Daily Show Prep: Monday, July 24

Daily : , July 24


Body found in water near Obama mansion in Martha’s Vineyard, Daily Mail reports 911 call came from their home


AI is taking over the world, and now “scientists have witnessed metal healing itself for the first time, without any human intervention.” I think I can see where this is heading y’all.

This new app helps shoppers identify woke brands to avoid


NBC Ratioed Into Next Week for Hot Take on Family Being One of Biden’s ‘Greatest Strengths’

Twitter Killer or Clone? Threads App Sees Gargantuan Drop in Engagement

STEM Students Troll Woke LGBT Survey — Researchers Blame ‘Rise Of Online Fascism’

Biden Admin. Awards Soros-Backed Puerto Rican Group $2M to Study ‘Toxic Masculinities’

Hour 2

: . Jim is running for

7 Republican presidential candidates meet polling criteria for first RNC debate


Radio Host DESTROYS Two Leftist Women On National Television

FBI Abused FISA to Spy on U.S. Senator, State Official and Judge

WATCH: Just Stop Oil got a taste of their own medicine when pranksters tied alarms to balloons to interrupt their banquet 👨‍🍳🤌

Hour 3

Nebraska sentences teen girl in first criminal abortion case. The Left is correct that it’s a travesty of justice, but not for the reason they think.

The Left’s Astounding, Utterly False Narrative About a Nebraska Mother Who Aborted Her 30-Week Baby

Real Journalists™ have a lot to learn from this frosh student journo who took down Stanford’s president

It’s NPR vs. NPR on ‘right-wing conspiracy theory’ about eating bugs

Top : ‘ of COVID-19 from lab

File this under ‘no kidding.’

I told this in January. I was called theorist. Now every western intelligence agency agrees with my assessment.

Deputy national security adviser Matthew Pottinger says there is now “a growing body of evidence” that COVID-19 leaked from a government-run lab in Wuhan.

Pottinger reportedly doubled down on claim in a recent Zoom meeting with U.K. officials.

“There is a growing body of evidence that the lab is likely the most credible source of the virus,” Pottinger said, according to the Daily Mail.

He claimed that the virus may have escaped through a “leak or an accident,” adding, “even establishment figures in have openly dismissed the story.”

has long claimed that the virus emerged in December 2019 in a wet market, which sells freshly slaughtered animals, including exotic ones like turtles, snakes, bats, civits and pangolins.

I’ve also gone over how Chinese officials have dismissed the false ‘bat soup’ in leaked documents. They didn’t dismiss publicly, mind you.

Source link

Black Murders 5-Year-Old White Child For Riding His Bike

This story pisses me off. headline pisses me off too.

The Mail has history of race-baiting headlines. I’ve talked about and posted about it many times. Every chance they get to highlight a minority person being abused by a white person, they will. However, when a black murders a white kid, the headline strips those typical racial identifiers.

I don’t know if this was racially motivated. It doesn’t sound like it is. That isn’t the point. The media uses race-baiting regularly to demonize whites, even if the story wasn’t racially motivated. We know how this headline would have looked if the races were reversed. It’s a form of grooming.

Daily Mail:

North Carolina police have charged a neighbor with the murder of a five-year-old boy was riding a bike his own yard when he was shot at point blank range on Sunday evening.

Darius Sessoms, 25, was taken into custody by Wilson police around 24 hours after he allegedly approached Cannon Hinnant in front of the young boy’s father’s house at 5:30pm and shot him in the head.

Hinnant’s seven-year-old and eight-year-old sisters witnessed the killing, their mother told .

Sessoms lived door to the , and the killing is not believed to be random. Neighbors claim he had dinner with Hinnant’s father Austin on Friday and had been over at the house earlier on Sunday.