Daily : Monday, July 24


FBI Seized Hard Drives From Dem IT Aide | The Daily Caller

FBI agents seized smashed computer hard drives from the home of Florida Democratic Rep. ‘s () administrator, according to two sources with knowledge of the investigation.

No Charges For Florida Teens Filming Drowning | The Daily Caller

“You a fucking junkie!” one of the teenagers can be heard saying. “Get out the water, you gonna die!”

Hour 2

Kat Von D’s company accused of disqualifying Kansas makeup artist from contest over pro-Trump views | Fox News

“It’s definitely bigotry – it’s everything that they’re calling us, they’re doing,” Freeman told the newspaper. “It’s a huge case of hypocrisy.”

Suburban mom claims ‘combatant immunity’ in terror case | abc7chicago.com

Investigators say Salkicevic, a Bosnian Muslim , wanted to “bury unbelievers alive” and bring death to infidels.

As Gas Prices Fall to 12-Year Low, Schumer Claims Gas Prices ‘Never Go Down’ :: Grabien News

Even as gas prices have fallen to the lowest point in years under President Trump, Senate Minority Leader is claiming the price of petrol has only gone up.

EXCLUSIVE: $2 Million Obama-Era Program Gets 17 People Jobs

A government-funded job training program that promised to turn hundreds of residents of Kentucky’s coal country into computer coders so far has spent $2 million to place 17 people in tech jobs and may have left others worse off, The Daily Signal has learned.

Michigan Gets Money to Help Homeowners, Uses it to Demolish Homes Instead – Hit & Run : Reason.com

The City of is now the subject of a federal grand jury investigation over its use of the HHF funds. And the ACLU and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund are suing Wayne County and the City of Detroit over illegally collected taxes and illegally seized houses.

Hour 3

Houston man must pay child support for kid that’s not his – Houston Chronicle

At the crux of why Cornejo must pay up is Texas’ family code, chapter 161, which states, even if you’re not the biological father, you still owe child support that accrued before the DNA test proves you’re not the father, Cornejo’s lawyer Cheryl Coleman told Chron.com.

Student ‘grades’ ex-girlfriend’s breakup letter with grammar edits, gets suspended by college – Red Alert Politics

A University of Central Florida student has been suspended for two semesters for grading and posting a letter of apology sent from his ex-girlfriend onto back in February, and she doesn’t even attend the school.

A ‘Locked’ Smart Gun Can Be Fired With Just $15 Worth of Magnets | WIRED

At the Defcon conference later this week, a hacker who goes by the pseudonym Plore plans to show off a series of critical vulnerabilities he found in the , a smart gun whose German manufacturer Armatix has claimed its electronic security measures will “usher in a new era of .” Plore discovered, and demonstrated to WIRED at a remote Colorado firing range, that he could hack the gun with a disturbing variety of techniques, all captured in the video above.

MSNBC Wrongly Claims ‘Majority’ of Police Killings Hit ‘People of Color’

In fact, according to statistics compiled on police killings for 2015 and 2016, for those cases in which the victim’s race has been identified, more than half those killed were white.


Radio Host Barred From Video Of Debbie Wasserman Schultz


On June 1, 2017 I did a segment on my radio show about how Debbie Wasserman Schultz admitted to violating congressional rules by using Dropbox. This is a part of the congressional record, is fact, and is undeniable. Again, this happened in Congress.

Given that she is embroiled in a criminal investigation involving her employee, and she’s threatened the Capital Police chief over this same investigation, her failure to adhere to congressional cybersecurity rules is a legitimate story. Especially since lack of security at the when she was Chair led to the email saga during the campaign.

I’d also like to point out that my show airs on FM radio (in case you didn’t know), and is not an unregulated . This broadcast met all requirements set forth by the FCC. I did not do, or say, anything that could be considered offensive by any reasonable person. I merely covered the facts of the story, and provided my opinion on .

I take many of my podcasts from my radio show, and upload them to YouTube in case listeners prefer to listen to the podcasts on that platform. That’s exactly what I did with this podcast from my show. You can listen to the segment below.

Segment is the first 23 minutes.

Today I got this email from :

Uh huh. It doesn’t violate their community guidelines.

In fact, a lot of conservatives who’ve had their throttled by YouTube lately haven’t violated their community guidelines either.

When YouTube started promoting their new restrictions they said it was an effort to restrict hate speech from making money (for the user, YouTube still gets theirs).

Let’s run through the things YouTube said would get you banned from monetization:

If you want to run YouTube ads, you must refrain from publishing:

  • Sexually suggestive content, including partial nudity or sexual humor
  • Violence, include display of serious injury and event related to violent extremism
  • Inappropriate language, including harassment, swearing, and vulgar language
  • Promotion of drugs, regulated substances, including selling, use and abuse of such items
  • Controversial or sensitive subject and event, including subject related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters and tragedies, even if graphic imagery is not shown.

Let’s run through the list, shall we?

Nothing sexual, no violence, no swearing, no harassment, no promotion of drugs, no controversial or sensitive material, and no graphic imagery. Again, this was an FCC compliant radio broadcast on FM radio. According to YouTube’s own standards, I’m in the clear.

I have submitted a dispute, but don’t hold out much hope of getting this overturned. Interestingly enough, I just watched the video and ads are still playing. I’m not sure if those ads will be removed, or if YouTube will still keep them on my video, but just not allow me to earn any commission on them.


Debbie Wasserman Schultz Admits Violating House Rules – Podcast


The Wasserman Schultz goes until 23 minutes in. After that ‘s breaking of Trump announcing withdrawal from Paris Climate Accord live as it happened. I’m not sure why the audio is there. I only saved the other segment, but enjoy history anyway.

has had a busy few months. Election stuff aside, her employee is under criminal investigation for up to 80 Democrats in Congress, she still employs him, she threatened the captain of the Capital Police over the investigation, and now she admits she has been violating House cybersecurity rules for several years.

Of course, she blames the House IT team for her failure to abide by policy.


Thursday, May 25 – Hour 3 Podcast


Tiny, white-owned burrito shop in Portland suddenly shuts down. You already know why. – TheBlaze

Some commenters in the Week article agreed with the “white folks profiting off the labor of people of color”

Debbie Wasserman Schultz warns police chief of ‘consequences’ for refusing to return her laptop – Hot Air Hot Air

According to a source who spoke to the Daily Caller, the laptop in question was used by Awan and was found “hidden in an unused crevice of the Rayburn House Office Building.” Wasserman Schultz’ office is in the Longworth building. Police seized the laptop believing could be important to their investigation. Obviously, Wasserman Schultz is claiming the laptop belongs to her and therefore should be returned regardless of who was using it or what information might be on it.