Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, Oct. 12

Daily : , . 12


Interview: We the Parents Michigan join us to discuss recent false allegations against them.

Keough School Professor Offers Abortion Access to Students

Notre Dame Professor Accused Of Facilitating Abortion Access For Students

James Comey offered Christopher Steele $1 million to corroborate Trump allegations…

Hour 2


Hour 3

Daily : Thursday, May 21




Investigating who is responsible for Edenville Dam failure that led to devastating floods

Hour 2

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Brit Hume: Media Falling For Russia Collusion Hoax ‘Worst Journalism Fiasco’ In 50 Years

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Hour 3

FBI Offered To Pay Christopher Steele ‘Significantly’ To Dig Up Dirt On Flynn

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Justice Department Releases Bruce Ohr Notes

Justice Department on Thursday released partially redacted transcripts of interviews Bruce Ohr conducted with the FBI after his contacts with , the author of the infamous anti- dossier.

Ohr, who served as deputy assistant general the Justice Department, had numerous contacts with Steele during and after the election as part of an investigation into possible links between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

The FBI conducted its 12 interviews with Ohr from Nov. 22, 2016, through May 15, 2017.

Ohr told the FBI details of what information Steele provided from his investigation of ‘s possible ties to .

Ohr said Steele told him in one conversation in September 2016 he was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being the U.S. President.”

Read the documents here:


Click here to view original web page at dailycaller.com

Lawsuit: campaign payment to dossier author Christopher Steele

conservative nonprofit has filed a federal lawsuit accusing the campaign of violating election laws when it paid British to gather Kremlin-provided political dirt on candidate .

Though not stated outright, the lawsuit argues that Democrats violated an admonition issued last week by Chairman . She decreed that political campaigns cannot accept “anything of value” from foreign nationals.

The lawsuit from The Coolidge Reagan Foundation says the Clinton campaign and accepted something of a value from a foreign national, Mr. Steele, the form of Kremlin anti- smut.

The suit’s purpose is to persuade a federal judge to order the FEC to vote on whether to open a formal investigation.

Source: Hillary Clinton campaign payment to dossier author Christopher Steele


William Barr: DOJ to probe possibility of Clinton- – Washington Times

The media keeps lying about this whole nonsense. They even lied about Mueller’s reaction to how Barr rolled out the summary of his findings. What we do know is that did engage in the behavior she accused Trump of engaging in and needs to be investigated for any possible illegal activity.

William P. Barr said that he will probe whether the Clinton campaign’s payments to company using a former British spy who collected information from Russian sources amounted to collusion.

Testifying to senators, Mr. Barr expanded on the scope of the “review” he says he’s conducting into “the activities over the summer of ,” which included vehemently anti-Trump FBI employees making key decisions on Hillary Clinton and President Trump.

But under questioning from Sen. Charles E. Grassley, the Senate’s senior Republican, Mr. Barr also said he’ll look at the Clinton campaign’s payments to facilitate the -called Steele dossier, the salacious, mostly unverified and in some cases disproved set of documents that helped spur the Trump- collusion narrative.

“That’s something that I am reviewing,” Mr. Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee made payments — hidden in documents behind a law firm — to Fusion GPS, a Democratic research firm that paid former British spy Christopher Steele to probe Mr. Trump.

Source: William Barr: DOJ to probe possibility of Clinton-Russia collusion – Washington Times