Daily Show Prep: Monday, February 3

Hour 1

Lindsey Graham: Senate Intelligence Committee will call Ukraine whistleblower

BREAKING: Rush Limbaugh Announces He Has Advanced Lung Cancer


Hour 2

CPAC takes action against Mitt Romney after voting for new witnesses, evidence in Trump trial

Judicial Watch Requests Ethics Investigation of Whether Rep. Ilhan Omar Improperly Used Campaign Funds

John Kerry overheard discussing possible 2020 bid amid concern of ‘Sanders taking down the Democratic Party’

DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention


Hour 3

announces he has

Rochester city council member charged with multiple child sex crimes

Bloomberg Super Bowl Ad Cites Dubious Data

I just threw up in my mouth’: President Trump’s Super Bowl ad featuring Alice Johnson is not going over well with blue-checks


BUSTED: Mike Bloomberg is using footage of illegal immigrants in cages from 2014 to bash President Trump


New York Times Reporter Reveals That Had a Spy In ‘s Office, and Knew That She Had Declared She Would Not Permit the Clinton Email Scandal to Go Very Far

Quoting from the Post.

Lynch had made major career advances in the 1990s under President — and her boss, President , plainly supported Hillary’s candidacy. Plus, Obama was also implicated in the scandal, since he’d exchanged multiple emails with Clinton at her non-government address — a fact they were all keeping from the public.

Stewart reports that Comey’s “highly placed ” indicated that Lynch wouldn’t let the FBI investigation add to Clinton’s woes. An email reportedly from the head of the assured a civilian that “Lynch wouldn’t let the Clinton investigation get very far, suggesting that Lynch would protect Clinton,” Stewart writes.

Can we load every single person who vouched for the incorruptibility of and the senior FBI into a trebuchet and catapult them into the sea? Why are these people still permitted to comment? To even exist in public life?

And let’s not dwell too long on the fact that the person overseeing this sham investigation — and that was, in fact, ; she never actually recused herself — dictated from the outset that the investigation would not be allowed to find any incriminating evidence about Hillary.

Source: New York Times Reporter Reveals That James Comey Had a Spy In Loretta Lynch’s Office, and Knew That She Had Declared She Would Not Permit the Clinton Email Scandal to Go Very Far


Glenn Beck uncovers MORE evidence of DNC collusion with to sabotage the Trump campaign in 2016

On Wednesday’s show, was back at the chalkboard to uncover the behind-the-scenes’ connections of lawyer Alexandra Chalupa, the ‘s so-called “part-time consultant” who can be traced back to the very origin of the Trump- investigation.

In a 2017 report, Politico blew the lid off Democratic National Committee’s efforts to help the Hillary Clinton campaign by digging up damaging information on then-candidate and his advisers ahead of the election. According to , the DNC hired Ukrainian-American lawyer Alexandra Chalupa to consult with “top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide and Russia.”

In response, Chalupa issued the following statement on her page:

I was a part time consultant for the DNC running a ethnic engagement program. I was not an for the DNC, and the DNC never asked me to go to the Ukrainian Embassy to collect information.

“First of all … that’s a pretty amazing part-time gig,” Glenn commented. “The DNC paid her [Chalupa] $71,000 in the election year alone. Wow, that is a lot of money for part time. Good gig, if you can get it.”

“Secondly, even if the DNC did not explicitly ask her to pump the Ukrainian Embassy for information, no one, including Chalupa, denies that she was defiantly pumping them for information, and it was all while she was on the DNC’s payroll,” Glenn added.

Watch the video below to hear Glenn expose the stunning proof of Chalupa’s role as an opposition researcher in 2016 and her “coincidental” connections with the DNC, Clinton’s campaign, and the government of .

Click here to view original web page at www.theblaze.com

Monday, Oct. 7 – Hour 3

Hour 3

Dems Launch ‘Impeachment Task Force’ Comprised of Celebrities. Here’s Who’s Spearheading The Effort.

Democrats Constructing Impeachment Star Chamber of Whistleblowers and Leakers

BOMBSHELL: Audio, Email Evidence Shows DNC Colluded With Ukraine To Boost Hillary By Harming Trump, Report Says

Report: Schiff Funneled $60 Million U.S.Tax Dollars to His Ukrainian Friend and ‘Corrupt’ Arms Dealer Igor Pasternak

It’s Not All About the Bidens: Why Trump Has Ukraine on the Brain


Not quite.

KLAVAN: It’s Time For NeverTrumpers To Defend Trump

Ratcliffe: DOJ Inspector General’s Report On FISA Abuse Will Be Released Within Next “Week Or Two”

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Oct. 7

Hour 1

Three dead after car drives through gate, hits barrier at Georgia Air Force base

Florida woman arrested after 24 pipe bombs found in home

Woman managed to get past security and onto Delta flight

Masked Antifa Radical Who Harassed Elderly Lady is a Syrian Migrant

WATCH: Trump Releases Video Mocking ‘Pinocchio’ Adam Schiff For Allegedly Lying About Whistleblower

‘Whistleblower’ Worked for a Current 2020 Democrat Presidential Candidate

Uh-Oh: Fake “Whistleblower” Lied to IG About His Contacts With Adam Schiff


Hour 2

UPDATE: After Strong Backlash, Police Chief Un-Suspends Officer For Calling ICE On Illegal Immigrant

Obviously Toy Gun Prompts Lockdown of Three Florida Campuses

WATCH: ‘Hundreds’ Of Young People Regret Gender Transition, Seek Reversal

Buttigieg Reveals Plan To Significantly Lower Prescription Drug Prices

Bernie Sanders Had Heart Attack, His Doctors Say as He Leaves Hospital

Elizabeth Warren 2007 Video Contradicts Campaign Tale of Losing Job For Being Pregnant

Even Wall Street is getting the willies about Warren


Hour 3

Dems Launch ‘Impeachment Task Force’ Comprised of Celebrities. Here’s Who’s Spearheading The Effort.

Democrats Constructing Impeachment Star Chamber of Whistleblowers and Leakers

BOMBSHELL: Audio, Email Evidence Shows DNC Colluded With Ukraine To Boost Hillary By Harming Trump, Report Says

Report: Schiff Funneled $60 Million U.S.Tax Dollars to His Ukrainian Friend and ‘Corrupt’ Arms Dealer Igor Pasternak

It’s Not All About the Bidens: Why Trump Has Ukraine on the Brain


Not quite.

KLAVAN: It’s Time For NeverTrumpers To Defend Trump

Ratcliffe: DOJ Inspector General’s Report On FISA Abuse Will Be Released Within Next “Week Or Two”