Tuesday, Oct. 1 – Hour 3

Hour 3

‘Just what 2019 needs’: Jesse Ventura says a voice in his head wants him to consider an independent run for POTUS

Australia Offered Barr Help With Investigating Origins of Mueller Inquiry Long Before NYT Article Claiming ‘Trump Pressed Australian Leader’

Report: Hundreds of Docs Suggest Biden’s Been Lying About Firing Ukrainian Prosecutor

QUID PRO JOE: Photo Emerges Of Biden That Casts Doubt On His Ukraine Claims

Openly gay radio host threatens to sue his station over a homophobic tweet. Except police say he sent the tweet himself.

This Senate Measure Would Restrict Health Care Choices and Raise Premiums

Australia Offered Barr Help With Investigating Origins of Mueller Inquiry Long Before NYT Article Claiming ‘Trump Pressed Australian Leader’

Details have emerged that contradict a loaded Sept. 30 New York Times report that claimed President Donald Trump “pressed” Australia’s leader and used “American diplomacy for potential personal gain.”

ran a report late Sept. 30 citing two anonymous U.S. officials who said President “pushed” and “pressed” Australian Scott Morrison in a recent telephone call to help Attorney General William Barr in the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) probe into origins of the investigation. One of the sources said that Barr had asked Trump to speak to Morrison.

The Times in its intro also editorialized that the conversation between the two leaders was “another instance of the president using American diplomacy for potential personal gain.”

Following the report, a number of details emerged that conflict with the Times’ insinuation that Australia had been “pressed” by Trump to cooperate with Barr.

A letter shared by a reporter from Australian outlet Nine on Sept. 30 showed that Australia under the new leadership of Prime Minister Scott Morrison had reached out and expressed its willingness to support the attorney general’s investigation into “the origins of the ‘s probe into Russia links to the U.S. election.”

The letter dated May 28 was addressed to Barr from , the Ambassador of Australia to the United States, in response to the president’s comments that he hoped Barr’s team would “look at” Australia, and also the UK and Ukraine, “because there was a hoax that was perpetrated on our country.”

A report released by Mueller on April 18 after he took over the FBI’s investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, produced no evidence that Trump or his campaign had knowingly conspired or coordinated with the Russian government to sway the outcome of the election in his favor.

“The Australian government will use its best endeavours to support your efforts in this matter,” Hockey wrote. “While Australia’s former to the UK, , is no longer employed by the Government, we stand ready to provide you with all relevant information to support your inquiries.”

Click here to view original web page at www.theepochtimes.com

Daily : Wednesday, August 9


Brian Williams: Our Job Is to ‘Scare People to Death’ With Trump and N.K. | Truth Revolt

Williams let it slip that their job was to “scare people to death on this subject.” It made it clear that their goal was to drive down the public’s trust in the President to handle this threat.

WATCH: Donald Trump Foretold The Entire North Korea Nuclear Threat in 1999 (VIDEO) | True Pundit

explained his positions on how to handle in October 1999 during a sit down with the late TV journalist , the beloved and respected moderator of ‘s Meet The Press.

Hour 2

GOP Rep Launches Indiana Senate Bid | The Daily Caller

GOP Rep. kicked of his Indiana Senate bid with a campaign ad embracing the Trump administration and blasting Washington insiders Wednesday.

‘No foreigners’ sign in home sale in Michigan violates fair housing laws, state says

“Foreigners” shouldn’t bother trying to buy James Prater’s house in the Mason subdivision of Coventry Woods.

Fake News: NBC Misleads Viewers On ‘Crop Rot’ Being Caused By Trump Immigration Policy – The Burning Truth

NBC’s data is from the 7th year of the Obama administration.

CNN Spreads Fake News About Google Viewpoint Diversity Manifesto – Breitbart

The network claimed Damore “argues women aren’t suited for tech jobs for ‘biological’ reasons,’” and called the ten-page document which explained why there aren’t more women in tech jobs as an “anti-diversity manifesto.”

NYT Admits Its Climate Article Is Wrong | The Daily Caller

The New York Times issued a correction to its Tuesday front page article, now admitting that the government climate report it “obtained” had actually been publicly available online for months.

Hour 3

Child miners aged four at Congo cobalt mine | Daily Mail Online

Dorsen, just eight, is one of 40,000 children working daily in the mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The terrible price they will pay for our clean air is ruined health and a likely early death.

GOP Targets Phony Roundup Data | The Daily Caller

House Republican Trey Gowdy wants to know why a scientist with the National Cancer Institute withheld evidence from a government agency showing that a widely used herbicide does not cause cancer.

‘This was not supposed to happen’: Gore’s sequel comes in dismal 15th at box office – Gore fans allege film ‘sabotaged’ by Paramount | Climate Depot

Former Vice President Al Gore’s new film, “An Inconvenient Sequel”, came in a dismal 15th this weekend at U.S. theaters, according to Box Office Mojo.

FLASHBACK: Australia Weather Bureau Caught Tampering With Climate Numbers – The Burning Truth

They are still doing what we caught them doing years ago with Climategate I and Climategate II. Only now, it’s automatically built into their systems.


Recorded temperatures at the Bureau­ of Meteorology’s Thredbo Top have dropped below -10C in the past week, after action was taken to make the facility “fit for ­purpose”.

Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign chairman, has home raided by FBI – Washington Times

The FBI recently executed a and raided the home of , the former campaign chairman for , a spokesman confirmed Wednesday.