Indiana General Election Voter Patterns

Indiana General Voter Patterns

I wanted to give you just some basic voting data for Indiana leading into the 2024 General Election. I focused on general elections in presidential years only. I compiled data for 2012, 2016, and 2020.

First, let’s take a look at registered voters actual voter turnout over the past three presidential election cycles.

In Voter Turnout

This is, actually, the most interesting set of data, in my opinion.

In 2012, the population of the Hoosier state was around 6,538,989 . In 2020, the population was around 6,789,098 people. That’s a population increase of 3.82%. Yet, the number of registered voters increased by 4.31% between 2012 and 2020 with a decrease of 1.61% between 2016 and 2020. There has been a prolonged battle to cure Indiana’s voter rolls by purging registered voters who are no longer legal voters for various reasons.

There have been various attempts to smear Indiana’s attempts to ensure registered voters are, actually, legal voters. The media reported that between 2012 and 2014, Indiana removed 22.4% of its voting population. Yet, the number of registered voters from 2012 to 2016 increased over 6%. For the years in question, where Indiana allegedly removed over 22% of voters, the number of registered voters actually increased 0.83%. Indiana’s attempts to ensure voting integrity have been fought every step of the way by activists.

In 2020, the Center For Public Integrity alleged that “Indiana has made it harder for people to vote.” Well, if that’s the , why are more people voting? Turnout has continually increased for the main elections. No, looking at primaries and municipal elections where there’s general apathy doesn’t count.

Now onto how voters vote …


As you can see in the chart, since 2012, total voter turnout for presidential year general elections have increased. Hard to do in a state where the liberal activists say Indiana is making it “harder for people to vote.”

Another statistic we see is the ever-decreasing number of people who vote in person and the increasing number who vote absentee. We had COVID in 2020 but the numbers were moving away from voting in person to absentee long before COVID.

The numbers are somewhat staggering.

Absentee voting from 2012 to 2020 increased by over 216%. While in-person voting decreased by over 42%.

In 2014, Pew showed Republicans with a 5-point advantage over Democrats in Indiana.

In 2017, Gallop gave Republicans just a 2-point advantage.

Since 2012, Republican presidential candidates have received higher percentages of than Democrats. Part of that could be the Mike Pence factor as the Vice Presidential candidate.

Indiana doesn’t register voters by party affiliation getting unbiased numbers is difficult. So trends in that regard are hard to see.

More people are moving to Indiana than away from it. Many are from blue states. Republicans would like you to believe they are mostly Republicans fleeing Democrat policies, but Indiana doesn’t have a reputation as a refuge for conservatives. Texas and Florida do, but Indiana does not.

2024 will be an interesting year to evaluate for years to come. The unique circumstances / 2.0 could provide for temporary anomalies in election patterns or could completely reset the electorate in a way previously unimaginable.

New Footage Of Scottie Scheffler’s Arrest Doesn’t Look Good For The Arresting Officers

New Footage Of Scottie Scheffler’s Doesn’t Look Good For Arresting Officers

Scheffler’s arrest seemed fishy from start, and now the officers involved are under investigation themselves. Some body footage has been released which doesn’t help much to understand . The other footage released, however, doesn’t look good for the arresting officers.

After the arrest, Scheffler posted this to his Instagram:

Screenshot 2024.05.23 18 25 13

Detective Bryan Gillis did not turn on his body camera during the incident as required.

The Louisville Metro Police Department detective who arrested golf star Scottie Scheffler last week violated the department’s policies by failing to turn on his body camera during the incident, officials said Thursday.

An internal found that Detective Bryan Gillis did not turn on his body-worn camera during the encounter, LMPD Chief Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel said in a news conference.

CBS News

While Scheffler’s public statement on what happened was chalking it up to a simple misunderstanding, the arresting officer’s report … well … painted a different .

Gillis stopped Scheffler and attempted to give him instructions, but Scheffler “refused to comply and accelerated forward,” according to the report. Gillis was dragged “to the ground” and suffered “pain, swelling, and abrasions to his left wrist,” according to the report.

CBS News

Officer Gillis’ statement on the arrest:

ā€œWhile directing traffic in front of Gate 1 the PGA personnel stopped a bus from entering Gate 1. I observed a vehicle traveling in the opposing lanes coming at me. I stopped the and advised him he could not proceed because of the bus. He demanded to be let in, and proceeded forward my directions. I was dragged/knocked down by the driver. I then proceeded to arrest the driver.ā€


That’s a very serious .

Until now, because Detective Gillis didn’t turn on his body camera, we didn’t have any proof of his accusations against Scheffler. Now we have footage from a pole camera of the incident. Have a look:

I didn’t see anyone get dragged or knocked down by Scheffler during the incident. It appears Detective Bryan Gillis may not have told the truth in his report. That would certainly explain why there’s an investigation into the officer’s actions that .

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, April 2

Daily : , April 2


The ā€˜Tectonic Shift’ in Media That Changed Perceptions of Israel: ā€˜What’s Left Is a System Run by Activists’

Oregon governor signs bill criminalizing drug possession


: Tithe With

Tesla shares fall after deliveries drop 8.5% from a year ago

Hour 2

Biden speaks with Chinese President Xi Jinping in first call since November meeting

Xi tells Biden China ā€˜will not sit idly by’ on tech restrictions: state media

The Solar Eclipse Some Voting Deadlines in

Hour 3

Interview: Jamie Reitenour for Indiana

A new published report from international researchers marshals every line of evidence in defense of fairness in women’s sports.

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, April 2

Daily : , 12

Hour 1

meant to talk the but just up ranting .

Interview: Pastor Lucas Miles for Tuesday Tithe

Hour 2

Here is an update on the white Missouri girl who had her head cracked on the pavement. You won’t believe how woke her school district is.

California study: Attempted-suicide rate among men who had gender surgery was “twice as high” as it was before operation šŸ‘€

Hoo boy: Colorado’s top government DNA analyst allegedly “manipulated evidence for years,” possibly affecting more than 600 criminal cases

CVS Makes Future Managers Confess Their Privilege, Promises Not to Promote Merely on Merit

NOT SATIRE: Woke magazine asks ā€œwhere are all the black peopleā€ in TV drama on Japanese history šŸ’€

Hour 3

Transcript from documents probe contradicts Biden’s account of exchange with Hur over son’s death

Special counsel Hur squares off with White House, says Biden ‘willfully retained’ classified memos

Notice how she tries to talk over him once he corrects her that he didn’t exonerate .

Biden special counsel Robert Hur’s resignation from DOJ makes his testimony ā€œeven more problematicā€

Yes, Hur resigned from the DOJ. This prevents them from controlling his testimony. He is now to give his testimony as he sees fit.

My favorite part of this Special Counsel transcript showing Biden’s senility is when the president basically said “my Corvette goes BRRRR” šŸ˜‚

Common Veterans Podcast Episode 9: Valhalla

Common Episode : Valhalla

Common Veterans Podcast

Episode 9: Valhalla

The belief that dying in battle brings soldiers to the table of Odin. The Common Veterans take on the sensitive topic of suicide and PTSD.

** WARNING ** This episode discusses a very sensitive subject with Common Veterans. This episode discusses suicide, , the different beliefs of certain religions, and triggers that could be hard to handle.

I. Introductions

a. Which of has experienced someone that has suicided or attempted suicide

i. Fred

ii. Jeff

iii. Tony

iv. Kenny

II. Let's talk about life.

a. Being a Veteran means that one has signed a blank check to the government for them to cash, up to life itself

i. Being killed in combat is not suicide

ii. Suicide is illegal in the military

1. Suicide is illegal in most of the and goes against the Constitution of the United States ā€“ ā€œPursuit of happinessā€¦ā€

b. Cannot separate and soul

i. Separating the soul from the body is

1. Souls go where the body has been commended to

a. Heaven

b. Hell

c. Purgatory (?)

c. Religions do not condone suicide

i. Christianity

1. Martyrism ā€“ certain death, but saving lives

ii. Muslim

1. Suicide bombing to certain sects gets them Virgins

iii. Judaism

1. Assisted suicide from a doctor to maintain

iv. Shinto

1. Only as an act of selflessness

III. Valhalla

a. Valhalla, Old Norse Valhƶll, in Norse mythology, is the hall of slain warriors live there blissfully under the of the god Odin (Encyclopedia Brittanica)

i. Modern Day Interpretations are that this is the ā€œWarrior’s Heavenā€

1. Dying in combat sends you to Valhalla

a. This was the old Norse thought

b. Valhalla today is not always ā€œcombat relatedā€

IV. Modern Day Valhalla

a. The interpretation often for modern-day Valhalla is that Valhalla is for anyone who sees combat and dies regardless of their death.

i. This often includes suicide with the response of ā€œTil Valhalla!ā€

1. This frequently glorifies suicide and states that you’ll be in a Heaven type environment once your soul is separated from your body

2. As we discussed earlier there is no religion that condones suicide

b. Many discuss that for it to be suicide you have to be in the right headspace and timing

i. Anyone that creates suicide are not in the right headspace

1. Mental health illness is very and usually puts people in the wrong frame of mind

2. Being depressed does not make you suicidal

V. Suicide is Selfish

a. Suicide is a selfish act and it doesn’t only take away from the suicided, but the family and love ones of the suicided

i. Makes things difficult for people who loved the suicided

1. Trauma for whomever finds and/or cleans up the mess made

2. Loved ones wonder why

a. Even with a suicide note on why there is often something left out and the reason is never really ever uncovered

b. No suicide note = never having closure

i. Speculation only

ii. Renders any act of selflessness useless

1. Committing suicide is selfish and any aid that was given to others makes it useless

VI. Closing up

a. Review what has been discussed

i. Life

ii. Separation of Body and Soul

iii. Religions


v. Selfishness

b. Where to get help

i. National Suicide Hotline

1. 988

2. 1-800-273-TALK(8255)

ii. Veteran Suicide Hotline

1. 988 Option 1

iii. VetCenter

iv. FreedomSystem.

v. 22 Until None

vi. Other Veteran Organizations

VII. Next Episode: Episode 10 Friends in Low Places

a. VFW, DAV, American Legion, Marine Corps League, and other fraternal organizations are out there for Veterans. This breakdown of the organizations talks to members and the benefit of the camaraderie that these programs provide. The Common Veterans represent’s martial arts and mountain bike association.

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