Daily Show Prep: Friday, June 21

Daily : , 21


High-Profile Republicans Set To Appear Alongside Left-Wing Activists At Dark Money-Backed Media Festival

CNN says it has “tools” to enforce a “civilized” debate between Trump and Biden. What they mean is there’s a plan to interfere.

CBS reporter warns Americans to expect ‘surprises’ from Biden at presidential debate: ‘His physical performance’

Hour 2

Rumble CEO Exposes Vid of Google Exec Giggling Over Search Engine Bias

Indiana AG responds to Pornhub’s plan to block access to Indiana

Pornhub to Red States: If Kids Can’t See Us, No One Can

FDA gives green light to menthol flavored e-cigarettes for first time

More Evidence that Bans on Flavored Vaping Products May Increase Teen Smoking

Hour 3

Michigan Dems Change Election Laws to Prevent Fraud Detection, Challenges

Trump’s New RNC Chair Outlines Plan to Prevent Vote-Fraud Repeat

Supreme Court upholds law banning domestic abusers from owning guns

‘Woke’ School APOLOGIZES for Telling Children ISIS is a Terrorist Group

Daily Show Prep: Thurs, June 23

Daily : Thurs, 23


Supreme Court strikes down New York law restricting concealed carry permits

Clarence Thomas Delivers the Second Amendment’s Greatest Victory Yet

Biden Condemns Supreme Court Gun Ruling

Gun Rights Groups Explain The Problems With Gun Control Bill That 14 GOP Senators Caved On

Pennsylvania Republicans just deep-sixed a proposed gun control bill by turning it into a universal concealed carry law 😂

Man Shot Dead Trying To Rob Texas Gun Store Armed With Knife

‘Checking privilege in the animal kingdom’: Biologists investigate animal ‘inequality’

Hour 2

FDA Halts Sales of Juul E-cigarettes

Food and Drug Administration’s War on Juul Is Asinine

GOP challengers seize on Michigan Gov. Whitmer’s ‘menstruating people’ comments

Hey women, a new woke term for you just dropped!

Hour 3

Why Womxn with a ‘X’ ?

Democrats Call for “Satanic Schools” Following Supreme Court Decision on Education Funding

Bloomberg: Charter Schools Outperform Public Alternative, Unions Largely to Blame

Former Cattle Owner In Kansas Explains Freak Heat Incident That Killed Thousands Of Cattle

Chasten Buttigieg Throws Fit Over Rep. Boebert Post Honoring Dads

Daily : , 13

Homeland Security asks for patience as airport security lines grow – Chicago Tribune

Travelers across country have endured lengthy lines, some snaking up and down escalators, or through courts, and into terminal lobbies. At some airports, lines during peak hours have topped 90 minutes. Airlines have reported holding planes at gates to wait for passengers to clear security.

Lawmakers to Airlines: Drop Baggage Fees to Shorten TSA Lines – NBC News

This will cut down on the amount of carry-on luggage fliers haul on planes and speed up inspections at the notoriously slow checkpoints, U.S. Senators Edward Markey and Richard Blumenthal wrote in a letter to a dozen major U.S. airlines.

It’s your fault security lines take forever, according to the TSA | New York Post

Yorkers can blame themselves for unbearably long lines at area airports, the Transportation Security Administration said in response to criticism from the Authority.

TSA officials say Phoenix airport bag-screening issue fixed | Fox News

A bag-screening issue that caused more than 3,000 checked bags to miss their outbound flights has been fixed, Transportation Security Administration officials said Friday.

Big Brother Obama Forces Public Schools to Allow Trans Students to Use Bathroom of Choice

“A not require students to use facilities inconsistent with their gender identity or to use individual-user facilities when other students are not required to do so,” the letter says, according to The Times, which obtained a copy.

Conservatives outraged over Obama transgender directive to public schools | Fox News

Texas Lt. . Dan Patrick, speaking to reporters Friday, said his state “will not yield to blackmail from the president of the United States.”

[bctt tweet=”Texas will not yield to blackmail from the president of the United States.” username=”CaseyTheHost”]

Environmental Activist Marries 1,000 YEAR OLD TREE

Peruvian activist and actor Richard Torres contracted matrimony with Mexico’s famous 1,000-year- Arbol del Tule, or Tule Tree, in an Inca ceremony replete with incense, grains and conch shells.

Ecosexuals: Weird sexual fetish where a person makes the land their lover

This is the sex house of an , a person who makes the land their lover, bringing a whole new meaning to “environmentally friendly” and “whore-ticulture”.

ObamaCare Silver-Plan Deductibles Now As High As $6,850 | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis – IBD

The bad is that the help won’t kick in until after the $6,850 deductible is exhausted. The bottom line: The new mother pays $7,010 out of the $7,540 in costs.

Congress Moves Forward With Impeachment of IRS Commissioner – Katie Pavlich

Hearings to determine whether Commissioner John should be impeached for misconduct will soon be underway on Capitol Hill.

Ben Rhodes Had A Hand In The Benghazi Narrative | The Daily Caller

The White House aide responsible for fabricating the narrative on the also had a hand in spinning the events following the attack on a U.S. consulate in , an email reveals.

Asthmatic Smokers Reap Health Benefits Switching To Vaping | The Daily Caller

Asthmatic smokers who switch to could enjoy significant recovery in their lung and respiratory function, according to a new study published in Discovery Medicine.

Hospitals Abandon Vape Ban Due To E-Cigarette Safety | The Daily Caller

“We’re now allowing e-cigarettes on our grounds to give our patients, staff, and visitors more choice in how they quit smoking,” Fowlie added.

Trump Leading Hillary With Hispanic Voters In New Poll | The Daily Caller

Donald leads  Clinton by ten points among , according to a shocking new general election match-up released Friday.

[bctt tweet=”Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 10 points among Hispanic voters.” username=”CaseyTheHost”]

Daily : Thursday, 12

Backup Could Have Been Deployed To Benghazi, Says Airman | The Daily Caller

[Clinton] screwed up; that’s not our fault. She doesn’t see the effect the event had on families and still has on families,” said Paronto.

[bctt =”Hillary screwed up; that’s not our fault. She doesn’t see the effect the event had on families and still has on families.” username=”CaseyTheHost”]

Chris Stevens’ Ex-Fiancee: Hillary Shouldn’t Have Ignored Requests for Help

The former fiancee of Ambassador , who was killed in the 2012 terror attack, tells Newsmax TV that didn’t do her job by ignoring Stevens’ requests for security.

[bctt tweet=”Hillary Clinton didn’t do her job by ignoring Stevens’ requests for more security.” – (Ambassador Stevens’ fiance) username=”CaseyTheHost”]

Wendy’s Pushed To Automate In Response To The Minimum Wage | The Daily Caller

Wendy’s will install self-serving kiosks at it’s over 6,000 locations later in the year, reports Investor’s Business . Retailers and restaurants have already started exploring automation with many places replacing cashiers and other low-skilled jobs with computers and machines. Wendy’s President Todd Penegor hopes automation will help his company overcome a 5 percent inflation in wages.

Kickstarter 3D printer funds ‘used to build house’ – BBC News

How big is too big? Some theme park riders fear small seats and ‘the walk of shame’ – LA Times

The uncomfortable scene is a familiar one to anybody who has ever visited a : The overweight rider becomes increasingly embarrassed as the ride attendant pushes and shoves with all his might on the over-the-shoulder restraint that stubbornly refuses to click closed. Everybody waiting in line knows what comes next: the walk of shame.

Gun Used To Kill Trayvon Martin Disappears From Auction Site | The Daily Caller

Zimmerman put the 9mm on gunbroker.com, with the auction set to begin at 11 a.m. Thursday. The bidding was to start at $5,000. But now the link has vanished.

Judge rules for House Republicans in ObamaCare lawsuit | Fox News

A federal ruled Thursday for House Republicans in a challenge brought against the Obama administration over the legality of payments to insurers under .

FBI Tells Police To Hide Phone Tracking – Vocativ

Your local police may use a controversial piece of technology—ominously dubbed a —to track your phone. But, the is taking pains to make sure you never find . The agency encourages police to find additional evidence so that stingray technology never comes up in , according to a new memo.

New Senate Bill Requires Health Inspections of all VA Kitchens in Wake of Cockroach Scandal

The RAID Act – Requiring Accountability and Inspections for Dining Service – would subject the to the same health standards as private hospital kitchens, which includes shutting down the facility until problems are corrected. The was introduced by . Mark Kirk, R-Ill., after a Review investigation revealed allegations of a cockroach infestation so massive that bugs were reportedly being served in food at a Chicago area VA hospital.

Nicopure Labs Sues FDA To Save E-Cigarette Industry | The Daily Caller

One of the nation’s leading e-liquid manufacturers is taking the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to court over regulations that could wipe out 99 percent of the industry.

Trump Surges, Virtually Tied With Clinton In National Poll | The Daily Caller

Clinton leads with 41 percent and follows with 40 percent

Trump Surges, Virtually Tied With Clinton In National Poll | The Daily Caller

NeverTrumpers? Never Mind. | LifeZette

The Party is unifying around Donald Trump, and far fewer than speculated plan to split the party to vote for Hillary Clinton come November, new polls show.

DC lobbyists admit they’ve never felt so threatened following Trump’s GOP nominee status

“A lot of woke up [on Wednesday] and went, ‘Oh, gosh, this is not a dream,’” said Jeff MacKinnon, a out of DC told the Hill. “I don’t think downtown was really prepared for it happening so quickly. It did catch people off guard.”

Beck Predicts Trump Will Beat Clinton | The Daily Caller

Earlier this month, Beck predicted that Clinton would win, although he added the caveat that he’s “been wrong this entire election.”

POLL: TRUMP SUPPORTERS More Conservative Than Average GOP Voter