Daily Show Prep: Monday, July 24

Daily : , July 24


Body found in water near Obama mansion in Martha’s Vineyard, Daily Mail reports 911 call came from their home


AI is taking over the world, and now “scientists have witnessed metal healing itself for the first time, without any human intervention.” I think I can see where this is heading y’all.

This new app helps shoppers identify woke brands to avoid


NBC Ratioed Into Next Week for Hot Take on Family Being One of Biden’s ‘Greatest Strengths’

Twitter Killer or Clone? Threads App Sees Gargantuan Drop in Engagement

STEM Students Troll Woke LGBT Survey — Researchers Blame ‘Rise Of Online Fascism’

Biden Admin. Awards Soros-Backed Puerto Rican Group $2M to Study ‘Toxic Masculinities’

Hour 2

: . Jim is running for

7 Republican presidential candidates meet polling criteria for first RNC debate


Radio Host DESTROYS Two Leftist Women On National Television

FBI Abused FISA to Spy on U.S. Senator, State Official and Judge

WATCH: Just Stop Oil got a taste of their own medicine when pranksters tied alarms to balloons to interrupt their banquet 👨‍🍳🤌

Hour 3

Nebraska sentences teen girl in first criminal abortion case. The Left is correct that it’s a travesty of justice, but not for the reason they think.

The Left’s Astounding, Utterly False Narrative About a Nebraska Mother Who Aborted Her 30-Week Baby

Real Journalists™ have a lot to learn from this frosh student journo who took down Stanford’s president

It’s NPR vs. NPR on ‘right-wing conspiracy theory’ about eating bugs

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, May 4

Daily : , 4


Kremlin: ‘ridiculous’ for US and Kyiv to disown drone incident

Nashville Police Refuse to Release Trans Mass Shooter’s Manifesto

19 State AGs Say JPMorgan Chase Repeatedly ‘De-Banked’ Religious Conservatives

Banker Tied to Biden, Clinton ‘Aggressively’ Raped Epstein Victim: Court Ruling

Gas Stove Bans Promoted From Baseless Conspiracy Theory to New York State Policy

Biden Admin. Seeks to Restrict Hunting, Fishing via Lead Regulations

Hour 2

mysteriously disappears for an hour.

Hour 3

Republican official Amy Drake cited the FBI’s definition of domestic terrorism: ‘Appearing to be intended to influence the policy of government by intimidation or coercion.’

10-Year-Olds Found Working Unpaid at Kentucky McDonald’s Until 2 a.m.

EV Battery Packs Could Exacerbate ‘Fatality Crisis’ on Roads, Experts Warn

What’s Really Going On With Commission?

I always ask the audience to take step back, take a deep breath, then read the story again. Does what you read make sense? This exercise will allow you to see a whole more clearly.

Now, follow me down the rabbit hole.

In spite of the and political rhetoric, January 6, 2021, wasn’t an armed insurrection by any definition of the word. Anyone who repeats that claim is an unserious person not worthy of your time.

The FBI says there was no insurrection.

No firearms were confiscated by authorities.

Protestors didn’t bring handcuffs as the media reported.

why does Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney and the swamp dwellers continue to repeat that debunked claim?

Why are they still lying about police officers being killed during the riot? No officer died.

Why are they covering up potential police abuse during the protest?

Why are they covering up protestors being killed by the police that day?

Why did they lie about Ashley Babbitt for over a after she was murdered?

Why did prosecutors fight to withhold the Capitol surveillance video from being released to the public? Shouldn’t they have wanted all of you to see how evil these ‘insurrectionists’ really were?

Especially since they think January 6 was as bad as the war in Ukraine.

They’ve even claimed it’s worse than 9/11.

Maybe they want to hide those videos because they also show peaceful protestors being let into the Capitol and not rioting?

Why do they continue to ‘investigate’ members of Congress for helping the rioters when the real investigation already found that no member of Congress aided the rioters?

In spite of that investigation clearing all members of Congress, why is Pelosi still doing illegal searches of Congressmen’s offices?

Why doesn’t Pelosi want videos and emails from about January 6 from the Capitol and members of Congress released? Why does she say those records are not in the ‘public interest?

Why did they claim there would be over $30 million in damages to the Capitol building. The total only ended up being $1.5 million.

Why did the DOJ say that a Capitol rioter had a mockup of the Capitol in Legos then admit that he didn’t?

Why did they withhold exculpatory evidence that have cleared protestors who were charged?

Not only did they withhold exculpatory but they lied about other evidence and even fabricated fake evidence.

They even lied about President Trump doing nothing for 187 minutes.

No wonder those in custody have been documented by the legal system to have been abused while in custody.

Constitutional rights violations are common. Even egregious.

Why are they hiding the fact that a lot of federal agents and informants were in the crowd that day? Some may have even participated in the riot, or worse.

Why are they ignoring the fact that some BLM and antifa members were at the riot?

Even a prominent New York Times reporter says the media is overblowing what happened on January 6.

Yes, this is obviously about preventing Trump from running for President again.

It’s so much more than that though.

Look at what they did to citizens following the riot.

Gathered bank records without warrants.

Built databases on citizens.

Raided people’s houses with no evidence.

Used non-standard law enforcement to spy on citizens.

There’s a very real plot to nationalize the Capitol Police.

All of the big tech censorship, character assassination, and stories used against conservatives were just a trial run. It may seem like a Hollywood plot but you’ve watched it unfold right before your eyes. The big tech and corporate media war against conservatives was then used to spread COVID lies and fear. Now it’s being used in the Ukraine/Russia conflict.

Make no mistake, they are coming for you.





Watch: Is Now FSB

The FBI has become as corrupt and tyrannical as Russia’s FSB.


My Website

My Knives and Holsters








Casey Hendrickson is a conservative radio talk show host based out of 95.3 MNC in South Bend, IN, and covering all of Michiana.
He’s been featured on Fox & Friends, Kilmeade, Lars Larson, and much more.



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Top : ‘ of COVID-19 from lab

File this under ‘no kidding.’

I told you this in January. I was called conspiracy theorist. Now every western intelligence agency agrees with my assessment.

Deputy national security adviser Matthew Pottinger says there is now “a of ” that COVID-19 from a Chinese -run lab in .

Pottinger reportedly doubled down on the claim in a recent Zoom meeting with U.K. officials.

“There is a growing body of evidence that the lab is likely the most credible source of the virus,” Pottinger said, according to the Mail.

He claimed that the virus may have escaped through a “leak or an accident,” adding, “even establishment figures in have openly dismissed the wet market story.”

China has long claimed that the virus emerged in December 2019 in a wet market, which sells freshly slaughtered animals, including exotic ones like turtles, snakes, bats, civits and pangolins.

I’ve also gone over how Chinese officials have dismissed the false ‘bat soup’ in leaked documents. They didn’t dismiss it publicly, mind you.

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