Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, March 27

Daily : , 27

Hour 1

breaks down embarrassing gubernatorial night.

Interview: Former Indiana wasn’t at the gubernatorial debate, Casey had him on to discuss his and answer debate questions. Jamie Reitenour, who also wasn’t on the debate stage, will join Casey Friday.

Hour 2

Trump makes fun of Ronna McDaniel after NBC cancels her contract

Feds threaten presidential candidate “Literally Anybody Else” with criminal charges if he doesn’t supply his real name

Hour 3

Anyone win Mega Millions last night, March 26? New Jersey winner hits all 6 drawing numbers

Legal expert weighs in on crowdfunding in Delphi murders case

Jon Stewart found to have overvalued his NYC home by 829% after labeling Trump’s civil case ‘not victimless’

Carol Roth DEMOLISHES the Biden Administration’s Lies About the Reality of Income Tax Rates

WH wants to repeal provision in recently enacted spending bill banning pride flags over US embassies

Monday, July 10 – 1 Podcast


Comey’s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material | TheHill

More than half of memos former FBI Director James Comey wrote as personal recollections of his conversations with the Russia investigation have been determined to contain classified information, according to interviews with officials familiar with the documents.

Black Lives Matter leaders sued over Baton Rouge police shooting

police officer wounded a shooting rampage in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, last year that left three officers dead sued Black Lives Matter movement leaders on , accusing them of inciting violence that spurred the attack.

Lawyer Dinged From Crowdfunding Site | The Daily Caller

crowdfunding website removed the fundraising page of a lawyer seeking help to lawsuit against leaders Sunday.

Cash for Clunkers Was a Complete Failure – Foundation for Economic Education – Working for a free and prosperous world

It is difficult to make the that the brief acceleration in justifies the loss of $4.0 billion in revenues to the auto industry, for two reasons.

Daily : Monday, July 10


Comey’s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material | TheHill

More than half of the memos former FBI Director James Comey wrote as personal recollections of his conversations with Trump about the Russia investigation have been determined to contain classified information, according to interviews with officials familiar with the documents.

Black Lives Matter leaders sued over Baton Rouge police shooting

A police officer wounded in a shooting rampage in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, last year that left three officers dead sued Black Lives Matter movement leaders on Friday, accusing them of inciting violence that spurred the attack.

Lawyer Dinged From Crowdfunding Site | The Daily Caller

A website removed the fundraising page of a lawyer seeking help to fund a against Black Lives Matter leaders Sunday.

Cash for Clunkers Was a Complete Failure – Foundation for Economic Education – Working for a free and prosperous world

It is difficult to make the case that the brief acceleration in justifies the loss of $4.0 billion in revenues to the auto industry, for two reasons.

Hour 2


Fmr Obama DNI Clapper: Only 3 or 4 Intelligence Agencies Agreed on Russian Interference – ‘It Wasn’t 17’ – Breitbart

So how this narrative got there about 17 components being involved, I don’t know. But the report itself makes it clear that it was the three agencies plus the Office of the Director of National Intelligence that put this intelligence community assessment together.

So … in 9 months of the 17 agency lie being used Clapper never rebuffed it publicly? Why?

The 17 agency myth was retracted over a week ago, but over the weekend this happened.

Maxine Waters Pushes Debunked Claim That 17 Intelligence Agencies Agreed On Russian Election Hacking (VIDEO)

Maxine Waters still hasn’t gotten the message that the claim “seventeen intelligence agencies” agreed on Russian hacking was which The New York Times and the Associated Press were forced to admit over a week ago wasn’t true.

Delingpole: Record-Breaking Cold in Greenland; Alarmists ‘Look. An Arctic Squirrel!’

just broke the record for the coldest July day ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere at -33C.

Solar Makes More Waste Than Nuclear | The Daily Caller

Solar panels create 300 times more toxic waste per unit of generated than nuclear power plants

VIDEO: Far Left Activists Applaud Speech Comprised Entirely of Hitler Quotes

At the ‘Impeach Trump March’ in Chicago earlier this week, a Trump supporter disguised as an “anti-fascist” protester read a speech comprised entirely of Adolf Hitler Quotes.

Hour 3

Imagine Vegan Cafe Has Facebook Meltdown Over Bad Review

A review that called out the restaurant for having a naked baby running around and showing off his butthole to people eating food.

Former MNC morning host Matt Patrick loses battle to cancer – 95.3 MNC

Former 95.3 MNC morning host Matt Patrick has died. He was 58 years old.

CLASS ACT: President Trump Picks Up Marine’s Hat and Puts It Back On His Head After the Wind Carries It Away (VIDEO)

Saturday, picked up the hat of a Marine that was blown off due to the turbulence from the President’s helicopter.


“Female predator”: Former colleagues, leaked emails cast doubt on Scottie Hughes’ allegations against Charles Payne – Red Alert Politics