Horowitz: Now federal judiciary has forfeited its right to determine ALL political questions

“Republicans believe that states are in charge of elections. … I’m having hard time figuring out the basis for that .” ~Sen. , , Dec. 13, 2020

So Republicans plan to ignore every court ruling overturning state voter integrity laws in the future, right?

In recent years, the federal courts have waded into every political issue imaginable. They have prevented states from enforcing federal immigration law, while not only greenlighting states to criminalize federal law, but preventing the federal government from cutting off funding to sanctuary states. They have prevented states from defining marriage, upholding basic sexuality, or placing commonsense regulations on abortion clinics. They have prevented states from cleaning out homeless encampments and from simply declining to fund castration “” in or through Medicaid funding. They have also prevented states from requiring able-bodied Medicaid recipients attempt to seek employment.

For a while, appeared there was nothing a state (and even the feds) could do without a federal court violating the rules of standing to give some straw-man third-party organization (often on behalf of illegal aliens) standing to sue to overturn the outcome of a fundamentally political issue and decide it with finality.

However, those same courts have no problem when states thumb their noses at federal immigration law or when they violate every individual right known to man in under the guise of fighting .

Click here to view original web page at www.theblaze.com

Any ‘‘ Upset With ‘s Expose Is Untrustworthy

I predicted the blue checkmark brigade would circle the wagons and claim James O’Keefe listening in on CNN meetings and posting a video where he asked Jeff Zucker a question in that meeting was somehow wrong, immoral, or illegal.
Not surprisingly, social media is ablaze with those frivolous accusations.
Any, so-called, ‘journalist’ who is upset with O’Keefe’s actions here is a dishonest and untrustworthy waste of your time.

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Any ‘‘ Upset With ‘s Expose Is Untrustworthy

I predicted the blue checkmark brigade would circle the wagons and listening on meetings and posting a where he asked a in that meeting was somehow wrong, immoral, or illegal.

Not surprisingly, social is ablaze with those frivolous accusations.

Any, -called, ‘‘ who is upset with O’Keefe’s actions here is a dishonest and untrustworthy waste of your time.

I live stream my radio show on 95.3 MNC every afternoon at 3pm ET.

Follow me on Dlive.tv/CaseyTheHost to watch the show.


The Media Pushes Fake Hate While Ignoring Real Hate Towards Trump Supporters



Why Can’t We Listen To Experts Disagree With Politicians?

When someone blindly says ‘listen to experts’ the first should is ‘which experts?’

Newsflash: the experts don’t all agree on to do about COVID-19 and many of the world’s most prominent are actively telling you local experts and politicians are doing everything .