Southern California (USC) that was tough for any city or county, rich or poor, to pass up: If they enacted certain policies, they were told, the cities’ economies could gain billions of dollars.

    An investigation by the DCNF found that across the country, these changes are being pushed on local governments by a constellation of groups who share the same funders, including George Soros. One of those groups alone is active in 33 cities and counties covering 1 in 10 Americans.

    A group tied to USC called the Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE) functions to create research — at the behest of funders — that promises billions of dollars in economic growth. Another set of groups introduce the research to individual cities and counties, where it is used to justify a mandate to include “equity” in every government policy. The language is often vague and comprised of obscure jargon.

    That’s the stage Montgomery County, Maryland, is at now, where an official sympathetic to the movement, Uma Ahluwalia, told The Washington Post: “It’s nice to throw that word, ‘equity,’ around, but what does it mean?”

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Study: Networks Democrats’ Values

Well … der!


Mainstream coverage does not reflect political make-up of the Democrats and Republicans in Congress. is exceedingly likely to cover news through a partisan filter. So it’s no surprise that liberals and conservatives are polarized when it comes to news sources they trust and utilize.

In 2019, Media Research Center analyzed 540 hours of news coverage on CNN and over three randomly-selected weeks. The two networks conducted nearly the same number of interviews with members of Congress. In total, they interviewed 284 Democratic members of congress compared to just 40 Republican. MSNBC leaned even more to the left, as they interviewed 148 Democrats and only 11 republicans.

Both networks gave opposing questions to the Republicans but gave friendly questions to the Democrats. Meaning, they focused on Democratic talking points and agendas.

It’s common practice to ask a political interviewee to give an answer to the argument of the opposite side, but consistently asking Republicans to answer to Democratic talking points, while hardly ever asking Democrats to do the same thing, speaks to the fact that the networks are actually choosing sides.

Eric Merkley, a contributor to the American Politics and website who specializes in public opinion and , recently studied 400,000 news stories on published over three decades and found that the mainstream portrayed liberal politicians in a better light than their conservative colleagues.

The news stories were on unemployment and inflation between 1985 and 2013 from the and a variety of mainstream newspapers, including the York Times, USA Today, and those with histories of backing the Republican Party, such as the Dallas Morning News and the San Diego Union-Tribune.

He found that the tenor on news is more favorable during Democratic presidencies compared to Republican. He also found that only Republican administrations are treated with more negative coverage in response to short-term increases in unemployment or the inflation rate.

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