Anti- Activism Caused Shooting

From Oct. 26 show.

‘s anti- activism is why a woman was killed.

Also, I take issue with the way some people have addressed the shooting.

Study: Teen Boys 6x More Likely to Suffer Problems From Than be Hospitalized by COVID

Yesterday, Biden gave the most dictatorial speech in American history that sets the stage for the government to mandate any injection they want. Not only was the speech full of flat-out lies, divisive language, and pearls of tyranny with lines like: “This is not about freedom or personal choice.” Biden’s speech also had potentially dangerous advice for parents.

The safest thing for your child 12 and older is to get them vaccinated. They get vaccinated for a lot of things. That’s it. Get them vaccinated.

At no point did Biden point out that the is not FDA approved for children under 16. The vaccine is approved for people 16 and older. Children 12-15 are still considered under the emergency authorization. The FDA has plainly said not to vaccinate children under 12.

This is important because a growing body of research shows that the younger you are, the more likely to have serious side-effects.

As I’ve always said, you should assess your risk from COVID vs the vaccine. Luckily, most people are not in danger from COVID. People with obesity (regardless of age) and comorbidities are at risk.

Well …

“A team led by Dr Tracy Hoeg at the University of California investigated the rate of cardiac inflammation – and chest pain in children aged 12-17 following their second dose of the vaccine,” reports the Telegraph.

“They then compared this with the likelihood of children needing hospital treatment owing to Covid-19, at times of low, moderate and high rates of hospitalisation.”

“Researchers found that the risk of heart complications for boys aged 12-15 following the vaccine was 162.2 per million, which was the highest out of all the groups they looked at.”

This compares to the risk of a healthy boy being hospitalized as a result of a COVID infection, which is around 26.7 per million, meaning the risk they face from the vaccine is 6.1 times higher.

Even during high risk rates of COVID, such as in January this year, the threat posed by the vaccine is 4.3 times higher, while during low risk rates, the risk of teenage boys suffering a “cardiac adverse event” from the vaccine is a whopping 22.8 times higher.

This is just the latest study to sound the alarm on young people and the vaccines. I’ve been talking about this research for months.

Biden and his acolytes haven’t been following the science at all from the very beginning, but his assertion that the ‘safest thing for your child’ is to get vaccinated appears to be very wrong according to the current body of clinical research.