Daily : Wednesday, June 22

Democrats are holding a sit-in on the House floor « Hot Air

The chair called a recess until noon once Democrats began sitting down:

Twitter Launches ‘Safe Space’ for Celebrity Snowflakes | Truth Revolt

The , ironically dubbed “Engage,” allows celebrities to do the opposite: disengage.

Marine Corps forced to pull warbirds out of ‘boneyard’ after new fleet delay | Fox News

The Marines are looking for a few good planes, and their search has taken them to an Arizona boneyard where the Corps’ old F/A Hornets have been gathering dust and rust for years.

Man arrested on federal terrorism charges in Brownsburg FBI raid, accused of attempting to join ISIS | Fox 59

A former Brownsburg High School student was arrested Tuesday on federal terrorism charges after allegedly attempting to provide to ISIS and travel overseas to join the terrorism organization.


Yusuf Abdi Ali was a commander during the Somali Civil during the 1980s and has been accused of ordering the torture and executions of civilians in what has been called a genocide.

MEDIA DIRTY TRICKS: CBS, NBC Manipulate Polling Data to Show Hillary with Lead Over Trump

However, based on the polling details, the final weighted sample of 976 registered voters is made up of just 28% Republicans and 35% Democrats.

Poll: Some of Trump’s “unpopular” ideas aren’t that unpopular « Hot Air

Despite all the “conventional wisdom” coming from cable talking heads, can find majorities of who are in favor of banning travel and immigration from six majority Muslim nations. Syria and Iraq are at the top of the list for obvious reasons, being the homeland of ISIS, but Afghanistan, Pakistan and Libya aren’t far behind. Even Saudi Arabia pulls majority support for a ban which is a puzzling.

Post-Orlando, Trump Continues To Close Poll Gap, Unnoticed by MSM | VDARE – premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

A few days ago, I wrote “Poll: Clinton’s lead over Trump slipping since Orlando” and now the Monmouth University poll shows the same thing: in a head-to-head contest, Clinton leads Trump by 7 percentage points, as opposed to 10 percentage points in Monmouth’s last head-to-head national survey, back in late March.

For some growers, farmers markets just aren’t what they used to be – The Washington Post

For Zach Lester, co-owner of Tree and Leaf Farm in Unionville, Va., farmers markets have traditionally been a gathering of the tribe as much as a collection of freshly harvested fruits and vegetables. They’ve been a place where true believers could make their weekly investment in the future of local and sustainable agriculture.

Exclusive Video: Veteran Forcibly Dragged from Air Force Ceremony for Mentioning God – Breitbart

When the event went forward as planned, another video first obtained by Breitbart News — the one of the retirement ceremony itself — shows Rodriguez taking his position and beginning his flag-folding speech. Four uniformed airmen surround him, forcibly seize him, and roughly drag him out of the room, as he continues shouting out his speech over the heads of his assailants.

Goshen traffic stop leads to discovery of suspected explosive vest | Public Safety | southbendtribune.com

After a police officer saw 45--old Sherman Fuller behaving suspiciously near the Elkhart County Courthouse early Wednesday morning, the officer followed Fuller’s white pickup truck and pulled him over, citing a false license plate.

Why isn’t the assassination attempt on Donald Trump bigger news?

The answer, authorities say, is Michael Steven Sandford, a 20-year-old British citizen who was in the United States illegally after overstaying his visa. Sandford allegedly tried to pull a gun from the holster of a police officer at a Trump rally in Las Vegas on Saturday. He was arrested and later told the Secret Service that he had driven to the event from California and had been planning to kill the candidate for a year, according to a criminal complaint filed Monday in U.S. District Court in Nevada.

Indiana school district bans energy, supplement drinks – Elkhart Truth

A school district in central Indiana is banning nutritional supplements and energy drinks from its campuses.

Federal Judge Dismisses Blue Moon Suit | Brewbound.com

Recall that Parent had accused MillerCoors of violating California’s Consumer Legal Remedies Act and suggested that the company was intentionally trying to trick consumers into purchasing a “craft beer” made by a smaller brewery.

Al- Was Perfectly Legal

The debate has raged for some days now … was the killing of al-Awlaki in Yemen illegal?

Rep. Ron Paul says it was, but he says everything is illegal.

are two primary arguments alleging the illegality of al-Awlaki’s killing.

First, he was a US citizen, and as such, was due a trial.

Second, the US violated international law by assassinating him in Yemen.

Neither argument holds up, both morally or legally.

First I’ll address international law.

Neither the Hague Convention of 1899, or the Protocol Addition to the Geneva Convention of 1949 forbid al-Awlaki’s killing by international law.  Right the get go, proponents of this argument are off to a bad start.  In fact, the international law has often taken the stance that killing an adversary can often fall within the confines of international law.

Harvard Law addressed the issue a few years back.

The clauses that traditionally have been construed as prohibiting “targeted killings” are far from clear prohibitions. In the Hague Convention (II) with Respect to the Laws and Customs of War on Land (29 July 1899), Article 23b states that it is prohibited “to kill or wound treacherously individuals belonging to the hostile nation or army.” Treachery is not explicitly defined, and it can be argued that using missiles to attack a car in which a target is traveling, while brutal and having a high probability of injuring bystanders, does not fall within the purview of treachery. Similarly, targeted killings can be argued to fall outside the Protocol I Article 37 prohibition on killing, injuring, or capturing “an adversary by resort to perfidy”—described as “acts inviting the confidence of an adversary to lead him to believe that he is entitled to, or is obliged to accord, protection under the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict, with intent to betray that confidence.” Article 37 gives examples of perfidy including “the feigning of an intent to negotiate under a flag of truce or surrender” and “the feigning of civilian, non-combatant status.”

Basically, you can’t ‘assassinate’ under false-flag circumstances.  No such circumstance existed with the al-Awlaki killing.  It should be noted that this provision addresses someone belonging to a hostile nation OR army. While al-Awlaki did not belong to a hostile nation, he did belong to a hostile army.  This is important later when I argue the relevance of his US citizenship.

In addition to this international law, the US has NO LAW forbidding foreign assassinations.  We do, however, have a policy of not undertaking assassinations.  Policy does not equal law.

The second component to this operation is that Yemen fully approved, and supported the killing of al-Awlaki. So no argument can be made that we violated the sovereignty of a foreign nation.

The other argument making its way around is that al-Awlaki’s killing was illegal because he was a US citizen. As such, an assassination order by the would violate his constitutional right of due process.  It should also be noted that al-Awlaki was not the only American killed in the attack.

Al-Awlaki’s ties to are not in dispute, his actual influence is.  So can the president order his killing, or not?

8 U.S.C. § 1481 addresses the issue of US citizenship in situations like this.

(a) A person who is a national of the United States whether by or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality –

(1) obtaining naturalization in a foreign state upon his own application or upon an application filed by a duly authorized agent, after having attained the age of eighteen years; or

(2) taking an oath or making an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state or a political subdivision thereof, after having attained the age of eighteen

The law also addresses taking up arms the United States in section . Considering al-Awlaki’s Yemeni citizenship, which does not recognize dual-citizenship, and his taking up arms against the US, it would appear that he renounced his US citizenship long ago.

Section 7 automatically revokes his citizenship because of his terrorist activities, but requires capture and tribunal. Since he was in Yemen, we revert to international law which permits his killing in order to prevent a further loss of life.  More relevant is local Yemen law.  Again, they assisted in the killing of al-Awlaki.

Is his killing a gray area?  Only in the perpetually unrefined laws of US citizenship.  Laws that most agree need to be revamped, but the law nonetheless.

The only component missing to classify al-Awlaki as a non-citizen appears to be a mere formality of choreographed theater that would only serve to satisfy the selfish needs of third party citizens, not the parties directly involved.  It’s pretty clear that al-Awlaki, the US, and Yemen were all on the same page.

Both al-Alwaki and Yemen agree that he is a citizen of Yemen.  The US agrees that he revoked his citizenship. Who are you to swoop in and negate those facts?

The only sources of outcry appear to come from the ignorant, and those with a vested interest in ideological pacifism.  Not from a position of morality or legality.

Ultimately, this is a debate that will fall upon opinion.  If you think al-Awlaki’s killing was illegal, you’ll likely never change your mind.  Same goes for those who think it was legally justified.  Each individual will have to decide for themselves if international law, US law, or Yemeni law should reign supreme.

Of , you can always consider al-Awlaki’s wishes too.