Daily Show Prep: Monday, March 30

Hour 1

‘This didn’t age well!!’ Rachel Maddow’s recent hospital ship prediction sinks to the #FakeNews depths (cue flashback video)

UNACCEPTABLE: CBS News uses terrifying footage from Italian hospital when talking about COVID outbreak in NYC

CBS News blames ‘editing mistake’ after footage from Italian hospital appears in report on New York coronavirus crisis

INFURIATING! Video from Queens, NY, the ‘epicenter’ of COVID-19 in the U.S., shows some New Yorkers yet to master social distancing


‘Raging douchenozzle’: Mayor Bill de Blasio caught driving from Manhattan to Brooklyn to take a walk



Woman Who Ingested Fish Tank Cleaner Is Prolific Donor to Democratic Causes

Whole Foods workers planning strike on Tuesday

Hour 2

FDA Issues Emergency Authorization Of Anti-Malaria Drugs As Doctors Herald Results For Coronavirus Patients

FDA Approves Major Breakthrough In Fight Against Coronavirus

Johnson & Johnson Announces a Lead Vaccine Candidate for COVID-19; Landmark New Partnership with U.S. Department of Health & Human Services; and Commitment to Supply One Billion Vaccines Worldwide for Emergency Pandemic Use

Rush Limbaugh shares a health update: ‘The chemo drugs are working’

WALSH: Joe Biden Said He Wants Accused Men To Be Assumed Guilty. Now He’s Been Accused. We Should Respect His Wishes.

Why Are the Mainstream Media Ignoring Tara Reade’s Sexual Assault Accusation Against Joe Biden?

Hour 3

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer hit for hydroxychloroquine crackdown as debate escalates

Here’s the letter in question

Michigan officials warn against stockpiling drug used to treat coronavirus, as FDA offers emergency approval

‘Should be ASHAMED’: Byron York uses Gov. Whitmer’s own WORDS on NBC to prove Trump wasn’t ‘punishing’ her or Michigan

Democrat Governor’s Coronavirus Aide Spreads False Rumors About Rationing


Chinese Company that Makes Forehead Thermometers ‘Jokes’ About Making Faulty Product for Sale in US in Order to Spread Disease

Vast Majority Of Crime Victim Visa Applicants Are Illegal Aliens, Internal Study Finds


Tuesday, Sept. 17 – Hour 1

Hour 1

“The Real Bombshell”: CBS News Hits NYT Over Kavanaugh Story To Focus On Witness Tampering

CBS Evening


A new sexual misconduct allegation against SCOTUS Justice fueled impeachment calls from Democratic presidential candidates; former Yale classmates claim he exposed himself to a woman at a college party, @nytimes reports.

Here’s @JanCBS https://cbsn.ws/2lVfUjK 

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Trump Makes Major Demand Of Everyone Involved In Kavanaugh Smear At The New York Times

NYT Reporters: We Included Exculpatory Info On Kavanaugh — But Editors Removed It; Update: Another Omitted Detail?

The plot THICKENS! Co-writer of NYT piece on Kavanaugh, Robin Pogrebin, left out HUGE detail that could be a game-changer

BOOM –> Thread detailing steps Sen. Judiciary Committee took while investigating Ramirez’s claims about Kavanaugh SHREDS NYT

No, There Aren’t Seven Corroborating Witnesses To Deborah Ramirez’s Claims Against Brett Kavanaugh

‘LMAO’! Becket Adams breaks down Politico’s list of potential ‘character witnesses’ for Andrew McCabe

$52 million plan would result in 250 jobs in Elkhart

‘Ill-Gotten Funds’: US Sues Edward Snowden For Book Proceeds

Study: Atheists, agnostics dislike prayers from Christians so much they’re willing to pay money to avoid them

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Sept. 17

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Hour 1

“The Real Bombshell”: CBS News Hits NYT Over Kavanaugh Story To Focus On Witness Tampering

Trump Makes Major Demand Of Everyone Involved In Kavanaugh Smear At The New York Times

NYT Reporters: We Included Exculpatory Info On Kavanaugh — But Editors Removed It; Update: Another Omitted Detail?

The plot THICKENS! Co-writer of NYT piece on Kavanaugh, Robin Pogrebin, left out HUGE detail that could be a game-changer

BOOM –> Thread detailing steps Sen. Judiciary Committee took while investigating Ramirez’s claims about Kavanaugh SHREDS NYT

No, There Aren’t Seven Corroborating Witnesses To Deborah Ramirez’s Claims Against Brett Kavanaugh

‘LMAO’! Becket Adams breaks down Politico’s list of potential ‘character witnesses’ for Andrew McCabe

$52 million plan would result in 250 jobs in Elkhart

‘Ill-Gotten Funds’: US Sues Edward Snowden For Book Proceeds

Study: Atheists, agnostics dislike prayers from Christians so much they’re willing to pay money to avoid them


Hour 2

The Navy Says Those UFO Videos Are Real

High School Cheerleaders Put On Probation For Posing With Trump 2020 Banner

Sketchy AF –> Why OH WHY would Ilhan Omar delete an innocent Father’s Day tweet from 2013? (hint: her brother)


Hour 3

Attorneys General in Indiana, Illinois plan probes into Klopfer fetal remains

Indiana school cancels slave ship lesson after public outcry

Broke: Bake The Cake. Woke: Make The Invitations

Viral video shows Marine stop two HS students during fight — and parents are not happy

IMPEACH: Trump Accused Of Stealing Pancakes At Family Event



Media Ignores Critics of ‘Hottest’ July Claims

These hyperbolic claims are now commonplace and easily dismissed with historical data.

“Hottest month in human history” has a certain ring to it. But some scientists say that ring isn’t true.

‘s headline absurdly (and falsely) declared on Aug. 1, that July was the “hottest month in human history.”

Although the story included the more accurate caveat “,” Rolling Stone didn’t tell readers records only go back a limited period of time. For example, NOAA’s records began in 1880. That’s not even close to the totality of “human history.” It’s not even all of the history of the U.S.

Meteorologist and researcher Dr. Roy Spencer disputed that claim. He wrote that “July 2019 was not the warmest on record” because the claims were based on “a fairly limited and error-prone array of thermometers.” So did WeatherBell meteorologist . But their criticism didn’t prevent the media’s hot air hype.

“The last five Julys have been the five hottest of all time,”a CBS online report by Sophie Lewis claimed. It’s amazing how (or NOAA for that matter) could possibly know that since records have been kept for less than 150 years.

All those reports ignored critics like Spencer and Bastardi. A meteorologist and principal research at the , Spencer criticized the media for reporting hottest month claims without nuance.

On Aug. 2, he argued that “current official pronouncements of global temperature records come from a fairly limited and error-prone array of thermometers which were never intended to measure global temperature trends.”

Spencer wrote that there are three flaws with those records including the impact of Effect at land sites, changing methods of recording ocean temperatures and “notoriously incomplete” geography (many places aren’t measured).

After utilizing what he considered a more accurate measuring technique called “reanalysis,” Spencer found, “July 2019 was actually cooler than three other Julys: 2016, 2002, and 2017, and so was [the] 4th warmest in 41 years. And being only 0.5 deg. F above average is not terribly alarming.”

Hmm. Fourth warmest in 41 years. Not exactly headline fodder.

Source: Hot or Not? Media Omit Critics of ‘Hottest’ July Claims, Hype Climate