Canceled Charity Tribute to Fallen Officers: Widow Decries ‘Politically Charged’ Distraction

We discussed this on yesterday’s show.

The widow of a slain police officer has spoken of her disappointment that a charity tribute to his sacrifice turned into a “politically charged” national story after it was canceled over the political affiliations of the guests.

The “Blue Bowl” football game in , , was to occur this coming weekend to raise money for the family of Sergeant Ron Helus, who was killed in the 2018 Borderline Bar and Grill shooting, and as a tribute to other fallen officers.

But the event is now on hold after the police chief and ‘s office withdrew support—including the —after questioning the involvement of a local Republican politician, and a Trump-supporting singer who was billed to sing the national anthem.

The organizers claim that the overall line-up, which included local Democrats, was not partisan and that their speakers do not touch on politics.

They balked at the attitude of the police chief, who they claim said, “This is not Trump country and that slogan making America great again is not popular within 1,200 square miles of this event!”

But the late sergeant’s wife, Karen Helus, refuses to choose between her respect for President Trump and her loyalty to the deputies who she says have been with her “every step of the way” since her husband was killed in the line of duty.

Together with her son, she broke her silence on Oct. 2 on the controversy that exploded locally last week before flooding into the national media this week.

“Since the tragic events of last November, I have intentionally avoided relating political causes to the loss of my husband,” she said in a statement provided by the sheriff’s office.

She said that she was “sad and disappointed” that the political storm was now distracting from the point of the event.

“Since this event has evolved into more about politics and less about our loss, I feel it is important to remind everyone that I have met our president on several occasions and continue to respect and support him due to his unwavering support of my family and all law enforcement.”

But Helus said she also wanted to thank the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office who she described as a her “lifelong family” who had stood by her “every step of the way” from accompanying her to fundraisers to getting her nails done.

Stressing that their events are not political, the Fallen Officers said (pdf) that the original line-up of VIPs had included the district’s Democrat assembly member, , and the public safety liaison officer for the California Democrat Governor.

Also on the billing was local actor , a Republican supporter who attended the same church as Sergeant Helus, and , a singer known for being a Trump supporter.

But when they later added Kennedy, the Republican candidate who had run against the already-invited sitting assembly member, they got a phone call from Police Chief Tim Hagel.

Fallen Officers claims Hagel said it was “too political,” threatening to withdraw support if Republican guests were not changed.

“The only thing you could have made this worse was by inviting Dick Cheney or ,” Hagel said, according to the Vice President of Fallen Officers, Mike Randall.

Randall claims that Hagel told him, “These people do not represent our fabric of our community and nothing good will come out of this event by having them there.”

Randall said that Hagel also started to question inviting the singer Joy Villa.

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Prominent Donors Who’ve Been Accused Of Sex Crimes, Ranked

Men with extreme power and wealth have long been linked with bad behavior. Bill Clinton. Anthony Weiner. Mark Foley. Mark Halperin. . Roy Moore. . Matt Lauer.

With each passing year, a new, weirder sex scandal involving a politician or journalist or rich businessman emerges. Now more than ever, with the #MeToo era fueling the exposure, male donors are being exposed for heinous offenses, the most recent being the arrest of West Hollywood Democratic donor Ed Buck on Tuesday. Let’s take a closer look at some of the others.

7. Bryan Singer: Perhaps best known for Golden Globe winning Bohemian Rhapsody, this 53-year-old Hollywood director has been accused of raping a variety of boys as young as 13 and 17. In June, he paid out $150K for allegations of raping the 17-year-old stemming back to 2003. Singer has nonetheless denied the allegations. Singer is a longtime contributor to Democrats. By 2014, he had contributed more than $87 grand to Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton, and the DNC. In January, ran a piece with the stories of more accusers.

6. Ed Buck: This Democratic mega-donor is the latest in bizarre sex scandals. Buck, 65, has been charged with operating a drug den out of his West Hollywood home. According to news reports, last week, he shot a man up with methamphetamine and nearly killed him. Two other men have died at his home in the past two years. LA DA has called him a “violent, dangerous .”

Buck allegedly lured younger men to his home to participate in his “sexual fetishes.” Buck has donated to a host of Dems, including, House Government Affairs Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

5. : Epstein was a major donor to Democrats, including Bill Clinton. Before his suicide in his jail cell in August, the 66-year-old billionaire — who was already a convicted sex offender stemming from abusing a 14-year-old girl — had been charged with sex trafficking. The feds nabbed him for abusing 36 girls. Epstein had ties to so many politicians, including Bill Clinton and President Trump, who can be seen in an embarrassing video whispering to Epstein at a party where he danced badly with several shapely women.

Since he’s dead, a concluded the charges against him in August. However, a female accuser who says Epstein abused her “countless times” is going after his estate in a new lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in .

4. George Alan Rekers: This guy is a piece of work. He’s an anti-gay activist who helped create the conservative . In 2011, he allegedly hired a male escort on (yeah, there’s truly a website for everything). He was caught with the escort returning from a European rendezvous in which Rekers paid the 20-year-old hire for daily nude body rubs. Miami New Times originally broke the story about Rekers. The Christian right leader has advised a plethora of politicians in Congress, the and the Department of Health and Human Services.

Finish the list at

Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, Aug. 21

Hour 1

DHS moves to end limits on detention of migrant families, close ‘loophole’

How Fake Is CNN?… CNN Publishes Entire Post on Russian Company’s “Interference” on 2016 Election – Forget to Mention They Only Spent $3,000 Tops


Hour 2

Setback for homeless apartments rezoning in South Bend

Pete Buttigieg Draws Overwhelmingly White Crowd to Historic Black Chicago Neighborhood

Army National Guardsman says Ms. America Pageant stripped her of Ms. Nevada State title over conservative viewpoints. Pageant says ‘Not so fast.’

City Council rejects mayor’s Parks Department audit


Hour 3

Left-wing Jewish magazine op-ed blasts Democratic ‘silence’ in face of anti-Semitism from US Reps. Omar, Tlaib

Mainstream media silent on disturbing org behind Ilhan Omar’s, Rashida Tlaib’s trip to ‘Palestine’

The New York Times Officially Becomes A Joke Newspaper

New goal for New York Times: ‘Reframe’ American history, and target Trump, too


PRAGER: America Is Drowning In The Left’s Lies About Trump

The president of the United States, , never said there were “fine” Nazis or Ku Klux Klansmen.

This is one of the two great lies of our time — the other being that all Trump supporters are racists — and perhaps in all of American history. I cannot think of a lie of such significance that was held as by so many Americans, by every leading politician of one of the two major political parties and disseminated by virtually the entire media.

The major need to understand these are important reasons that half of America considers them frauds. And we get no pleasure from this fact. The reason we don’t recoil when the president labels the mainstream media “fake ” is that we know the charge is true. Has one major media news outlet yet apologized to the American people for preoccupying them for nearly two years with the lie of “Trump ” with ? Has one Democrat? Of course not. Because with regard to the Trump-Russia collusion issue, the news media were never driven by a pursuit of truth; they were driven by a pursuit of Trump.

In my last column, I offered a way of proving Trump supporters are not racists. The timing was, unfortunately, perfect. I could not anticipate how two horrific mass shootings would enable the left — the press, the Democrats, academics and Hollywood — to scream even louder than before that Trump and his supporters are racists and that their is why such shootings are taking place.

This is all predicated on what may be the most glaring lie of all: that, after the demonstrations, President Trump said Nazis are “fine people.”

The president never said there were fine Nazis. The left-wing assertion that the president of the United States said there were fine Nazis will long endure as an example of something that has been true since Lenin: Truth is not a left-wing value. Truth is a liberal value, and it is a conservative value. But it is not left-wing value. A leftist says whatever is necessary to gain power.

By remarkable coincidence, this week’s PragerU video is titled “The Charlottesville Lie.” It proves the president never said Nazis were fine people. When Trump said there were “very fine people on both sides,” he was referring to people demonstrating in Charlottesville for and against tearing down a statue of Confederate general , not to Nazis and Antifa.

The video is presented by political commentator Steve Cortes, a voice of courage in the herd known as the mainstream American media. At this moment, of PragerU’s 325 videos, Cortes’s “The Charlottesville Lie” is the one I most want Americans to watch. The harm that the media and others on the left have done and continue to do to this country by charging the president with praising Nazis and other white supremacists is incalculable. It has only served to inflame and divide Americans: the tens of millions who believe the lie and the tens of millions who know the truth.

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Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, July 31

Hour 1

Here Are The Highlights From The Democratic Debates: Round 2, Night 1

UPDATE: Three dead, one injured in Elkhart apartment shooting

FBI conducts raid at South Bend Housing Authority offices

Billboard Mocks House Freshmen Dems: ‘The 4 Horsemen Are Idiots’


Hour 2

Mexico Says Immigration Through Its Country Down Nearly 40%

Federal Judge To DNC: Your Russia-Collusion Lawsuit Over 2016 Hack “Entirely Divorced From The Facts”

Amish Projected To Overtake The Current US Population In 215 Years, If Growth Rates Continue


Hour 3

Here’s All The Times Democratic Candidates Said ‘‘ In The Debate


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