Watch: Peaceful #BlackLivesMatter Leader Calls For Murdering Officers

Black Lives Matter rally leaders encourage , and even murder in Oregon.

Peaceful indeed.

Even though many people who attend rallies, or use the hashtag aren’t violent racists, the leadership in the movement have consistently been shown to be.

Black Lives Matter has been responsible for more violence than the KKK has been in decades. Though some question the movement to label BLM as a terrorist organization, there is little doubt they should be labeled as a hate group.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]#BLM has been responsible for more violence than the KKK has in decades. It’s time to label BLM a hate group.[/Tweet]



Watch: #BlackLivesMatter Protesters Not Happy With Reporter

Black Lives Matter has a history of seeking attention, media coverage, and claim they want to ‘raise awareness.’ So long as they aren’t planning peaceful protests with , or any other form of law breaking. Then they really don’t like cameras around.

Then again, it could have just been the ‘s ‘whiteness.’

Considering this was in Minneapolis, and we all know what happened in Minneapolis, the reporter’s ‘whiteness’ and the fact they wanted to commit violence are pretty evident.


Daily : Tuesday, July 12

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Inmates escape cell to save guard’s life –

A group of Texas are being hailed as heroes after they bust out of a holding cell — to save a corrections officer’s life.

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Vegan Baby Nearly Dies | LifeZette

Doctors say the 14-month-old baby had the body weight of just a three-month-old. The baby boy’s calcium level was at the minimal level needed to survive, and it was exacerbating a heart condition that had him undergoing emergency surgery, according to

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Fmr Prosecutor Sues Obama, Al Sharpton For Inciting Race War | The Daily Caller

A former federal prosecutor has sued President , the founders of , , Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and former US Attorney General Eric Holder for inciting a that led to the fatal Dallas shootings.

FLASHBACK: In ’92, Al Sharpton Screamed About ‘Offing Pigs’ and ‘Crackers’ | Truth Revolt

Crackers and pigs is NOT one of his favorite dishes. It’s his racist heritage.

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Evan Bayh expected to run for Dan Coats’ Senate seat – 95.3 MNC

Democratic officials say former Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh is expected to make another run for Senate in Indiana.

IMPD officer’s house shot at, man in custody –

The suspect, March Ratney, 27, was identified at the scene by witnesses. He was wearing a black shirt with the words “f— the police” on the front, and “black lives matter” on the back. Police weren’t able to provide any information about Ratney’s involvement with the movement, if any.

Chick-fil-A Makes It Clear Who They Support & BLM Isn’t Going To Like It

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NO To “Hapless Jackal” Mike Pence Too! Trump Has Better VP Choices | VDARE – premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

Pence would be a bigger folly than Ernst—or even Gingrich. His main contribution to immigration policy during his time in Congress: nearly snatching defeat from the jaws of victory during the 2006-2007 Amnesty War.

Trump-Pence VP decision could scramble Indiana politics – 95.3 MNC

A major shake-up for Indiana could be coming this week as Donald considers Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his Republican vice presidential choice.

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Radio Host By For Posting The Same Activists Were Allowed To Post

Facebook has me yet again. This time it’s not for rabbits eating fruit (no, I’m not joking).

The following was posted on by the Dallas murderer in a black power group. 2016-07-10 18-39-55

As you can see, they removed the picture when I posted it. I was also banned for a day from posting on Facebook. 2016-07-10 18-40-43

This is all quite ironic since this picture had been reported to Facebook by, at least, dozens of people. Facebook had refused to remove it saying it did not violate their community standards.

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The reason I posted the image in the first place is because a Black Lives Matter rally was being held in South Bend, IN on Saturday, July 9. One of the rally organizers posted that picture on the rally’s event page. Naturally, this was concerning. My radio station’s local news partner, ABC 57 News, did a story on it, and confronted him about it … he laughed.

The rally was peaceful, thank God, but arrests were made prior to the rally because people were threatening against , whites, and our community.

Just so we are clear … The Dallas murderer posted this image, numerous activists posted it, a rally organizer posted it on the official Facebook event page, and Facebook repeatedly told users across the nation, and many of my listeners, that the photo did not violate community standards. Yet, the moment a conservative posts it, it gets removed, and I’m banned?

Someone needs to ask Glenn Beck (we are an affiliate of his show) if “Facebook is behaving appropriately and trying to do the right thing” in this circumstance.

At the time of the writing of this, I don’t know if I’m the only one being punished by Facebook, or if they’ve started to remove the BLM posts of the same image too. Regardless, banning users for posting something Facebook has publicly indicated was allowable is asinine.


Tuesday, March 22 – Hour 3 Podcast

Chaffetz wants to take guns away from ‘Rambo’ BLM, Forest Service agents | Deseret News

Law enforcement agents with the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service are too “Rambo” to Rep. Jason ‘s liking, so he wants to take away their and authority.

Crazy Liberal Professor Calls 911 On ROTC, Vows To Keep Doing So

Prof. Heidi Czerwiec, an associate of English at the University of North Dakota (UND), claims she is so enraged that cadets are practicing maneuvers at the university, that she plans to call the every time she sees them.

California Allows Non-Citizens to Vote, Which is Illegal, So Every California Vote should be Disqualified – Eagle Rising

The official number of in the state of is nearly 3 million. We can estimate the number to be more than double this amount in reality.