Buttigieg Is Not The First Openly Gay Cabinet Member, And He Never Will Be – Tuesday, Feb. 2 – Hour 2

Hour 2

Leftists Call for ‘Melting’ Statue of Former California Mayor for Planting American Flag During Mexican-American War

Buttigieg is NOT the first openly gay cabinet member

Indiana Senate Backs Bill to Ban Renaming of Indianapolis

Mitch McConnell rips Marjorie Taylor Greene: ‘A cancer for the Republican Party’

Biden’s ‘Buy American’ Clean Energy Conundrum

Biden’s Climate Agenda Won’t Replace Jobs It Seeks To Kill, Separate AP, WaPo Fact-Checks Suggest

Study: Networks Support Democrats’ Values

Well … der!


news coverage does not reflect the political make-up of the Democrats and Republicans in Congress. Mainstream media is exceedingly likely to cover news through a partisan filter. So it’s no surprise that liberals and conservatives are polarized when it comes to news sources they trust and utilize.

In 2019, Media Research Center analyzed 540 hours of news coverage on and MSNBC over three randomly-selected weeks. The two networks conducted nearly the same number of interviews with members of Congress. In total, they interviewed 284 Democratic members of congress compared to just 40 Republican. MSNBC leaned even more to the left, as they interviewed 148 Democrats and only 11 republicans.

Both networks gave opposing questions to the Republicans but gave friendly questions to the Democrats. Meaning, they focused on Democratic talking points and agendas.

It’s common practice to ask a political interviewee to give an answer to the argument of the opposite side, but consistently asking Republicans to answer to Democratic talking points, while hardly ever asking Democrats to do the same thing, speaks to the fact that the networks are actually choosing sides.

Eric Merkley, a contributor to the American and Policy website who specializes in public opinion and , recently studied 400,000 news stories on published over three decades and found that the mainstream portrayed liberal politicians in a better light than their conservative colleagues.

The news stories were on unemployment and between 1985 and 2013 from the and a variety of mainstream newspapers, including , , and those with histories of backing the Republican Party, such as and the San Diego Union-Tribune.

He found that the tenor on economic news is more favorable during Democratic presidencies compared to Republican. He also found that only Republican administrations are treated with more negative coverage in response to short-term increases in unemployment or the inflation rate.

Click here to view original web page at www.theepochtimes.com

Report: Obama Administration’s Actions Against Press Worse Than Previously Known

The lapdog MSM has continued to give Obama a pass on most of his assault on the press. If they’d shown anywhere near the outrage they show now towards President Trump’s words for Obama’s actions, maybe they could be taken seriously.

On Thursday, the reported on the results of a Freedom of Information Act request for documents related to the Obama Justice Department’s attempts to crack down on leaks to reporters which reveal that the Obama administration’s actions against the press “were broader than previously known.”

CJR’s report, authored by Ramya Krishnan and Trevor Timm, is based on a highly redacted 59-page report ​by the Justice Department’s completed Dec. 9, 2014 and obtained via FOIA request by the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University and the Foundation (where Krishnan and Timm work, respectively).

“In 2013, the Justice Department launched a brazen attack on press freedom, issuing sweeping subpoenas for the phone records of the and several of its reporters and editors as part of a leak investigation,” the authors report. While those subpoenas have long been understood as “a massive intrusion into newsgathering operations,” they note, the recently unearthed 2014 report reveals that the subpoenas targeting AP “told only part of the story.”

The Office of Professional Responsibility’s report on the Obama Justice Department’s subpoenas of AP phone records reveals that “the DOJ’s actions against the AP were broader than previously known, and that the DOJ considered subpoenaing the phone records of other organizations, including The York Times, and ,” the authors explain. The report also reveals “how narrowly the DOJ interprets the Guidelines, the agency’s internal rules for obtaining reporters’ data.”

Source: Report: Obama Administration’s Actions Against Press Worse Than Previously Known