Why Ben Shapiro And Steven Crowder Are So Mad At Me Right Now

Why And Steven Are Mad At Me Now

I’ve been in talk radio a long time. I remember when Ben and Steven first came on the scene. I told my audience to watch out for these guys and promoted their on my shows. I respect them both.

It’s never a good position to be in when people you respect get so mad at you.

I suppose I owe you all an explanation.

Why are Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder so mad at me right now? What’s all this about?

Well …

This …

I have a better shirt than they have.

That is saying a lot for Steven Crowder because he makes some shirts. Ben … well … Ben dresses like his dresses him and she cares about how he looks. His shirts are terrible.

In a better , I wouldn’t have to have a disclaimer on a shirt but even with it, I’ve been targeted by Facebook for my #KPL shirt.

Not surprising. I’ve been the victim of online censorship for over 14 . Long before most mainstream conservatives even believed it was happening.

Imagine this butthurt that someone is advocating for the legal penalty for child rapists. What a world we in now.

Lucky for Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, and you … you can get this great shirt and help a veteran-run t-shirt shop in grow its business while letting your leftist neighbors know exactly where you stand on pedophiles.

The KPL shirt is the PERFECT accessory for your next school board meeting. Get yours today!

KPL Shirt


These shirts are usually made to order. As such, Priority Shipping isn’t recommended. If you select Priority Shipping, it will ship from the printer Priority but will not be made faster. My supplier tends to do them in batches.

Monday, 2


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Surprising Are Than By Shot By ‘Assault’ Weapons

There’s been a lot of stats floating around about called ‘assault’ weapons. A term only used seriously by the ignorant. Many of these stats highlight the lunacy of an ‘assault’ weapons , and the logic of such not rooted reality.  For instance, the FBI saying you are more likely to be killed with a hammer than an ‘assault’ weapon.

FBI: More People Killed with Hammers, Clubs Each Year than Rifles According to the FBI annual crime statistics, the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outnumbers the number of murders committed with a rifle.

FBI: More People Killed with Hammers, Clubs Each Year than Rifles According to the FBI annual crime statistics, the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outnumbers the number of murders committed with a rifle.

There’s still some other stats you need to know that further highlights the ignorance of the gun grabbers you are debating with on Twitter and Facebook.

I recently did a video on these stats (video at bottom of page), and it was a segment on my show (podcast here).

‘s how those stats break down.  Get ready to have your mind blown with facts.


According to the FBI, in 2011, there were 7,923 non-justifiable gun homicides in the .

‘Assault’ weapons account for just 2% of those.

CRS: Under 2 percent of gun crimes involve assault weapons | WashingtonExaminer.com

Despite overwhelming popularity, assault weapons like the rifle used by the Sandy Hook Elementary killer are very rarely used in crimes, according to a comprehensive Congressional Research Service on guns and legislation.

Citing a survey of 203,300 state and federal prisoners who were armed during the crime for which they were incarcerated, “fewer than 1 in 50, or less than 2 percent, used, carried, or possessed a semiautomatic assault weapon,” said the report.

That’s roughly 158 ‘assault’ weapon homicides a year.

Statistically, you have a 0.00005% of being killed with one of these weapons. That’s a 1 in over 2 million chance.  The likelihood drops dramatically when we are talking about kids in schools, but I’ll save that for another .

According to the National Safety Council, these are the things that you are more likely to die from than being shot by an ‘assault’ weapon:

  • Suicide
  • Falling
  • Being a pedestrian
  • Drowning
  • Riding a bicycle
  • Plane crash
  • Electrocution
  • Exposure to heat
  • Cataclysmic storm
  • Stung by bees, wasps, and hornets
  • Earthquake
  • Lightning
  • Fireworks discharge
  • Bitten by dog


I didn’t include the big stuff like heart disease, or motor vehicle accidents for obvious reasons.

If these stats don’t prove to your friends, neighbors, co-workers and family that this debate isn’t about safety … nothing will.

This is purely about political agenda, limiting the people’s rights, power, control, and yes … even tyranny.

NSC.org injury facts chart