Yes Silly. Liberals Have Descended Into A . (Video)

No matter how much the media wants to flat-out lie about feral liberal mobs that we’ve seen for the past several years, they are, in , a .

Occupy is a mob. is a mob. is a mob. These mobs are often funded by the Democratic Party and/or their boosters.

Clinton Campaign, DNC Coordinated With Organizations To Incite Violence At Trump Events

Interesting that the MSM had no issues with calling the Tea Party rallies mobs when they were peaceful gatherings of people who actually cleaned up after themselves.

“It’s Not A Mob!” Antifa Attacks NYC GOP Headquarters

Rap Sheet: ***594** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters

Watch Antifa Harass And Threaten Innocent People And Chase Down An Elderly Man

Berkeley Mayor: Time to Classify Antifa as a Street Gang

Antifa officially declared a terrorist group by New Jersey’s Homeland Security office

DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison Supports Domestic Terrorists

It’s a mob. Period … end of story.

  1. 1.
    a large of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or .
    “a mob of protesters”

Thursday, August 9 – Hour 2

to consider banning smoking and vaping.

attacks officers in .

Antifa professor who assaulted 7 people has felonies dropped, will serve no jail time.

RNC mocks DNC’s ‘moral victory’ in .

Georgia precinct has twice as many ballots cast as registered voters.

Thursday, July 19 – Hour 3

President Trump is right to call attention to case.

Casey breaks down a small amount of the evidence against Awan, and why there is a story we aren’t being told.

Watchdog group requests probe of Democratic lawmaker in connection with the .

, Chair of the DNC, repeated refuses to answer if the DNC turned over the hacked server to the FBI.

Liberal group behind attacks on Judge  hide their funding.