Episode 5: Proud to be an American

Episode 5: Proud to be an American

The Common Veteran’s Season 2

Episode 5: Proud to be an American

The Common Veterans are all United States Military Veterans. Pride in the country is pride in their service because they were willing to write a blank check to include up to their lives. The life of a Veteran often revolves around their service and how much they love their country. The Common Veterans discuss their love for God and country and the transition back into a noncombatant once back home…
I) Correlation Often Relates to Causation
a. Being an American
i. Being proud to be an American often stems from upbringing and family members loving their country
b. Becoming a Veteran
i. or family heritage… Maybe something else
1. The Few… The Proud… The
2. An Army of One
3. Aim High
4. Family Heritage – , Grandpa, Uncle, etcetera were Veterans
5. tuition
6. The recruiter saw you coming
II) Service = Citizenship – Love of Country
a. Becoming a soldier promotes love of country
i. Have to love the country to be willing to die for it
ii. Path to citizenship through the Card Program
b. Any stories of war that can be to
III) American’s Take Veteran’s for Granted… or do they?
a. Soldiers go to war and often come back loving their country
i. Notwithstanding bad pullouts of combat areas
ii. Provides love of Country because they don’t know what they have till they don’t have it anymore.
iii. love our soldiers, but don’t understand what Veterans did for this great country
IV) Pride is Pride Not Your Knees or Flags
i. There is one
1. Flag code
ii. Don’t take a knee over the National Anthem – that is a military anthem about the soldiers who died
V) Next Podcast: Episode 6: Daddy’s Mad, or is He?
a. The Common Veterans figure out and discuss having kids and how they teach their kids to cope with “Daddy’s Mad,” even though Daddy may not be mad, just dealing with .

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, April 11

Daily : , April 11


Members of the have an obligation to die if they stories. It’s a part of our job. Otherwise, write dumbass headlines like this …

Seat belt violation ends with Black man dead on Chicago street after cops fired nearly 100 bullets

CHD Files FOIA Requests: Why Did Government Shut Down Studies on Cellphone Radiation and Cancer?

FLASHBACK: No, your ‘t you

Hour 2

Stanford Investigates Allegations of Research Misconduct Against ‘Equitable Math’ Advocate

Republican lawmakers aim to reverse Biden’s expanded gun background check rule

Democrats Vote Against Bill Adding Citizenship Question to Census

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Jan. 30

Daily : , Jan. 30



Trump Wins: Illinois Board of Elections Votes to Keep Trump on Primary Ballot

Pelosi Lobs Racist Comments to Protesters: ‘Go Back to China, Where You Came From’

Hour 2

HUGE: Guess how many workers UPS just laid off in the best economy ever?

Treasury Sec. Yellen Betrays Biden, Debunks Bogus Inflation Claims

Biden, Harris’s Smollett Solidarity Posts Resurface on Hoax Anniversary

WATCH: Biden’s Infuriating Comment Claiming He Doesn’t Have Power to Deal With Border Crisis

Dem claims the MAGA border agenda includes bombing Mexico, electrifying fences, building alligator moats – is anyone taking notes on this?? 🤔

Biden’s Illegal Immigration Failures: He Could Take Action but Refuses

This is same used to limit from countries.

Report: Al-Shabaab terrorist caught at border WAS RELEASED BY FEDS to roam freely across America FOR A YEAR

Mayorkas Calls Impeachment ‘Baseless’ in Smug, Deceitful Letter to Homeland Security Committee

House begins impeachment proceedings against DHS Secretary Mayorkas. Details on Republicans actually doing something here. 🤯

Hour 3

Parents of Soldier Killed in Jordan Say Biden Hasn’t Called Them

CONFIRMED: House Democrat Being Criminally Investigated Is ‘Squad’ Member Cori Bush

32-year-old blogger’s research forces Harvard Medical School affiliate to retract 6 papers, correct another 31

NSA Confirms Purchasing Data on American Citizens’ Internet Behavior, Circumventing the Need for Warrants

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, Feb. 9

Daily : , Feb. 9


Cass County Republicans censure Senator Todd Young after vote on marriage bill

is pissed. scalps.

James O’Keefe Is on Paid Leave From Project Veritas

Prominent conservatives speak out in support of James O’Keefe after cancellation attempt

EXCLUSIVE: ICE Chief Admits To Enormous Illegal Immigration Data Errors Exposed By DCNF

Hour 2

Biden Finally Finds a Balloon He Wants To Take Down: Surveillance Blimps at the Southern Border

Sen. Fetterman hospitalized after feeling ‘lightheaded’

Second N.J. Republican council member shot dead just a week after the first — will MSM care?

Staggering Turkey earthquake death toll includes at least 3 US citizens: State Department

Oops: Democrat Rep. Cori Bush Attempts to Confront Witness With Quote They Never Said

Fauci paper suggests feds knew COVID vaccines were doomed from the start: ‘Decidedly suboptimal’

COVID and the 3 Tests of Compliance

Hour 3

Fake meat firms collapsing due to lower sales, anti-woke backlash

Chick-fil-A’s New ‘Plant-Forward’ Sandwich Doesn’t Have Fake Meat


The Balloon Appears to Listen to ‘ Communications

BREAKING: Biden lied about Nord Stream sabotage, US did it with help from Norway: report