Tuesday, May 31 – Hour 2 Podcast

Celebrating Eco Child Abuse | The Burning Truth

Make no mistake … what you’re about to see is .

No, Katie Couric Did Not Apologize For That Deceptive Edit | The Daily Caller

It was just eight seconds, everybody. Why all the fuss over eight lousy seconds? Plus, she had initial concerns, which she didn’t tell us about until now.

Target’s Failed Policy – Another Pervert Identified

Tuesday, May 5 – A juvenile female in Frisco, Texas was in the women’s bathroom at when she noticed a man peering over the top, filming her with his cell phone. Authorities completed a search for the suspect the night of the incident, but were unable to locate him. He has now been identified and a warrant issued.

Facebook will now track you even if you’re not a Facebook user | Fox News

As The Wall Street Journal noted on Friday morning, ‘s off-site ads will now be shown to people who are not registered users. That also means webgoers without Facebook accounts will now be tracked by Facebook so that the ads they’re served will be better targeted to their tastes.

Celebrating Eco Abuse

Make no mistake … what you’re about to see is .

This is celebrated . and their lackies praise this young boy’s torment.

posted this video to their page with the caption:

This little man’s passion for environmental issues is inspiring! 🙌 👏

Just another day for UNILAD. The internet’s most notorious plagiarizers, liars, and content thieves. Might as well add ‘ abuse enthusiasts’ to the list of their faults.

There’s nothing different from this radicalization of children than what terrorists do in radicalizing Palestinian children in Hamas schools. These children are incapable of understanding what they are being told, and what they are being told is almost always a lie.

I’ve told the stories of how PETA was allowed to come into my school and brainwash students with their false propaganda many times on my show. I always challenged them, and beat them. I used science, biology, and facts. They use emotion, mythology, and hyperbole. Eventually I was disinvited to this required regular assembly so they could brainwash everyone else without a counter argument. That’s how the greenies like it. They can’t win on facts, so they ban all opposition. Just as Oregon just did.

The Portland Public Schools board unanimously approved a resolution this week that bans textbooks and other teaching materials that deny exists or cast doubt on whether humans are to blame.

The resolution, introduced by school board member Mike Rosen, also directs the superintendent and staff to develop a plan for offering “curriculum and educational opportunities that address and climate justice” in all Portland public schools, the Portland Tribune reported.

It’s just another layer in the 97% consensus lie. They don’t have the science, they don’t have the satellite data, and literally every prediction they’ve ever made has been inaccurate. The next step is to silence the opposition, fabricate ‘consensus’ and brainwash our children into taking up a mythological crusade.

This isn’t anything new really.

When the fauxmentary ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ came out, schools across the world required kids to watch it. This is in spite of the fact that Al Gore admitted to fabricating the movie’s conclusions out of thin air. A counter movie to ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ was called ‘The Great Swindle’ and they attempted to have their film shown with Gore’s to present both sides. This wasn’t allowed.

Soon after the full-court press to brainwash our kids started, they started having nightmares.

As I’ve illustrated on my show countless times … if you create an environment of fear, you can manipulate people to your cause more easily. They think they are protecting their loved ones, and themselves. Fear makes people less likely to use reason. As does anger.

This is brainwashing 101.